
Mysterious Potion

Otashu took a walk through the woods, just to find a mysterious chest with a single glass bottle of purple liquid. What did the liquid do to Otashu, and where did he disapper to? Only Zu can find out where his best friend from highschool is. Follow Otashu and Zu through this fanstay packed, adventure filled Novel, as they find the person behind the jar, and lift the curse on Otashu.

CrispApple2019 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Prolouge-READ FIRST!!!

It was around 7pm, Otashu was on the phone with Zu, planning out their vacation. "Zu, please don't forget the bug spray this time?" he said in a serious tone. "Otashu, I know I forget things sometimes, but I promise I won't forget your precious spray this time." Zu replied over the phone, in a sarcastic voice. "Oh, haha, last time you forgot the spray, I was like candy to the mosquitoes." Otashu said, replying to Zu's sarcastic comment.

"I'm going to pick you up around 8pm, ok?" Zu said. "Alright, I'll check to see if I'm missing anything." Later that evening, Zu pulled up Otashu's backyard, "Zu, you're 15 minutes late from the time you said you would be here!" Otashu said in an awkward tone. "You think I don't know that, I was trying to get some things together." Zu replied. "Onto the campsite?" he asked Otashu. "Hell yes, you know I need to get away from my father."

Otashu said in a scared, sarcastic voice. "True, I know how your man abuses you, and how I'm your escape." Zu replied in a caring, yet worried tone. Both the boy's would arrive at campsite 6, just in time as the street lights came on. "Seems like we got here just in time before they closed the gates." Zu would say in a relieved voice. "Yep, it seems like Zu." Otashu said. They would park in their campsite, set up, and start the campfire, cooking 2 hot-dog's each. "So, what are you going to do now that we are here?" Zu asked. "Well, I was thinking that I could go for a small walk in the woods." Otashu replied. "You do that, you haven't had much freedom at your place, I'll stay here and set things up here for the night." Otashu would get up out of his camping chair, starting to walk to the trail. "I'll be right back Zu!" he said in a loud, yet quiet tone.

Never EVER drink something you find or something someone gives you, it is dangerous.

keep your drink with you at all times, and bring your own drink instead!!

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