
Myths & Legends, Lies & Nobodies

Mill Kabrok has always wanted to be an adventurer, so he was excited when he finally got the chance to see what type of bloodline he had. What he didn't expect was the machine telling him he had no bloodline. No ability would have been fine, a low blood purity would have been ok as well, but the idea that his bloodline is 100% unknown. That was strange. He even has an ability even though the machine couldn’t read that either, but he had one just no bloodline. This was shocking to everyone because there has never been anyone without a bloodline. After running out of the event Mill found an abandoned building to sleep in where he had a dream, no, a vision of his ancestor where he learned the truth. His ancestor told him about how his bloodline was one that was never recorded into the system even though he was a member of the very first hero’s party. The one that beat the Ancient Disaster Agralon. Everyone from Mill’s era takes this to mean that the hero killed Agralon, but according to Mill’s ancestor that wasn’t the case. Agralon was sealed, not killed, but why would they lie about that and why was Mill’s ancestor not recorded in history? Something wasn’t right with history and Mill needed to find out while also preparing for Agralon’s release, as Mill’s ancestor told him, Agralon could only be sealed for 1500 years, and it’s been 1494 so he only had six years to increase his strength and get answers. After waking up, Mill had a newfound mission. His dream of becoming an adventurer was now just a means to the end. He needed strength and allies to help him fight so he started his journey by entering an adventuring academy. Mill would gain more understanding of his own bloodline, the world that he grew up in, and the secret histories of the world that had become lost to time. He will gain friends, enemies, allies, and rivals that will greatly impact him for the rest of his life. Agralon is the ancient disaster so how would he beat him?

Weastus · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Chapter 12: Mill versus Sir Lokk

"It seems that you wish to attempt to defy me. No matter, I will show you what happens when you defy the kingdom of Ukon." The knight drew his sword and pointed it at Mill causing the flames behind Mill to kick up even more. "I don't know where Ukon is, but if you're a part of it then I'll just have to squash their legacy with you!"

Though his face couldn't be seen Mill could see a slight shiver across the knight's body showing the anger that he felt from that last statement. "I am Sir Lokk, Grand Knight of the house of Lokk, and I will not allow anyone to scrub dirt through the name of the Kingdom of Ukon. Especially not arrogant no names like yourself, boy." Mill slowly raised his hand and pointed the dagger in his hand at the knight.

"My name is Mill Kabrok, amateur adventurer of the house of who gives a fuck, and I don't give a fuck about your kingdom or your house." No longer able to hold back his own rage, Sir Lokk took one powerful leap toward Mill with his blade still pointed toward him. Mill smirked and rushed toward the knight at his fastest speed as he prepared for to attack.

The two collided in the center of the room and a loud clank could be heard as the steel of their weapons collided. While their weapons were connected Mill suddenly felt his body lift off of the ground and get flung into the air. During Mill's surprise the knight quickly jumped into the air and preformed three precisely aimed strikes on Mill's right arm. Mill winced slightly and used what little control he had in the air to kick the knight in the center of his chest, but Sir Lokk had expected this and caught Mill's leg and threw him to the ground.

Mill was currently in pain, but he had no time to think about it as he saw Sir Lokk quickly descending from above. Mill barely managed to push himself out of the way before Lokk came crashing down stabbing his blade into the ground after landing.

Mill took the moment that the blade was stuck in the ground to unleash a flurry of strikes at Lokk, but as the rain of blows made contact with the armor, they didn't even seem to leave slight dents. Mill noticed that Lokk had managed to get his sword free and retreated just as the blade left the ground and was swung at him. Lokk wasted no time in making chase to Mill when suddenly he bright wave a flame came out and covered his armor.

The flames were bright and caused the knight to lose sight of Mill for a second when he felt an intense burning sensation coming from behind him. He turned to late to notice that Mill had managed to circle around him and had struck him on the back with his two daggers now covered in flames. Mill smiled when he heard the gasp of surprise from the knight but that smile quickly fell when he noticed that the attack barely left a scratch on the armor. "What the fuck!" Mill exclaimed angrily. "What's your armor made of!? Why can't I damage it!?"

