
Myth of the Dragonborn

Dive into a the Myth of the Dragonborn. Where the world's history used to have dragons that have passed down their bloodlines to the humans to keep the world in balance. Ethan Dracul was found by a the last monk of the dragon monastery. The monk, Grandpa Miyamoto helps develop him to learn the dragon fighting style and the dragon mind. Then the Dragonslayer Company found of Ethan's existence and in trying to capture him, Grandpa Miyamoto is killed and Ethan goes after revenge. The journey is filled with uncertainty and knowing who to trust is just the first step.

Kev2270 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The FLight

A handsome teen boy with a black leather jacket attracted the attention of everyone around him. Especially the girls, attracted to his charming aura and calm deep eyes.

I don't understand why everyone is still eyeing me. I'm in normal casual clothes and nothing is off this time. Hopefully, no one is going to recognize me.

"haha master your are really oblivious. I know you've been training for 17 years with grandpa, but still you should know that at least the girls are admiring your looks. I think your clothing matches you way to well."

Ethan stopped walking and had a blank face before turning into a confused one. Wondering if what Drac has said is true. He looked back to the group of girls and saw a few of them smiling towards him. His reaction gave him a nervous smile and his face became a little red. He quickly turned around towards the help desk that was in the middle of the airport lobby.

Approaching the help desk there was a fair lady in a white business attire. Who was shocked to see a teen boy who was handsome that seemed to only be 18 years old that was caring a lot of vicious aura pressure with him as he walked. To a normal person he gave a mature feeling but, those who are cultivators can only sense this aura. That is why some people moved quickly out of the way, some with the look of disdain since he wouldn't retract his aura. Even though he did not have natures power within him, there was still his abnormally strong body plus, he also had an extinct black drake that's on the small side but still powerful on his shoulder increased his aura to a certain point. Those who noticed the drake knew the cost is astronomical and rarely seen in a auction house.

"Hello miss, can you help me?" why is she so dazed?

"Oh, hello I'm Ana, can you please stop releasing your aura; it's intoxicating. Your also breaking a few rules by having an animal out of its cage and releasing your aura in a public place like this."

"Oh sorry, actually Drac is my familiar." Ethan was shocked to just notice the aura that is seeping through his body and immediately tried to repress it. Ethan spoke to break the silence

"I was told to give you this token and ticket."

"Thank you. As for your familiar he can stay out then." Ana's face turned pale when she noticed the the golden-green token and golden ticket.

-This boy has an actual golden ticket, its rare to see one only the head of clans have them and those are the top fifty clans. He also has a clan token I've never heard of.

Ana looked through a record book as her mind was having hundreds of thoughts per second wondering what she should do. She can't afford offend him since, he seems to have status and a cultivation level higher than her level 1 rank 3. He seems to have no natures power in him when she scanned him. Ana decided to contact her chief.

As Ana sent the message to her administrator chief; she gave a quick quick reply to the boy.

"Sorry sir for your time. Let me call the airport administrator right away. Hold on one moment."

"That's fine."

Why is the administrator coming? Does she not know what to do? She also looks nervous and really pale after seeing my ticket and token. Can these items be that important, then who is my grandpa actually.

Since he had nothing to do, Ethan decided to look through the envelope again and he noticed after taking out the ticket and token there was a white watch in there as well. He took it out and put it on his wrist. The white watch was very plane which had a digital time and date plus there seemed to have five bars on the left and two bars on the right. When it turned on a message appeared in his mind it was his Grandpa's voice.

" Hello, Ethan this is your grandpa. I know you must have questions but this is just a recording so listen carefully. First is that if you have this then that means that the Dragonslayer Company has found us so stay away from them and only confront them when you have the power. Next is this watch. Since, I am no longer with you I made this watch for you to help with training. Inside is four natures power cultivation books that will unlock after you find your natures power. Next is that the watch works like a computer as well and is an advanced technology made by a special engineering group. So, the five bars is to measure your natures power and the the two bars on the right show how much storage space you have in the storage, which is the size of a room. The other bar shows your soul power, both the strength with the amount that is left. This is it for now. As you get stronger more will be unlocked for you."

After 5 minutes a tall man in a suit was walking this way with a strong aura that everyone was forcefully pushed away. He seems to be a strong cultivator.

