
Myth of the Dragonborn

Dive into a the Myth of the Dragonborn. Where the world's history used to have dragons that have passed down their bloodlines to the humans to keep the world in balance. Ethan Dracul was found by a the last monk of the dragon monastery. The monk, Grandpa Miyamoto helps develop him to learn the dragon fighting style and the dragon mind. Then the Dragonslayer Company found of Ethan's existence and in trying to capture him, Grandpa Miyamoto is killed and Ethan goes after revenge. The journey is filled with uncertainty and knowing who to trust is just the first step.

Kev2270 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

4 Vs. 1

The golden ticket is for a special airplane for high class cultivators to get to far away places at extreme speeds. From the middle of the Asian continent to Florida in 3 hours is extremely fast as the pilots are cultivators themselves and the new technology allows cultivators to use their natures power within them to power the machines to go into high speeds or what their functions are in a higher stronger level than gas or coal powered machines.

In order to reach that the materials are heavenly materials which are more expensive than earthly materials to make everyday machines and equipment. So, the plane is very luxurious than standard private jets. The seats are the standard airplane seats with some equipment attached for the cultivators to go to the virtual realm.

Well, no wonder why they call this the golden plane. It is completely top of the line with everything you need in it and apparently the speed is negligible, feeling like your walking on clouds. The seats are really comfortable and spacious, too. If someone has the money they could get lost in the materialistic side of life. No wonder grandpa Miyamoto never got anything expensive that does not relate with cultivation. Any way I need to start concentrating and doing some preparations before we start.

Everyone went into the airplane and immediately started to sit down, buckle up and meditate to calm themselves and reach their peak states. As they were doing that the flight attendants were instructed to prepare for the battle before hand by the administrator. The administrator himself couldn't go along with them as he still had his duties to complete in the airport. All in all this took about 30 minutes, so they still had two and a half hours left.

"Masters the equipment and server is already set up. All you have to do is put on the head gear and you will be in the virtual world. Please try not to kill each other as you know it is extremely realistic and you will feel the pain from death and the damage you take on. When you are ready you can put them on." The flight attendant spoke with sincerity and impatience to see the battle. They have a monitor that shows the whole battlefield and what each person is doing at all times.

"Hey Ethan, don't be nervous. The first time you will feel nauseous but it will only last till you have spawned into the world." Cordelia was sitting behind Ethan and giving him an alluring smile.

"Alright, thanks. At least someone is courteous unlike some hothead that I know. I'll defeat you last as a courtesy." I guess this is it. I'll get to see the fighting styles of different elements and broaden my horizon. Grandpa has mentioned that I would need a true intense fight to reach level 10 with my body and start to cultivate. Hehe this is going to have so many benefits for me.

The helmets were put on the five of them and they were transported to the virtual world. Just as Cordelia mentioned, Ethan felt nauseous going there because of the brain being stimulated in a different way than normal. Reaching the other world, it was just a dusty pentagon platform that is a few hundred meters in diameter. Seeing the stage they figured that it would be a straight clash between and who ever over powers the other wins. A simple test of who has the best strength. There is a countdown in the middle that is holographic showing when the battle begins.

3... 2... 1... Battle Start

"Hey girls, watch out. There's no holding back, I'll show you my hidden power that your so curious about. Hehehe." After Ethan stated his comment his black aura was the first to burst forth gushing at the girls with an overbearing demeanor. In the mist of releasing his aura Ethan let out a dragon roar and unleashed his skills to 50 percent of maximum power. Dragon Feet- allows faster movement, Dragon Talons- higher attack power, Dragon Roar- instills shock into a person's heart and the last skill is Dragon body- the skin hardens and gives higher defense. The skill combo is called Drake Transformation.

Both Nina and Gina responded with bursting their auras and their own specific skills to prepare and counter Ethan. Nina's aura is red and is hot. The ground started to sizzle. Gina has a brown metallic aura and is sturdy. To them Ethan still looks like an ant in their eyes. The girls and Ethan are separated by 100 meters of space in between them. Ethan decided to burst forwards causing a dust cloud to form behind him from the force he put on the ground with his feet.

Nina eager to put Ethan in his place dashed forwards to confront him. While, Ethan and Nina were dashing towards each other, Gina went to Ethan's left side flank, Cordelia stayed back since her skills focus more on crowd control and healing, her aura was blue and soothing. Aria stayed in the back as well to cast her support skills on her team making them lighter and disappeared into thin air even her aura was invisible.

All of their actions was noticed by Ethan as he was still moving ahead. This took 3 seconds, and Ethan and Nina are face to face with each other. Using her katana, Nina slashed at Ethan with a blazing arc of fire.

