
Nameless Maiden [BL]

~This story took place a decade after The Great Trojan war~ In a small village outside of Thebes lives a boy with no name along with his dear mother, they were labeled as curse because the gods punished the mother's husband during her pregnancy, the gods cursed their child as revenge for stealing gold in the temple of Athena, The gods got angry resulting to the prophecy of their unborn child. 'He shall grow up to be forgotten and will die without honor, a nameless entity born to be nothing' The mother mourns at her child, crying and begging the gods to lift the curse, but they only laughed at her suffering, They did not pity her for they believe that she deserved it. On the day that she delivered the child she couldn't name it, she tried countless of times but nothing came out of her mouth as if her voice was sealed from within, she cried silently along with her child, apologizing and praying to the gods that has abandoned her and his son. ~ A story about a boy who follows a journey to find his purpose, From being nothing to creating his own Legacy. P.s This story will shift into a game based system novel and it will also involve reincarnation

Horus_23 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Sudden encounter

"It always seems impossible until its done"

- Nelson Mandela


In the outskirts of Thebes inside the forest a god was walking down the dirt trying to find a prey, He saw a deer behind the trees. So, he slowly approached it, his footsteps not making a sound.

He then held up his hand like he was holding a bow then he drew the air as if it was an arrow and let go of the non existent bow. The deer fell on the ground dead, No blood came out of its body, only a cold corpse was left, The god buried the animal, and continue deeper within the forest to find another prey.

After the great trojan war nothing interesting happened these past few centuries, He was bored so he often came down to the forest to hunt, it has been the only thing that's keeping him entertained for the past few centuries, As he was looking for his next victim he came across a voice It was soft and mellow he was intrigued by the song.

The god followed the melody and at the end of the tree line he saw a wide lake, and there he saw the owner of the voice, it was a boy humming a tune, it piqued my the god's interest.


I sat near the lake at the big rocks where I clear my mind whenever I feel bothered, I sang to the fishes and I'd like to imagine them listening to my voice, Sometimes I would even talk to them just to find comfort, as I was humming a strong gust of wind sliced through my back I was startled by the sudden breeze, so I rubbed my shoulders to create heat, I was only wearing a thin clothing made from a rug that my mother sewed, So im very much vulnerable to the cold.

I heard an inaudible whisper near my ear and I instinctively look around, there was no one. I called out 'Whose There' my voice trembling at the unknown, then another gust came but it was stronger than before some dusk went to my eye and I rubbed it to get rid of the dusk, I slowly open my eyes teary from the sudden encounter with the wind.

As my vision became clear I saw a man standing in front of me, I was startled and I took a step back, He was tall with a short red hair it was flailing in the wind, he was half naked and his muscular build was almost intimidating to look at, He was only wearing a long pants made out of a fine wool 'was he a noble' I asked myself.

As I looked at his features I felt like I was in a trance, He was handsome like a prince, 'No' I corrected myself, 'he was like a king' maybe he is a king. But what would a king be doing in the forest alone? The question linger in my mind.

I bowed my head in submission, I looked only at the ground and I almost jumped the moment he speak, His voice was deep and commanding, I was frozen in place, I could feel his eyes on me.

"What is your name" He asked.

I was hesitant to speak, because I did not have an answer to his question, I was given no name at my birth, My mother only call me boy, I did not know what to say.

As I was in deep thoughts the man asked again this time determine to get my answer.

"Answer me, boy!"

"I-i have no name, sir" I stuttered each word, I did not look at him when I answered, I was nervous to see his face disappointed by my sentence.

"Are you lying to me" he accused and almost immediately I spoke "No, sir" It was louder than I intended it to be, He answered me with silence, I also want to know his name.

"Do you not know who I am" he spoke as if he heard my thoughts, Maybe I said it out loud, his sentence made me look up, his face was neutral waiting for my answer "I'm sorry sir, but I do not" I said then the wind around us became violent, 'was he controlling the wind?' I wonder to myself.

He sighed and the wind stopped "Let me introduce myself, I am Ares"

The name sounded so familiar, I gasped as soon as I recognize the name, "you mean, The god Ares" I didn't mean to say it out loud but I did.

I heard him chuckle his deep voice soothing despite his intimidating stature.

"I-im sorry, I didn't mean to trespass on your property, my Lord" I didn't know that this was his forest.

From what I heard in the cathedral Ares is 'the god of war' they often give gifts at his temple in the heart of the village, they say that he brings protection to his worshipers, No one has ever seen him but the rumors about him were indeed true, Red hair, Strong build and Majestic.

"You're an interesting little thing aren't you" He laughs lowly at the end of his sentence, I still can't comprehend the fact that I'm talking to a god, a real god!

"May I ask" He said. I nodded.

"Why do you not have a name" I thought of my answer before speaking, "My mother never gave me one, she said that the gods curse me to never be given a name, she often blame my father for the fate that has been bestowed upon me, but I did not mind not having a name, as I grew up I began to accept my situation and adapt on not having my own name"

He listened to my story quietly, then he asked again "Where did you learn how to sing?" I felt the heat came into my cheeks, I was flushed at his question 'he heard me'.

"I-i just imitate how the choir sang in the temple" I answered. He looked at me for a whole minute as if analyzing the truthfulness in my sentence. We just stood there in silence the wind whistling through the forest, then our eyes met but I quickly look away, his eyes were beautiful it was like mid summer the color of the sun, shining down to the earth, mine was dull and lifeless. My father told me that he hated my eyes he said that it was cursed, the villager would also say that my eyes were made by the devil's spawn, I later learned that my grey eyes were indeed part of my curse.

"Your voice is divine" at first I thought I was hearing things, but he indeed complemented me. A god said a praise to a mortal, I smiled at him. his sentence almost made me cry, the cold began to wither I felt hot inside, I was blushing in front of a god.

"T-thank you, my Lord"

"Would you like me to give you a name" I stared at him wide eye, shock at his sentence, "Is that even possible" I ask holding back the tears that was begging to fall.

He nodded amused at my expression "I'm a god remember, but in return you shall grant me a favor" He bargain, I agree willingly, He smiled at my answer, how can a meer smile be so captivating and beautiful.

"Astro, that shall be your name from now on" Astro I repeated, I kept repeating it inside my head, I was hesitant at first but for some reason something gave me the courage to do it.

I took a step forward and hugged him, as our skin collided my tears began to fall, I kept murmuring thank you over and over again, I was prepared to get pushed off by him but it never happen, I looked up to see his expression and he was giving me a warm smile, Why would they ever describe him as ruthless when he is so gentle.

I ended the hug and wipe the tears that was in my face, "What is the favor you desire?" I asked.

He looked at me and said "I want to hear you sing again, but you will sing only for me and no one else" His condition was fair and just. I nodded in agreement.

"Meet me here tonight, Astro" He said, before he vanished in thin air, leaving no trace. like he was never there.

I walked home after the encounter at the forest, I was excited to tell my mother about the name that was given to me.