As he walked up to me he asked "Hello sir, sorry for the inconvenience, but can I get your name?"

"Hi, I'm Ethan Dracul and my grandpa Miyamoto gave me this ticket and was wondering about my flight as there is nothing written on it."

"Oh so your his famous grandson. I am sorry master for my ignorance..."

"Wait, me master of you? What do you mean?"

"This airport and some airlines belonged to Master Miyamoto who used to be the head of the clan and now it seems that your the head of the Fulgur Clan, now. That is what your grandpa has told us and your name is on all of the paperwork. Plus, he mentioned a day would come that you would be traveling by yourself, and that golden ticket is given to clans and guilds that have a relationship with the Fulgur Clan. There is also the golden-green clan token is the clan you are a part of and having the token in your possession means you are now officially the head of the clan. It is practically your identification with all of the necessary information inside of it. To let you know before hand you are the only one in your clan that is left."

"Really? My grandpa never said anything about the Fulgur Clan."

"Don't worry you will have your answers when you get to Florida. You need to go on the plane now. since it is about to depart soon."

I'll go with the flow for now since the Dragon Slayer Company (Dsc) is after me. To think that all of this is mine and what about the bank account, how much will I have in there? That is going have to be arranged after I talk with John Wayne and get started on cultivation.

Walking to the boarding desk took a few minutes as I by passed everything on the way there like the check-in, luggage, security, and the cultivator check station, too. I was amazed how organized the airport is. It's like a clock with its gears all in sync. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking since admiring the airport as a whole that was apparently mine.


"Ouch you f**k! Watch where your going. You spilled my espresso latte all over me!"

I ended up bumping this fiery tempered red head girl. She looks beautiful and very attractive with her red hair being a pretty dark crimson color. Her eyes are a hazel reddish color and very sharp seeming to pierce through my soul. The other girls behind her were all different from each other and stunning. Like four stunning princesses.

"Hey I'm sorry for bumping into you, but you don't have to be rude about it." huh, she wasn't even burnt from it either.

"hehe, you think your something special to do this to the blaze clan head's daughter. I'll let you off the hook this time and do not let me see you again in my face. We are late to our flight."

As she walked by me heading to the dock entrance, she used natures power to heat up the coffee that was also spilled on my shirt. It gave off a strong burning sensation and some sizzles could be heard. Others seemed to think that I was just acting cool pretending not being splashed with the hot coffee, but I didn't notice until I heard the sizzling. Sure the coffee seemed to be boiling, it was only warm sensation on my chest. She is walking towards the same entrance as I am. This is going to be an interesting flight with them on board.

The other three girls followed behind her to the entrance. The silver haired girl has a sweet fragrance of fresh air that caught my attention. The strange part is that she gave a cute smile as she was passing by me.

"Hey red head. what's your name?"

"It's Nina Blaze. The Black hair chick is Cordelia Aqua, the brown hair is Gina Terra and lastly the silver hair shorty is Aria Zephyr. What's yours so I can remember to crush you the next time you dare to show up in my face."

"It's Ethan Dracul and it seems like your going to have an interesting flight then." Ethan waved a golden ticket out in his hand.

"What! How do you have one? We had our fathers lend them to us the tickets to use the gold plane. There is no possibility for a simpleton like you to have one."

Before I could respond the administrator put his hand in front of me signaling to say nothing. "You do know you can show her your token to make her shut her mouth. Its only a suggestion."

The administrator had a stern voice replying in my stead. "Miss Blaze, this is a special young man and I suggest you be kind to him. His skills will give you a run for your money even though he has no natures power, so do mind your tongue."

Astonished by what the administrator has said caused the four girls to see him in a different way and more wary since they were all level 1 rank 4 cultivators. For a person to be at their level with just their body alone is rare, about 1 in 1 million people have that type of body strength. There are also about 10 billion people on Earth with 3 billion being cultivators.

Being shocked by the news Nina replied stuttering, "S-s-so, y-y-you mean he is at least a level 5 with his body. There is no way! I challenge you to a Virtual Cultivator Battle. (VC Battle)"

Eeeeehhh, what the heck is she talking about a Virtual Cultivator Battle. What is that? I looked over to the administrator hoping he could give me a clue to what she is talking about.

