
MYTHOLOGY : The way of the Sword

In the immersive virtual online game called "Mythology," where players experience a 100 percent synchronization rate, a whole new world unfolds. It transcends the limitations of reality, granting the blindman a sight and enabling the disabled to walk once more. This extraordinary game encompasses all mythological factions, including Norse, Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Arthurian, Greek, Japanese, and many others. Each faction boasts legendary, divine, and epic classes, united against a common adversary: the dark forces threatening their world. Our MC Ares, a prodigious kid hailing from an ancient martial arts family. Although the knowledge of his lineage has been largely forgotten, his innate talent for swordsmanship remains. Guided by his grandfather's teachings, Ares begins his journey in swordsmanship from his childhood. Immersing himself in the vast world of Mythology, Ares channels his focus into refining his swordsmanship. His dedication transcends the boundaries between the virtual and real realms as he tirelessly trains. Along his journey, he unlocks the extraordinary talent Sword Heart, awakening the profound Sword Intent within him . Through unwavering determination and relentless practice, Ares not only ascends to the esteemed rank of a legendary class within the game but also gains a remarkable advantage: the Mythology Interface. This extraordinary interface grants him unparalleled access to master all skills from all classes and faction and obtain Mythic rank equipment, pets, inheritances, and blood line anything. he also awakens another cheat abiity, a mythical rank martial soul.

Xitiz_Shrestha_3788 · Spiele
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30 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning

In the bustling city of New York, where towering skyscrapers reached for the heavens and the vibrant glow of neon lights painted the night, lived a seemingly ordinary high school kid named Ares Blade heart. With his tousled dark hair, the shade of midnight, and dark blue eyes that shimmered with a hint of mystery, he blended effortlessly into the crowds of students who roamed the halls of St. Mark's Academy

Ares hailed from a modest background, his parents being hardworking businessmen with an average salary. However, there was a hidden legacy within his family, one that set them apart from the ordinary. They were descendants of an ancient martial arts lineage, their heritage steeped in the secrets of swordsmanship and combat. Though the knowledge had been forgotten and lost as generations passed, Ares would soon uncover his family's unique heritage and embark on a journey to rediscover the ancient martial arts that flowed in his blood.

While Ares's father had chosen a different path, leaving behind the way of the martial arts, his grandfather had recognized the flicker of potential within young Ares from an early age. And so, the young boy found himself initiated into the world of ancient traditions, guided and trained by his wise and skilled grandfather.

Swordsmanship became Ares's passion, his heart resonating with the rhythm of each precise movement. Even after his grandfather's passing, the young warrior remained steadfast in his dedication, continuing to wield his sword long after the moon had risen, and the world had fallen asleep. Whenever frustration gnawed at his soul or a moment of respite presented itself, Ares would immerse himself in the art that defined him.

As he swung his blade in the solitude of the night, an unspoken promise echoed within him. Ares Bladeheart would carve his own path, not just as an ordinary high school student, but as a warrior who would honor his family's ancient martial arts legacy. His grandfather's words echoed in his mind, a poem recited with every practice, guiding him on this sacred journey:

"In the realm of warriors, where steel meets skill,

Ancient poets sing of the sword with a thrill.

A dance of blades, a symphony of might,

Unleashing valor and courage in the night.

With each strike, a tale of heroes unfold,

Their prowess and honor, timeless and bold.

Through artistry of combat, they express,

The essence of their souls, an eternal caress.

The sword, a conduit for their inner flame,

A conduit through which legends proclaim.

In battles fierce, their spirits ignite,

The clash of steel, a poet's delight.

From ancient scrolls to whispered verse,

Swordsmanship transcends, it shall traverse.

For in the heart of every warrior's creed,

Lies the beauty of the sword, a poet's need.

So let the ink flow, the words take flight,

As we immortalize the warriors' might.

Through poems woven with artful grace,

We celebrate their swordsmanship's embrace."

And so, beneath the moonlit sky, Ares began his journey, his blade reflecting both his ancestry and his own fierce spirit. With each swing, he channeled the power of the poem, infusing his movements with the spirit of the ancient warriors. Little did he know that his unwavering devotion to swordsmanship would soon propel him into a destiny far greater than he could ever have imagined. With the words of the poem resonating in his soul, Ares set forth, ready to forge his own legend and bring the art of the sword to life once more.

The Next day,

As usual, Ares found himself sitting in his monotonous classroom, barely able to stay awake during the mind-numbing lectures. The walls seemed to close in on him, suffocating his adventurous spirit. However, the moment the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, a wave of excitement washed over him.

Gathering with his friends at their usual spot, Ares couldn't help but overhear their animated conversation about a newly launched virtual reality game called "Mythology." It was said to be a full-immersive experience, transporting players into another world where they could earn real money. What intrigued Ares even more were the rumors that ancient martial artists could apply their real-world skills and even enhance them within the game.