Without the slightest delay Ethan punched the blazing arc and punched through it like was nothing and Nina's attack dispersed. His punch was just about to meet her chest when Aria came out of thin air and stabbed Ethan on his back.

"So that is where you've been hiding. To think you four do cover all the basics needed for a team." Ethan was not surprised in the slightest. The knife already was taken out from his back and what shocked the girls the most was that even the level 2 spirit beasts would have instantly died from Aria's attack. A spirit beast is naturally stronger than humans on the same level so people hunt in teams of 4 to take them out. But, for Ethan to not be phased by the attack and his wound healing immediately after the knife was taken out shook their reality. It is going to be a tougher fight than they imagined.

Ethan already planned to have them feel regret crossing him. Specifically Nina who caused the scene in the airport and the other 3 are not going to be in much pain since they didn't cause anything just did not stop Nina from acting foolishly.

Aria gave fast slashes on Ethan's back while Nina was attacking with fire in her slashes in the front. Only able to defend against the front he defended against Nina who's attacks were heavier. After receiving tens of slashes from the front and back, Ethan had blood dripping. No one noticed that after each single slash their energy was sucked into Ethan's skin and immediately closing the gaps.

Out of no where both girls split apart and a lot of icicles came from the ground piercing Ethan and holding him in place then water particles encircled him and he was in a bubble. The four girls smirked thinking this was the end of the fight. Then they saw him smiling in his predicament and he instantly disappeared from where he was at. The icicles went through him but the pieces touching his body where not there anymore. Even the amount of water shrunk.

Right after their shock, Ethan disappeared from their sight and reappeared behind Aria. Sweat was dripping from her face as she noticed that Ethan didn't disappear by speed but by bending the light around him. Only people who have either the light element or wind element with high mental power can do that. Then her mind went blank and she was transported out of the simulator with one of his punches.

"No, what Aria is already out. She was killed by him?" All 3 girls where having similar thoughts and Nina was already having regret for her out bursts earlier.

Ethan noticed that he was some how absorbing the elements in their attacks and could use it for himself. He remembered that Grandpa Miyamoto told him that he could fracture the particles to make him invisible for a few seconds if he had wind energy in him. That was what Aria's attacks were filled with. So far he knows that he absorbed 3 elements fire, water, and wind. Little did he know his body finally reached rank 10.

"Now that Aria is gone its your turn Gina." Ethan gave a faint smile to Gina. Gina did not hesitate and attacked with a metal hand shaped as a blade. Ethan used his arm and directly took the hit and started to absorb the earth energy. Then, with his free hand punched toward Gina and it seem to warp. A loud bang was heard and dust was pushed up into the air with her body fading out of the simulator.

Nina was petrified from Ethan taking out their tank in one blow. She was now in a lot of regret for getting on his bad side. What snapped her out of it was Cordelia's comment.

"I'm logging off. I don't need to feel the pain the other two are feeling. This body of mine won't be able to handle it. Hey Ethan if you want to man handle me as the favor, just don't be to rough okay." Cordelia gave a seductive smile to Ethan and logged off.

"That Vixen! I need to teach her a lesson later!" Nina was furious that Cordelia left her alone and left on a remark such as that one.

"Wow I did not expect she could be like that. Hey, Nina do not think about logging off I still need to get my pay back from earlier and I will not be as nice as I was with the other two." Ethan gave Nina a contorted smile making him look menacing. "Well I need to teach her a lesson so that she does not think about messing with me." Ethan said to himself.


In the Cabin of the plane three girls logged out and the headsets were taken off. Aria vomited her food from earlier and had a major migraine and dizziness. Gina instantaneously vomited a lot of blood and passed out which the flight attendants sent her to the doctor on board. Lastly, Cordelia just looked drained.


In a few seconds Ethan appeared in front of Nina and she retaliated by engulfing the entire area in fire to burn Ethan. But, the elements have no affect on him at the moment and he looked like a scaled demon in the flames. Taking one step closer to Nina, he punched her with his dragon hands and talons completely through her body. But her image disappeared along with the fire and she was 50 meters away. "Did you like my mirage? Now that its just me why don't I show you something."

Nina slowly raised her arms that were on her side to shoulder level. Then out of no where her aura instantly rose becoming twice her size, a darker red and hotter than before. Her skin started to turn red and ruby scales started to cover her whole entire body. After having scales all over her she roared and two horns grew out of her forehead, dragon wings appeared on her back and have talons on her hands. With a more alluring voice than before, "Do you like my Dragon transformation. It seems that we are both Dragonborn. I was only sure when first crossed blows. So, why don't you try to defeat me now."

