
Mysterious Arrival

Steampunk, magic, god, mysterious place - this is the New World. Time has raced to the end of the 18th century and the epic of time has turned the final page. Under the misty sky, it has traveled through time and space into the body of Jenkins Williams. The World Tree is still young, and the vapor industry is rooted in the three entwined kingdoms; the twin demons are coming into the world, and in the shadows and whispers, they spy on the world with malice; The undead hide in the city, looking up at the sky covered in gray mist and sighing for the lives of the innocent; The true spirit sits behind the curtain and waits for the arrival of the last day; Figures flash on the stage of destiny, and the leading role is still unknown; Jenkins Williams looks up at the double moons, angels and demo dance in the sky; Heroes hold sacred swords and lament the doom that will eventually come; The uncrowned king hides in the shadows and secretly manipulates the changes in the world; The midnight bell rings, and the cat leaps onto the shoulders of Jenkins Williams. An unknown path lies ahead of them.

xiao_shi · Fantasie
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19 Chs


Jenkins' words immediately made the man opposite smile. He stretched out his hand and made a series of complicated gestures in front of his chest: "May the goddess bless you! Very good, you have this awareness, which is very good. You are worthy to be a believer who has followed your father to church since childhood. I have heard that you have gradually left the path of knowledge in recent years. Now it seems that this is all just a temporary ignorance of the young. Mr. William, you are very good!"

Jenkins smiled demurely, trying to tell himself to hold back in his heart. Compared to the original owner, his performance today is indeed quite different.

Benxi did not let Jenkins sign the contract immediately, but gave him a note and asked him to go directly to the old man Oliver written on the note in the morning. The old man is also one of the few superpowers with the qualification of a guide in the Nolan City church, in the future, Jenkins will not only learn to identify antiques from the old man, but he will also provide Jenkins with extraordinary knowledge.


Captain Binxi put all the documents back into the briefcase, sealed it with a seal that Jenkins felt was very strong, and then slipped him a stack of bills.

"This is the pay for three weeks in advance. The work in the old man's antique store is easier, so the weekly wage is only 4 pounds. But the old man will also give you a wage as a reward for your help in his store"

Jenkins nodded ignorantly and looked at the twelve stacked green banknotes in front of him. There is a ten-pound banknotes in the kingdom's monetary system, but it is usually only used when large amounts of goods are settled. Some poor people have never used a ten-pound bill in their lives. Therefore, Bin Xi very considerately changed Jenkins' salary into small bills.

He carefully picked up the green banknotes and wanted to count them unconsciously, but suddenly thought that would be very rude.

Bin Xi was amused by his behavior, shook his head and patted Jenkins on the shoulder, "You do not have to care so much about money. You know, the old man has, haha, nothing to say anymore." He took out another rolled-up parchment and asked Jenkins to sign it.

The golden light from the parchment nearly blinded Jenkins' eyes, and he could only briefly interrupt his ability. Jenkins did not recognize the words on the parchment at all, he could only make out that it was also in alphabetical order. Binxi did not seem to want to explain anything, just smiled at him, Jenkins nodded:

"I know."

With a stiff upper lip, he wrote down the his name - Jenkins Redanput William.

Binxi led Jenkins back the same way, without mentioning that one outside the room was watching Jenkins' performance, and Jenkins did not ask what the people was for.

It was silent the whole way, and just as he was about to reach the top of the spiral staircase, Binsi suddenly turned and said:

"By the way, forget about that thing. The mysterious place you experienced must be recorded according to the rules of the church. Even if the message was sent by the [Night and Secret Church]. Forget about today and come back to the church this week, and old Oliver will tell you who you need to find."

"Okay, sir."

Jenkins brightened in his heart. Bernard knew he'd gotten the candle, and he did not know if the church would ask him to hand it over for a "reasonable" reason. Besides, anything to do with the mysterious place had to be recorded, which was a bit harsh. It seems that the people who were at the party last night not only did not want to have anything to do with the Church of the True God because they believe in a false god, but also did not want too many people to know their secrets.

Binxi did not leave the small building, but turned in another direction. He told Jenkins to go back the original way, but not to forget to look for the old man Oliver tomorrow.

Jenkins held the stack of banknotes in his hand and saluted the cocky doorman before leaving the small building. The young porter must have thought someone would be taking the shift, but Captain Binsey did not mention this to Jenkins. Unexpectedly, Bishop Palod stood in the corridor not far from the small building and calmly watched the sunset, which was already taking on a slightly reddish hue on the horizon. At that moment, he looked like an ordinary old man. Who would have thought that this person was the most powerful person in Nolan Parish?

"Bishop Palod."

Jenkins walked up to greet him, but felt that his body was a little stiff after sitting for so long.

"How are you? Is everything going well?"

The old man asked with a smile and invited Jenkins to sit next to him.

"It's gone well. I have become an employee and finally decided to join the old man's antiques business. I have you to thank for that, by the way."

"Boy, what are you talking about? I do not know."

The old man said with a smile, "That's good. Little Jenkins has finally grown up. I sense that your performance today is quite different from before. It seems that the events of last night have inspired you. Child, do not forget the teachings of the goddess, and do not give up the pursuit of knowledge. You may not have the talent that your brothers have, but neither do they have your talent."

The first talent refers to reading, the second to superpowers.

The old man seems really good to Jenkins. He has dedicated his whole life to working in the church and is still unmarried at this age. Bishop Palod is therefore particularly concerned about the children, who are already grown up.

"Bishop, I did not come home last night. At home ..."

Jenkins thought about something for a while.

"Do not worry, I sent a message to your father last night. I met you on the street last night and invited you to spend the night at church, hoping to convince you to stop being as debauched as you used to be."

The second half of his sentence was a little harsh, and Jenkins got straight to the point.

"Okay, sir, the experience of almost dying last night has made me realize the preciousness of life. " He paused and reminded himself that he could not change too quickly and had to take it one step at a time.

"I hope to break these habits through work."

He smiled and rubbed his hands together.

The old man showed no disappointment, but said it was normal. Young people still have plenty of time and can take things one step at a time. That's a good start.

"Forget it, go home quickly. Your father will be very happy that you have a steady job."

"Goodbye then, sir."

Jenkins stood up to say goodbye, but the old man suddenly grabbed his hand and pressed a silver brooch into it. The brooch is decorated with a small, delicately opened book, edged with a silver thread. There is even a row of cursive words as small as ants on the cover of the book:

Knowledge leads us on.