The knight didn't answer Mill and went to kick him in the stomach which Mill attempted to dodge, but Mill realized too late that it was a faint and felt the knight's blade carve into his flesh. While the blade was still in his body he watched as Lokk's eyes started to glow and the blade started to vibrate at high speeds. The vibrating blade proceeded to cut deeper into Mill's body bringing him extreme pain.

When he went to remove himself from the blade, he realized that no matter how hard he tried that the blade wouldn't budge. He then felt himself being lifted into the air by Lokk and it was so sudden that when he tried to free himself from Lokk's grip he had already been slammed on the ground and the wind was knocked out of him. The blade was then withdrawn from his body and Lokk lifted it into the air to attempt to finish Mill.

Just as the blade swung down Mill lifted his daggers to block the sword, when his head was suddenly encased inside of a bubble of water that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Did you think that you were the only one here that was well versed in magic? What a foolish boy." From within the water Mill couldn't see nor could he breathe but he still felt the impact of the sword on his daggers, though he was quickly losing the strength that he needed to hold the sword off.

He needed to think of something to get himself out of this situation and fast. 'I can't fucking stand this guy!' as Mill's rage flared up more Sir Lokk was shocked to suddenly feel himself being pushed back and flames started to arise on Mill's daggers once again but this time the heat was far more intense. 'He's so fucking annoying. I swear to the Blaze, I'll beat him. No, I'll kill him! No, I'll crush him!'

As Mill's inner voice got more and more violent, his strength and power of his flames in grew exponentially. Suddenly, Mill felt something rising from the back of his mind. He's never felt something like it before, but for some reason he felt like he knew what he had to do. Mill closed his eyes and called out toward this weird feeling, "Come on out! Crush my foe with the power of my burning rage!"

Lokk started to push more of his body weight onto the daggers when he saw Mill's head glowing inside of the bubble of water. He watched as the water began to boil and turn to steam at a rapidly progressing rate. "What in the name of my lord?" Lokk activated his ability once again except this time his entire body started to shake and was managing to force Mill's daggers back toward him. However, this didn't last for long as the flames grew hotter, and Mill's strength seemed to still be increasing as Lokk continued to be pushed back.

The water was now turning red from the flames that Mill and more steam was being produced. Lokk was more and more surprised by the second as his mind started to race. 'Did the boy have an active ability? I may have underestimated him. However, there must be a limit to how much he can increase his strength so I will wear that out for now. Look leaped back and to let Mill stand up and was preparing for anything that the boy might do when he stood up.

Mill slowly lifted himself off of the ground as the all the water had turned into steam and covered his face from the knight. All that could currently be seen from the steam was the boy glowing yellow eyes that never looked at anything other than Sir Lokk. Lokk waited for Mill to try to lunge at him because from what he could tell from their earlier clashes, the boy preferred to use physical attacks and only used his flame to distract his opponent or to enhance his attack power further. Which is why it was shocking when the knight felt a powerful burning sensation from underneath him. He looked down and saw that the floor that he was standing on had turned bright orange. Before he had any more time to react a huge pillar of fire engulfed him and started to burn through his armor.

"So, you've changed your fighting style. It seems that I took you as a physical fighter when you are truly a mage of some sort." It was at this moment that Lokk watched as a hand reached through the flames, grabbed him by the face and pulled him out into the open.

As he was pulled out of the flames, he watched as the hand that pulled him out was also scorched by the fire. The owner didn't seem to care though as Lokk could hear his helmet being crushed by the grip of the person that pulled him out. Person? Was this even a person anymore?

Lokk now had a clear view of who he believed was Mill, but a few things were very different. His skin was beet red, his hair moved like it was on fire and it had changed to a mixture of orange, yellow, and white in color. The only thing left that the boy could be recongnized by was he glowing yellow eyes. As Lokk looked at the boy he saw a ferocious grin planted on his face.

"Get ready to be crushed and burned, knight. You've awakened the wrath from within this body!" Mill held Sir Lokk in the air with one hand as he looked him directly in the eyes.

"And he's ready to have some fun!!"