Before he could respond Nina rushed to Ethan. Her power and all attributes increased by almost half more. She was right in his face in 2 seconds. Ethan put up his arms to defend against her fiery punch. The punch seared his arms and it was black where she punched him and she punched him over and over again. Every time he was pushed by by meters and the last punch sent him rolling and stopped 20 meters later.

I didn't expect her to rise in power this much. I don't think I can beak her.

He stood up all the way. Then it was like a bullet going through his head, a piercing pain. "We will lend you some power." Then instantly a large boom was heard like a lock finally opened and the ground quaked. This Shocked Nina, and even those who were watching. "RRRRRrrrrrrooooooooaaaaaaarrrrrrr" This roar shook everything again. Ethan started to float into the air a meter up. Then his skin turned black, obsidian black. Then scales started to rip through his skin and cover all over his body. He looked like a pure demon. This gave him intense pain like nothing else, not even when he trained to be resistant to the elements. All his scales grew out and they had a shiny black luster with blood running down them. Two small fangs grew in his mouth and a tail started to grow at the same time. There was also a row of fang like spikes that ran from the back of his head to the tip of the tail. His transformation took 5 minutes to complete and Nina new it was his first time so she still had a chance. It still was creepy how his Dragon transformation turned out. Black scales, silvery white eyes, a row of spikes and a tail. It was more like he was a beast or even a demon than a person. Her change still left her looking how she was with just red scaled armor and scaly wings.

There was a constant low growl coming from Ethan. His eyes flickered then he disappeared in front of Nina. The next second he was to her left. She couldn't sense where he was going to show up and it came as shock. So turning and trying to block his incoming punch she lifted her hands up but before the punch could connect, he vanished. In the next second instead of feeling the force from the front she felt Ethan's knuckles on her back sending her flying forwards.

Nina flapped her wings and flew up wards using the strong force of the punch to get away and keep some distance. But, not letting her make space, Ethan instantly jumped and flipped using his tail to grab her wing, twisting his body in the air and slamming her down to the ground. This broke her wing and some bones on her back impairing her movement. Not being merciful Ethan used gravity to his advantage and punched towards Nina still on the floor. A small ditch was made on impact and there was only a black scaly demon with a winner sign above his head.

In the cockpit there were people who were also watching the fight thought what they saw was their brains tricking them. It was to unbelievable to have someone with no natures power winning against the 4 dragon princesses. They copied the video and sent it to their clans and higher ups. This was something very alarming for the higher ups to find out especially Dsc (DragonSlayer Company). Since only the four girls knew his name and the rest were wondering who the mysterious young man is.

Ethan did not know that the video was transmitted to several people around the globe. Many Super powers where wondering who he was since, his face was blurred. This video was also sent to the four Dragonborn clans which left them furious with their daughters.


After a while Ethan opened up his eyes and and saw Nina on her knees in front of him with a blushing face. "Sorry Ethan for before. Can we start over and be friends."

Aria in her white loli dress popped out of no where on Ethan's lap and said "Can you forgive us? I didn't want to fight but when we did I got to excited." She was looking at Ethan with puppy eyes and a little blush.

"Okay fine, and get off of my lap will you." There was no way Ethan could say no to that face of hers.

Aria gave a smirk to Ethan and stayed on his lap pretending like she didn't hear anything.

For the rest of the flight they were all having a normal conversation trying to get to know each other.


Mean while, in Miami, Florida in a big sky scraper there are four men in a office room discussing an important topic.

Mr. Blaze "So the legend is true then. Its definitely him and when natures power finally accepts him then it should start soon again."

Mr. Aqua "Well we still have to test him. It seems that his existence is at level 10, we should make sure."

Mr. Terra "If he passes the test then we have to see if he is a manly MANN! Not letting any person that is not a manly MAN take my daughter."

Mr. Zephyr "He seems like a promising lad. You all know my daughter's eyes we will see if she sees anything. Also, what if he isn't the one. There have been some others who have been similar but, died before anyone could confirm anything. Plus, there are those rare cases of multiple elements but they never been 4 that one person could control."

Mr. Blaze "There is no point in discussing this at the time. We can wait until he takes our cultivator exam. We are the heads of the four Dragon Clans and region so, lets just try to find out some information and contact his family to join us. Remember this is that favor Miyamoto asked for."

All four Heads were smirking thinking positively as they were thinking which of their daughters would end up being the Dragon Queen as the legends mention there will be a Dragon Queen along side the Dragon King in the new world on the final attempt in the world's salvation.