
Chapter 2

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So you already know that what I really love is, music, and composing music for the piano, organ and, especially, the harp. I know it’s weird and unusual, but I just love it. I only get to play it at one of the local churches, but nobody in my family or at school knows about it, and I want to keep it that way. (Sure we have a piano at home but it goes out of tune so quickly and it’s really just a vertical piece of trash and it seems like there’s always someone else in the room. I hate that!)

Can you imagine how much the kids at school would laugh at me if they knew I played the harp? And how ashamed my dear old Dad would be? His idea of classical music is a march by Sousa or The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Heck, he still hasn’t forgiven me for getting rubella when he and I were going to go on a week-long fishing trip with his friends.