
Chapter 26: Immune to Magic

Artemis' POV

The wizards rush at us as Beck lunges at them mercilessly. Two come head-on towards Beck, but he attacks them as they use their magic against him, but their spells lack the speed to slow him down.

They immediately engage in fierce combat.

Three others come at my back, but I jump and lean on the shoulders of one of them and keep their backs to me. I then pull out the knives and stab one in the hand before he can cast his spells.

I release my essence on the other two, allowing it to float sweetly in the air and making the wizards afraid of me. They stare at me for a moment as if unable to determine what is going on, but I dull their anger and instead feed their fear as I advance against them both to pin them down.

"Beck, watch out!" I shout at him, noticing a witch coming dangerously close to him.

The woman whispers a word and as soon as her voice pierces the air, dark skinned snakes begin to cross the distance as they rise up, seeking Beck's skin.