"Look Ethan, its a machine that takes your mind into an alternate location, a virtual place where cultivators can cultivate faster or fight in to hone their skills and maybe settle disputes. Depending which machine you use, like for battle will only put a part of your consciousness in it so that you don't end up being brain dead if you die during a fight. While the cultivating ones put all of your consciousness into it to speed up cultivation of law comprehension. As you know that your level depends on how much you comprehend the laws of the world. Which in turn help you collect natures power within you to use those laws in your fighting skills. Depending from the clan and what resources are available will determine what kind of law you can get into. With the most powerful laws are of the world's four basic elements: fire, water, earth, and air."

"Ah alright, I understand what she was talking about, thanks administrator for clearing that up. So, red head, I guess I should call you hothead. I accept your challenge. But first we need bet something since your just wasting my time. How about if the loser has to give the winner a favor and that favor can be anything." This way I can humiliate her like she did me. She made such a big scene in front of this full airport.

The administrator also interjected. "It will be the four of you girls against him. Just having Nina won't make it worth while for master to fight. Earlier I mentioned he is on par with you and I did mean all four of you at the same time. Hopefully you won't reject my offer as I am giving him a handy cap." These girls would not have the faintest idea that the administrator was putting Ethan up to a test. Even with out a connection with nature through natures power from within, I have seen him use the surrounding power around him when sparring with grandpa Miyamoto who was a level 9 rank 3 which puts him at the peak of C class cultivator.

"Huh WAIT, what do you mean all four of us. There is no possible way, he doesn't have an ounce of natures power. Me alone is enough to destroy him." Nina was shocked at the administrators response and she was also checking out Ethan. There seems to be something wrong the only way for people to hide their natures power is if they are at a higher level or in C class.

"Hahahaha, Administrator you sure know how to put on a show. So, I'm guessing you already know what level my body is at right. Well lets do it that way then 4 verses 1 and I will not use Drac in this fight either. Man its been a while since I have had this thirst for blood. Their outcome is gonna be your fault administrator and I thought you would have given me more of a handy cap." This is gonna be easy, they do not know that I have been fighting a peak level 9 cultivator since little. All of my attributes are also at level 9 rank 3 but not my natures power and that is what matters the most. So, technically I don't have a rank or level yet. The attributes are my mind, soul, and body which constitutes a person's peak existence. How far someone can cultivate to. Ethan gave them a dark smirk that gave Cordelia and Nina shivers.

"Hehehe, I've always wanted to fight a pretty boy like you. I'll join in." Cordelia was the first to respond and said it with her usual sexy voice.

"I agree, and my blood is also boiling. You better not disappoint me Ethan." Gina spoke with a strong voice.

"All of you are so childish, but I will join in on the fun, too." Aria said with a sweet voice and a little blushing.

"Okay fine we will agree with your terms so if we win you owe each of us a favor and vice versa." Nina stated with full confidence.

The Administrator lifted his arm and pointed to the door on their right side that has a big S in the middle. "That is the door for the plane. Once inside just put on the equipment that is on the seats and start your battle. You have a 3 hour flight anyways so who ever gives up, losses. Oh and master please do not hold back you need to show them that the true Dragonborn has returned."

The last part of the administrator's directions caused the four girls to feel lightning going through their bodies with shock. Of course they know about the true Dragonborn legend, the child who is immortal and has the power of the four dragon lords. They did not think twice about the legend since legend is only a myth but, it still caused all of them to have worry in their eyes as they starred at the mysterious new youth that they just met.

I have no idea what he is talking about. Why blurt out a legend especially a freighting one at that. He really wants me to have such a hard time. Yeah, I did fight my grandpa a level 9 but still I was no where near close to beating him. Each level is an alternate universe from the other compared to power amount and knowledge. I only acted arrogant to piss them off and it seems they have good constitutions. Well at least my grandpa was right about the Dragonborn clan head daughters being flawlessly beautiful. Its hard not checking them out especially Cordelia and Nina. Hehe well it could be any favor so maybe I'll make them mine as that Dragonborn couples can only have one child at a time every hundred years or so. So, the heads of the clans have a couple of wives. Oh well, I am going get into focus for this battle and finish it of quickly. Ethan quickly shook the thoughts away as fast as they appeared.