
Chapter 496 Current Technique Scouting Plan

Chen Xi, who gobbled up Fa Zheng's food without a shred of guilt, was always open to any revelry, be it singing, dancing, or feasting. However, it must be said, Fa Zheng's cook was rather good at cooking.

"I'll give you this portion too." Chen Xi passed a small dish from his own table to the small table of Lu Xun seated beside him, who was clearly very pleased with the novelty of stir-fried dishes, having been accustomed to eating stewed food every day.

"Oh, thank you, Master," Lu Xun said, putting aside his chopsticks with a respectful tone.

"Don't be so formal. If you like it, Xiaoo Zhi, bring another serving," Chen Xi pointed at the table and instructed, "Serve him some fried rice instead of steamed buns, as he might not be used to them. And bring a little of every dish. Boyan really likes this way of eating."

Fa Zheng gestured to someone on the side, and soon Lu Xun's small table was swapped with a new serving, and various small dishes and bowls were laid out.