
Chapter 1


I wrapped my jacket around me tighter and rubbed my hands together to warm them up. Winter was approaching and it was starting to get colder outside. I was sitting at the edge of the forest that was behind our backgrounds. Many mysterious creatures were rumored to be staying in this forest. Even the strongest of the wolf in our Crescent Moon pack were afraid to go deep into the forest.

My parents had never allowed me to go into the forest ever in my life. It was forbidden territory for me. My twentieth birthday was a couple of weeks from today and I was still not able to shift. I couldn't even sense my wolf. All my friends had shifted into their wolves when they had turned 18, and I was still struggling to detect my wolf. Being the only daughter of the Alpha and Luna I was supposed to lead this pack one day. Without a wolf, I could never lead my pack. No pack members would want a Luna who cant even shift and was incapable of defending herself.

I had started to draw away from everyone as the time went by and I was not able to sense my wolf. I had become reclusive, I preferred to stay lonely wandering in my thoughts. Loneliness was a blessing to me compared to the pitiful glances that I received from the pack members. The way they whispered behind my back and pitied me had drawn me away from everyone.

No one dared to say anything directly from the fear of my father. My father Xavier Stark, was one of the strongest Alphas in the world. He ruled over his pack with a tight fist. No pack member ever tried to cross with my father, because they knew the punishment would b death. Still, with time the pack members were getting bolder, especially some of the she-wolves. They thought me unworthy of being a Luna and leading the pack.

Today I was feeling more depressed than ever before and hence had skipped the pack meeting and had come here to sit in this secluded spot and sulk. lately, sulking had become my favorite pass time. I was not able to understand why I couldn't reach my wolf. Why was my wolf hiding somewhere inside me and was not willing to let me get to it? Some of the pack members believed that my wolf was dormant and might become active by some trigger. Some had the belief that I didn't have a wolf at all. Even I had started to believe that I didn't have a wolf. I could have sensed it at some point if it existed.

I was strong and my parents made sure that I trained harder, but without my wolf, the training won't help much because I won't be able to defend myself in human form from a wolf, no matter how strong and fast I was.

I got an odd feeling that I was being watched. It was dark already and I was all alone near a forest full of mythical creatures. The hairs on my neck stood up and I felt a chill run down my spine.

This was happening a lot with me these days that I got this feeling that I was being watched. It even happened at school sometimes. I was never caught anyone watching me, but the feeling just wouldn't go. It might well be a fragment of my imagination.

I haven't found my mate yet. It could be because I didn't have a wolf. There was a possibility that there was no mate for a person like me who didn't have the wolf. Most of the pack members of my age had already found heir mates, barring a few.

A woody scent hit my nostrils and I looked around concentrating hard to see with my human eyes. The wolves tend to enhance the hearing and seeing the capabilities of their human form. Without my wolf, I was just a normal human being. I would have been considered an abomination if I was not the daughter of an Alpha.

The scent receded with a gush of chilly air. I closed the zipper of my jacket to avoid getting cold. The night looked colder than usual today. Or was it because of the presence of some other creature around in the forest somewhere?

" Freya, your parents are looking for you," our Omega Mrs. Nelson called me from the steps of the backdoor of the Alpha's house.

I got and walked in the direction of my home, Mrs. Nelson waited for me on the step. She was one of the few persons who cared about me and didn't look at me with pity or loathing.

" You okay, kid?" she asked me as I got closer.

"Yes, Mrs. Nelson," I replied in a sad voice, " Has the meeting ended?" I asked her.

"It did an hour ago," she replied.

I looked at my wristwatch and was shocked to see it was already nine o clock. That must be why my parents must be looking for me. It was already time for dinner. I entered the house and Mrs.Nelson followed me into the living room.

"Where are they?" I asked after I found the dining table empty.

"They are in your father's office," Mrs. Nelson replied.

I went and sat on one of the leather couches in the living room, waiting for my parents to come out for dinner. I turned on the television and started watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix. Though I had grown up in a pack the vampires had always fascinated me.

I couldn't understand the reason for it but there was something about the Vampires that made my blood run faster through my veins in excitement. Nicklaus Mikaelson was my favorite character from the Vampire Diaries. The reason was that he was a hybrid, a wolf, and a vampire both.

Sometimes I used to wonder if hybrids really existed in our world? I have never heard about a hybrid ever in my life. Humans tend to write all sorts of fantasies about Werewolves and Vampires. It was funny how they were ignorant that we really existed on this planet alongside them.

My cell started ringing in my pocket. I pulled it out of it and looked at the screen, it was Dora my only remaining friend. She had stuck to me no matter how much I tried to push her away. I picked up the call pausing the show on the television.

" Freya did you hear?" Dora asked excited the moment I said hello.

"Heard what?" I asked her.

" You mean you don't know about it?" Dora asked with suspicion.

"Don't know about what Dora?"

" The Alpha is organizing a grand celebration for your twentieth birthday. He is inviting all the neighboring packs and been the Vampires who rule over the Eastern territory," she replied in an excited voice.

My face lost its color, was Dad really planning to celebrate my birthday on such a grand scale, and why? Didn't he know what kind of things people say on such occasions? I was always looked down upon by the people attending such celebrations. Especially the pack members of the neighboring packs. I had stopped attending such a celebration for about one year and a half now.

The way people passed me pitiful glances and showed fake sympathy for me had made me sworn, to never attend such gatherings until I got my wolf. Now, Dad was going to invite them here, for what? Making me a laughing stock?

I felt a rage that I had never felt before. It was like all my insides were burning. I felt a strong urge to burn down everything.

"Freya, Freya, you there?" Dora's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

" I have something to take care of Dora, I will call you after some time," I mumbled into the microphone and disconnected the call not caring as to what Dora was saying on the other side.

I walked to my Fathers office which was at the front of our house, to confront him about the party he was planning. The door was ajar and I could hear voices from inside. They were three voices, my father, mother, and the third was an unfamiliar male voice.

"This can't be possible," Dad's voice was full of disbelief.

" But it is the case, Xavier," the unfamiliar male voice said.

" How can this happen? It never had in the last century," my mothers' voice was shaking.

What was going on? Who was this man and what was he saying had happened? I was dying out of curiosity. I waited outside the office to eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation. I hope they don't pick my scent. wolves had a really good sense of smell.

" She is what she is, you or I couldn't change it. We could just be able to help her embrace what she is," The unfamiliar voice sounded again.

Who was the she, they were talking about?

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