
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · Fantasie
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101 Chs

Chapter - 49

After the dark knights were gone, the market was bombarded by the soldiers,

The citizens also started coming out from the buildings,

They began mourning for their loved ones,

Some were hugging headless bodies and, some were hugging the bodyless heads,

The market was dyed red with blood,

Morsh closed the window and sat on the bed cross-legged and started fully absorbing the souls,

Outside, Sky and others have also arrived at the scene,

They were horrified by the scene of people mourning and hugging corpses,

Sky said,

"Just who in the world did this? "

Iris said in a worried expression,

"Pete came this way too"

They all began to worry about Pete,

Sky said,

"Don't worry, he will be fine... he is strong "

Iris was the most worried about Pete,

'I should have followed him '

The priestess said to Chris,

"Chris escort me to the temple, I will pray "

Chris nodded and they both headed toward the temple,

Sky said,

"Let's split up and search for him "

Rock and Iris nodded and they split up looking for Pete,

After about an hour of searching, they met up,

Sky said,

"I couldn't find him anywhere "

Iris bit her lips and said,

"You guys go rest, I will search for him "

Rock said,

"I am not resting until we find him "

They began searching again,

Morsh was still absorbing souls,

He stops and opens his eyes and checked his body,

"Children's souls upgrade this body more than an adult's soul "

"The body is definitely stronger than before "

Morsh then stood up and walked out of the room and then out of the inn,

He saw mourning people as soon as he got out and said inwardly,

'Just wait a bit, you will be reunited '

Sky saw Morsh and ran toward him,

Morsh sighed as he saw Sky and said,

"Stop "

Sky stopped and Morsh walked toward him through the corpses,

Sky asked Morsh as he reached up to him,

"Where were you? we have been searching for you? "

Morsh said,

"I was in my room "

Iris and Rock also came at that moment,

Iris sighed of relief when she saw Morsh and said,

"Where were you? Do you even know how worried I was? "

Morsh ignored her and said to Sky,

"I will meet you tomorrow at the adventurer's guild "

Sky said,

"That can't be, we have been assigned to a duty "

Morsh asked,

"What duty? "

Sky said,

"Every adventurer in the city have to patrol whole night "

Morsh asked,

"Why's that? "

Sky replied,

"Because of the assassination of the city lord's right-hand man and also this "

Morsh smiled and said inwardly,

'So all of the adventurers will be out in the open tonight '

Seeing Morsh smile Sky said,

"So you agree to patrol, that's good "

Morsh grabbed him by his neck and said,

"Don't ever agree on my behalf "

Sky was choking when Rock said,

"Let him go Pete "

Morsh let go of Sky and said,

"This was your last warning "

Sky started coughing violently as soon as Morsh let go of him,

Iris was watching everything while blushing,

Sky said angrily,

"How dare you.... "

Morsh punched him on face before he could finish his sentence,

He went flying backwards and crashed into some wooden boxes,

He stood up with difficulty and unsheathed his sword,

A nearby soldier said,

"What are you doing with that sword, put it back "

Sky sheathed his sword with anger in his eyes and said,

"The soldier saved you today, otherwise this would have been your last day "

Morsh smiled and said while releasing some killing intent,

"Let's get out of the city then... there are no guards there "

Sky anger vanished as fear took its place,

He said inwardly,

'He is strong... I can't think irrational here '

Sky calmed himself down and said with a smile on his face,

"I was just joking earlier, you don't have to be this serious "

Morsh said inwardly,

"I will kill all of you so fast that you wouldn't even realize you died '

The priestess and Chris walked in at that moment,

They ran up to Morsh as they saw him,

The priestess said,

"It's good that you are alive "

Chris said,

"I heard a couple of high-level warriors killed the citizens here "

Sky said,

"Yes, and apparently they all were first-rate warriors "

Chris said,

"Let's head back to guild "

Everyone nodded and they ran toward the guild,

As they were getting closer to the guild, they began to see a lot of adventurers,

Sky said,

"Just who attacked the city!!!"

Morsh was running in the back looking at the adventurers,

'Hmm... they gathered this many in such short time... they are quite fast for the medieval time"

They reached the guild and entered it,

The guild was filled to brim with adventurers,

The atmosphere inside the guild was quite serious,

There was a lot of adventurers, but no one was talking and an unusual silence has filled the room,

They walked up to the receptionist and Sky asked,

"Hello, would you mind telling us what is happening "

The receptionist said,

"The branch head is going to make an announcement "

Morsh said,

"Can I meet him "

The receptionist said,

"NO, he is in meeting with the mercenary branch head "

This shocked everyone inside the guild,

Rock slammed his fist on the table and said,

"What kind of nonsense is this... why is he meeting with the criminals "

The receptionist said,

"Please refrain your anger otherwise you will be punished "

The adventurer's branch head and a middle aged man walked out of the branch head's office,

