
Mythos of the Demonic Divine

Thousands of deaths upon failures, torturous human experiments since childhood, all for the sake of satisfying some rich man's cruel desires. Rivaan, a successful test subject of super human project, has been suffering from inhumane experiments since he was 5 years old. Detached from the outer world, seperated from his mother and confined to a white room, Rivaan has only hope left in him. A hope that helped him survive through hellish tortures. The hope that he will one day be free. But all hell broke loose when one day, those demons in human skin dared to take even this hope away from him. Rivaan lost it. He descended into a beastial rampage with no reason or any consciousness. He killed anything and everything that came across his path, whether it was an enemy, a friend or just an innocent animal. When he came to his senses, only then did he realise what kind of abomination he have become. "What have they done to me....!" He muttered through grinding teeth as he glared at his reflection in the pool of blood. But he was atleast free! His oppressors dead, their bodies nothing but cold corpses. His heart that had been chained through years of pains finally felt happiness. His lips making the biggest smile ever. Just as he was about to roar in excitement.... A divine ethereal voice rang out. [Mortal, i bless you with the honour of offering your eternal servitude to my Lord, The God from another world]

Hanand_Giri · Fantasie
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3 Chs

An abomination

Humans were curious beings.

So it was but inevitable that many curiosity will arise in their mind.

What is the full potential of a human?

This was a question many people wanted to know, but rarely any answers that could satisfy their curiosity emerged.

But then, the richest man on earth, having acquired everything that the world could offer, wanted to know the answers to these questions.

There was nothing in the world that this man couldn't acquire, except the answers to the many mysterious wonders.

Hence, he invested a significant amount of wealth into researches to satisfy the only hunger of curiosity that was left inside of him.

"Are we really alone in the vast infinite space?"

"What was hidden deep within the boundless ocean?"


"What was the full potential of a human being?"

The three biggest of his curiosity, in order to find answers he founded three organisation to work on these questions.

But alas...

20 years went by with no significant discovery. After all, the humanity has been searching answers for centuries. What could he find in measly 20 years?

However, the funding of the richest man on earth was by no means a joke.

Three organisation, despite not having any progress in the main goal, still had major discoveries in the science field and the development of humanity.

But just like a candle, while the the bight light spreading appeared beautiful, most ignored the ugly darkness just below it.

The success of these organisations were standing on many atrocities, suffering and blood.

Especially, the illegal human experiments conducted by the organisation responsible for finding out human potential, Super Human Project.

The number of people that must have been disposed off by them because of failures could create numerous small hills of corpses in these past 20 years.

After countless torturous experiments, test, trial and even deaths conducted by them, only for 101 successful test subjects to emerge and one of these test subjects was me.

This was all i knew about the people who had ruined me to this point.

But it was really sad. Thousands or even tens of thousands of peoples were mercilessly sacrificed for just 101 successful attempts.

In a wide room with a high ceiling, i stood alone. I couldn't remember what happened few hours ago, my mind was very foggy.

However i did remember being extremely angry, furious enough to go on an beastial rampage with no reason or any consciousness.

But i vaguely knew, these scumbags had crossed a line thai should have never been crosssed.

I guess, that is why there's such a horrifying scene infront of me.

There was a small hill of corpses of various peoples and my fellow test subjects before me.

Every one of those corpses had an expression of terror and unwillingness as if unresigned to their untimely death.

But despite what they felt before their demise, their blood still flowed like river, forming a large pool in the wide room that is now filled with a distinct metallic scent.

I looked at the mountain of cold dead bodies, and at my blood stained hands. I could also see my white patient gown drenched in bloody red.

All these carnage, i.....am the cause of it.

I killed them all.

"You're the most beautiful subject."

"A perfect human!"

"A creation capable of reaching the full potential! We succeeded!"

"After all the sacrifices and failures, we finally had some success!"

I could still remember those words, spoken by these now cold corpses. Perfect? Me?

I glanced at the destruction i caused, and then at my reflection in the pool of blood.

Droplets of blood were dripping through my face and into the pool, constantly distorting my reflection in the pool. I knew, the blood was not even mine.

But that didn't hindered me from seeing how dirty i was.

The tear stains under my bleak black eyes were glaring to look at. I had cried so much, that there were no more tear left in me.

I looked pathetic.

I gritted my teeth and spoke out, "What have they done to me....!"

This is not perfection. Even if it was, i hated this perfection.