The mention of martial arts ignited a spark within Ares, his thoughts drifting to his own family's rich legacy. Could this be an opportunity to truly test his abilities? Although he had never been an avid gamer and had no experience in the virtual realm, something about this game resonated with him on a profound level.

Eagerly, Ares turned to his friends, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they described the immersive nature of the game and the potential for wealth. They shared details about the virtual reality helmets required to access the game, and Ares felt a pang of uncertainty as he realized the cost involved.

Fueled by determination, Ares clenched his fists, his features etched with unwavering resolve. Despite his current state of financial hardship, the allure of earning money through his beloved martial arts skills was too compelling to resist. With a fire burning within him, he made the decision to take the leap and give it a try. Turning to his best friend and partner-in-crime, the affable and mischievous Willam Roosevelt from the influential Roosevelts Corporation, Ares approached him with a mixture of seriousness and a sly grin.

"Willan, my dear friend," Ares began, feigning a somber tone, "I'm in dire need of your assistance. It's a matter of utmost importance."

Willan's eyes widened, his expression turning from curiosity to concern. "Ares, what's the matter? Did something terrible happen?"

Ares waved his hand dismissively. "No, no, it's nothing like that. You see, there's this virtual reality game called Mythology, and it's said that martial artists can apply their real-world skills and even improve on them. It's a golden opportunity!"

Willan's face broke into a mischievous grin. "Ah, I see where this is going. You want me to lend you money to buy a gaming helmet so you can chase skirts online!"

Ares couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh, you incorrigible rogue! No, I assure you it's not about chasing skirts. I want to become a virtual gamer and make a name for myself. Who knows, maybe I'll even get virtual abs!"

Willan playfully punched Ares on the shoulder. "Haha, I should've known you'd have some grand adventure in mind! Alright, consider the funds officially granted. But remember, when you become a virtual superstar, I expect a lifetime supply of virtual doughnuts!"

The two friends continued to share laughter, their bond stronger than ever as they embarked on this comical and thrilling journey together. Ares couldn't help but admire Willan's enthusiasm for the game. They exchanged playful banter, with Willan boasting about his already impressive level 10 character and his conquests in Noviece Village.

After bidding farewell to his friend, Ares set off on his way, the image of Willan's confident avatar lingering in his mind. The excitement was palpable as he walked towards the gaming store. Gritting his teeth and pushing aside any doubts, he knew he was making the right decision. This investment in a virtual reality helmet was more than just a purchase—it was a step towards fulfilling his potential and chasing his dreams. With determination in his heart, Ares stepped into the store, ready to embark on an adventure that would change his life forever. With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Ares purchased the gaming helmet, clutching it tightly as he made his way back home. Little did he know that this simple decision would mark the beginning of a journey that would intertwine his martial arts heritage with a realm beyond his imagination.

As the evening sun set and the city plunged into darkness, Ares donned the virtual reality helmet, his heart racing with anticipation. With every nerve tingling and a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, he took his first steps into the virtual world of "Mythology," unaware of the epic odyssey that awaited him.

As soon as Ares donned the virtual reality helmet, he found himself immersed in darkness, his senses momentarily deprived. Suddenly, a blinding light burst forth, accompanied by a resounding voice that echoed through the void.

"Welcome to Mythology."

The words reverberated within Ares' mind, awakening a sense of wonder and anticipation. And then, before him, a scene unfolded, as if the very fabric of the virtual world had come alive. An epic background story began to play out, casting a captivating spell on Ares' imagination.

"As ancient prophecies foretold, an ominous darkness has descended upon the once-peaceful lands of Mythology. Malevolent forces from the depths of the abyss seek to engulf the world in eternal darkness, threatening to obliterate the realms of gods and mortals alike. The gods, legendary heroes, and mythical creatures of various mythologies have united, setting aside their differences, to defend their homelands against this encroaching evil."

The tale unraveled, painting a vivid picture of a world teetering on the brink of destruction, of heroes rising against insurmountable odds, and the fate of Mythology hanging in the balance. Ares felt his heart stir with a newfound sense of purpose. This was not just a game—it was a grand quest, an epic battle against the forces of darkness.

As the background story concluded, the system voice returned, prompting Ares to customize his character. Choosing his name, server, and appearance, Ares contemplated for a moment. Drawing inspiration from his own identity and his passion for swordsmanship, he settled on the name "Sword Sovereign."

With his character creation complete, Ares chose a random server then, the system-initiated a thorough scan of Ares' physical body, allocating attributes to his virtual avatar. The scanning process was completed with a series of cheerful dings, signaling the system's approval.

Ding! [Scan Completed]

Ding! [Found Innate Ability: Sword Heart]

Ding! [Found Special physique: ???? unawaken]

Ding! [Attribute Allocation Complete. Wishing the player, a fulfilling journey.]

In an instant, Ares felt a surge of energy coursing through his being. As the system sound faded, he found himself transported to a quaint village within the mystical realm of Mythology.