

"What's with that bunny doll?" Nin asked.

Nan smiled and answered, "It's from my boyfriend!"

Nin frowned and asked, "No, Okay I get it, that is from your boyfriend but where is he?"

Nan kept smiling and avoided a possibility she would glance at Din. She said, "He's here before you guys came. He's off to work now." Nan managed to make up an excuse.

Nam got a bit curious but she chose to forget it. But, she saw Din standing silent like a rock. "I see. Din, why are you not saying anything?!" she yelled.

He realized after Nam called out his name. "Ah! Oh! What?" Nam thought that he was spacing out.

Nin frowned and said, "It's about Nan having a boyfriend, you know? We just saw someone confessing to her!"

Din is a bit stuttered because he is not used to lying right in front of people's faces. "W-well that's her business you know. Why should I ask?" Din's answer didn't match his expression. He said that while frowning and looking away.