I hated what they have made me into.

They did not create a perfect human, but an abomination.

"That's right, you are a monster in human skin."

A gentle voice whispered into my ear.

"What!? Who.....!"

I was surprised, i was sure i was the only one who was alive in this room. But then who....?

"A monster who cannot even control his own strength." The voice ranged in my ears again. The voice was very sweet and gentle, as if uttered by an angel.

I looked around the white room, scanning everything. But i couldn't see anyone.

But then, the gentle voice whispered again from my left.

"A monster who killed even his friends in rampage, blinded by rage."

When i turned to my left, there was still nothing.

I was getting confused and agitated. Am i schizophrenic?

The voice was also striking on my weakness like a fierce beast as if it wants to devour me raw and whole. What it wanted from me, i didn't knew, or maybe i really got myself a weird mental disorder.

However, suddenly i felt someone's presence behind me, my instinct tooker and i hurriedly turned around with a right jab

But alas....

"Do you hate them? The evil bastards who made you into a monster, do you want to kill them all?"

....my fist covered in blood hit empty air.

But i did not pay attention to that. Even the mysterious voice disappeared from my mind, as all my attention was stolen.

Stolen by the mountain of corpses, more specifically the corpse that was climbing it's way out of the cold bodies.

A male corpse climbed out and began crawling towards me speaking in a creepy voice.

"Why..... Rivaan!" It wailed out my name, like a vengeful spirit.

I was not able to say anything. My mind blanked when it's voice reached my ear.

"Why would you do this to me!?"

I could see him pointing his bloody hand at the hole in the middle of his forehead.

A bullet hole shot by me.....

I choked on my air. I was not able to breathe in air properly, gasping like a dog.

Was it because the body was hidden in the pile of corpses? I hadn't realised the situation up until now. Or maybe i was just denying reality.

But the terrifying scene in front of him, rubbed the bitter truth all over his face. The reality is that his friend has died.....by his own hand at that.

"Ricky....." When i finally mustered up the courage to eke out my voice, i felt a hand roughly grab my leg.

A femine voice rang out, "Rivaan, why did you...!"

When i looked down, all the courage that i had build up, left me. The scene before me, the feminine face that i saw horrified me.

So much so that i fell back on my butt. The cold sensation of the blood from the pool drenching my behind sent a chill that shuddered me to the core.

The scene that graced my eyes was a vicious punch mark that was etched on her right side of the face, it was so severe that half of her face had caved in.

Even now, blood flowed continuously from all over her orifices. One could even see white brain matter flowing out of her left ear.

Fragments of memory of what happened before flashed before my eyes.

I.....was the one who one punched her to death.....

"Rebecca..... Ricky...Iam sorry...!"

My face dropped along with my shoulders as if all of my strength left my body.

I was not able to say anything more. I didn't knew what to even do other than apologize.

The guilt of killing my own friends was so heavy.....

"Who do you think is responsible for all this? The death of your friends, your rampage, and your endless sufferings?"

Who? I knew.

That man. He, who created the organisation to torture me for more than half of my entire life.

"You do not deserve the sufferings, Rivaan. Iam sure, you know what you desire more than i do. I can help you achieve that Rivaan." The voice turned seductive, giving me the greatest of temptation.


Revenge on the man who created hell for me.

"Yes, that is right. I offer you my help in your revenge. Do you accept my aid, Rivaan?"

All of sudden, even in this chaotic state, i could hear the voice turn feminine and incomparably holy.

It was so serene and blissfull, i felt endless hope from the voice. As if through offering myself to her, i will achieve everything that i desire.

The holy voice compelled me accept it, to give myself to her mercy. To forever serve and become her servant, to bask in the glory of being her eternal aid.

Yes! I shall accept!

"Say it out loud, mortal. Do you accept?" An extremely arrogant and condescending voice asked.

Before my eyes, ethereal golden words appeared. Strangely, they were written in English letters.

[You shall become the eternal servant through soul servitude, belonging solely to the Angel Elpis. Do you accept it?]

I smiled for the first time, raising my right hand with my bloody middle finger erecting proudly, i shouted.

"Screw you, bitch!"

As you must've noticed, i hate glazing. that's why i will only describe something in 2 lines utmost and then move on to the story (sometimes higher lines can be used if necessary).

But let me know if you people like glazing, i will try to do it if majority wants it.

Hanand_Giricreators' thoughts