Every adventurer's eyes turned toward them,

The branch head clears his throat and said with aura infused in his voice

"The city is in grave danger and we have decided that the adventurers and mercenaries will defend it together "

The branch head's words shook the adventurers,

The branch head said,

"This is the order from the city lord, so you have no other choice that to comply "

The branch head then entered his office and closed the door,

The middle aged man with him walked out of the guild,

Sky said,

"Let's talk outside, there are too many people here "

They walked out of the guild and entered a restaurant nearby,

They sat on a table and ordered some food,

Sky said,

"What do we do about patrolling "

Morsh said,

"I will be alone and you can do anything you want "

Iris was blushing while staring at Morsh,

Sky said,

"You can't do that... "

Morsh stood up and walked out of the restaurant,

Chris said,

"We can't let him go alone... he is not mentally stable "

Sky nodded and said,

"We will follow him quietly "

Morsh entered the guild and entered the branch head's office,

The branch head was sitting on the chair and going through some documents,

He ran up to Morsh as soon as he saw him and kneeled,

"Your order master "

Morsh sat on his chair and said,

"Clear the training grounds"

The branch head said,

"As your command "

Morsh then walked out of the office and entered the training ground,

There were a lot of adventurers in the training ground,

Morsh walked in a corner and sat cross-legged and started absorbing normal souls,

Hours passed in a brim and the night befalls,

Morsh opened his eyes,

The training ground was empty so Morsh changed his outfit,

He then summoned all of his 30 dark knights and gave them swords covered in dark energy,

Morsh ordered them,

"Two of you stay with me and others spread around the city in the groups of four and start killing "

The dark knights spreads and ran toward the different directions,

Morsh then summoned 200 dark lieutenants and gave them weapons manifested with dark energy, He then ordered them,

"Half of you will massacre the citizens and half of you bring me the valuables "

The dark lieutenants also spread around and started killing and robbing,

Morsh looked toward the guild and smiled,

"It's time to end everything "

Morsh wore a cloth mask and released dark poison smoke and surrounded the guild,

The guild was still filled with adventurers,

The dark smoke was entering the guild slowly,

Couple of the adventurers saw the dark smoke and one of them shouted,

"What is that "

Sky and others were also inside the guild,

Sky said to others,

"What is that "

One of the adventurers touched the smoke and dropped dead,

This made the others scared,

One of them said,

"The smoke has surrounded us "

Sky turned over to the priestess and said,

"What do you think that smoke is "

The priestess said,

"I have never seen something like this before "

The smoke suddenly stopped moving,

This shocked everyone inside,

Iris said,

"I have a bad feeling about this "

The door that leads to the training ground smashed open and startled everyone inside,

Morsh entered with the two dark knights following him,

He looked at everyone and said,

"Embrace your last moments "

He unsheathed his sword and covered it with dark energy,

Iris recognized the sword and took out her bow saying,

"Where did you get that sword "

Morsh looked toward her and said,

"This is my sword, don't you remember "

They realized at that moment who the person in front of them actually is,

The other adventurers were also mesmerized by the dark knights standing behind Morsh,

One of them said,

"What are those creatures... I have never seen them before "

Morsh signaled the dark knights and they begin killing the adventurers,

The adventurers were no match for the dark knights so the only option they have is death,

The branch head walked out of the office due to the commotion and said,

"Why are you being so loud "

The adventurers felt a glint of hope when they saw the branch head,

But that hope shattered as the branch head ran toward Morsh and kneeled in front of him,

Morsh decapitated the branch head and absorbed his soul,

"You are being promoted "

The adventurers lost all hope of living with the death of the branch head,

Sky and others were still staring at Morsh blankly,

Morsh looked at them and ordered the dark knights,

"Don't kill them... they are mine "

This made their senses to come back,

Sky asked Morsh,

"Why are you doing this Pete "

Morsh said,

"I am not Pete... I just possessed his body "

This shocked everyone and Rock said,

"Who are you then "

Morsh sighed and said,

"Why would I tell you that "

Morsh slowly walked toward them saying,

"I am going to kill you now one by one "

Sky unsheathed his sword and said,

"I the seventh prince of the Bahram kingdom orders you to surrender peacefully "

Morsh smiled and said,

"So you are a prince "

Morsh disappeared and appeared behind all of them,

Their heads fell on the ground simultaneously followed by their bodies,

Morsh absorbed their souls and got their skills,

He was surprised by the Iris's soul,

"Woah, an elven soul is great... I can also use mana now "

"This changes everything... I can use spells now without using dark energy "

The dark knights have already finished all of the adventurers,

Morsh absorbed their souls from the weapons of the dark knights and summoned them,

He then gave them swords manifested through dark energy and orders them,

"Go massacre the citizens around the city "

They ran out of the guild,

Morsh also walked out of the guild and said,

"It's time to loot the city "