
Chapter 199 Everyone's Spiritual Talent

The intelligence organization at Mount Tai was certainly not mediocre; with the abundant expenditure of silver coins, they nearly always had the intelligence in hand as soon as Liu Biao's troops made a move. Of course, the entire intelligence analysis and processing department relied on the support of Guo Jia, Jia Xu, and Fa Zheng.

However, Jia Xu never showed up for work, and Guo Jia was perpetually drunk, leaving Fa Zheng as the only one doing the work—that was the apparent situation. In reality, both Jia Xu and Guo Jia paid attention to the intelligence, but as long as Fa Zheng's handling of it did not deviate too much, neither of them would interfere. Thus, the real powerhouse in handling Mount Tai's intelligence was Fa Zheng.