
Mysterious App

Yamaguchi Ryuichi, discovered a mysterious app installed on his smartphone. Thanks to the app, his ordinary, flat life has taken a 180% turn. An ordinary man, but not ordinary if you get to know him closely. Tag : #Gender Bender #Netori #MindControl #Harem #Romance ================== But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE Thank you so much for your support!

Bakakeju · Anime und Comics
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67 Chs

Serizawa Hana II (R-18)

Morning, like a lover. Hana who had gone through a very intense night. Falling asleep on Ryuichi's firm chest. They were both naked, only a blanket covering both their bodies. Hana's bite-marked breasts were clearly visible.

The girl moaned softly, her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyes languidly. You could see there were some black shadows under her eyes. She didn't sleep all night, they did until 5am. And slept for two hours. They had to leave for school soon.

Hana looked up to see Ryuichi's sleeping face, which unconsciously blushed slightly.

"Turns out he's quite handsome up close."

Instead of getting angry or hitting the man who had barged into her house and raped her, Hana gently stroked Ryuichi's cheek.

"Ughh..." She groaned just to be able to sit up, her whole body really hurting. Her waist was also very sore. Since it was morning, despite the pain, he had to go to the bathroom to urinate.

But because of her movements, Ryuichi's penis stood tall and exposed. Making her face a little red, she unconsciously touched that penis.


Ryuichi let out a small moan in his sleep, managing to startle Hana.

Hana shook her head, if Ryuichi did it again. He wouldn't have time to go to school.

Remembering what Ryuichi did last night, made her body heat up. Ryuichi told her to drink his saliva, spit in her mouth like a trash can, told her to clean his dirty penis, told her to lick his anus. And many more cruel things Ryuichi did. Yet strangely, the girl could not hate him.

Her pussy, which was sore from being used all night, twitched roughly.

She shook her head again and got off the bed. Her legs shook violently just to hold her body up, the pain in her pussy was so intense. Her back hurt so much that her posture was slightly bent forward.

She looked at her own figure in the mirror, and smiled wryly. It was like she was looking at an old woman who was trying to step on her own feet.

"Damn, she really is a demon." Hana took a drink of water from the small table near her bed. Trying her hardest not to wake Ryuichi. Her voice was hoarse and almost lost from a night of sighing and screaming.

Therefore, when the water flowed down her throat. It felt really very soothing.

She walked naked to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Hana had already gone to the toilet. Ryuichi had just woken up to find that the girl had disappeared from his arms.

Unlike Hana who looked lethargic, Ryuichi felt very refreshed.

"That was an intense night." He got up and stretched his body while smiling brightly, yawning slightly.

He couldn't wait to sleep with another beautiful girl.

He noticed there was water on the small table near the bed and picked up the container, drinking it immediately as his thirst could not be quenched.

There was a smart phone ringing on the small table. Kimura Eiji-kun's name was written on it.

"Kimura? Vice president of the student council? Oh, if I'm not mistaken he's in the same class as Hana."

Ignoring that, he got out of bed and looked for the bathroom as his morning routine had reached its limit.

Since he didn't know the layout of this apartment, Ryuichi had a little trouble finding it.

However, he finally opened the right door. The moment the door opened, there was a shrill and hoarse scream from a girl.

"Hoho." Ryuichi grinned looking at Hana's crotch which was oozing a yellowish liquid.

"What are you doing! Get out!" Hana's face had turned embarrassed. She stopped the yellow liquid that was coming out of her crotch. She reflexively closed her thighs tightly and covered them with both hands.

"Do you want to pee? But I can't stand it either." Ryuichi gave a small grin while stroking his cock.

"Just wait a little longer! I'll finish it!"

Ryuichi, with his asshole nature. Something flashed through his head.

"Alright, how about we pee together?"

"Eh what, are you out of your mind?"

But regardless of Hana's swearing, Ryuichi walked slowly towards Hana.

"D-don't come any closer!"

"Come on, let's pee together Hana-chan. Then open your mouth wide."

Hana's face was shocked, her face pale after hearing Ryuichi's words.

"Wait! There's no way you're really going to do that!" Hana tried to move away, but she didn't move from her position on the toilet seat because she was stuck on the edge.

"Don't fight too much Hana." Ryuichi grinned, he was so excited. Never once had it crossed his mind that he would be able to do something like this.

Because of Hana's seated position, Yuichi's half-standing penis was right in front of her face. Hana already knew what was going to happen.

Ryuichi opened Hana's mouth gently, Hana could have resisted. But because of the encouragement from Ryuichi, she opened her mouth according to the direction of Ryuichi's hand.

Ryuichi inserted his penis until the entire shaft was embedded in Hana's mouth.

"Are you ready Hana?"

Hana didn't answer, she just slightly spread her legs back to finish her morning routine which was hampered by Ryuichi.

Hana's eyes almost turned white as more water than semen entered her throat. Since Ryuichi's swallowing speed and semen ejection were out of sync, the semen overflowed out the side of Hana's mouth. The yellowish liquid soaked Hana's chin and breasts.

"Ughh, peeing in the student council president's mouth is the best."

Hana couldn't hear Ryuichi's words clearly, her pussy was also leaking yellowish liquid like Ryuichi.

"Phew, that's really refreshing." Ryuichi withdrew his penis slightly leaving only the head of his penis still immersed in Hana's mouth.

"Wait, there's more coming out."

Hana didn't answer but obeyed and sure enough, some liquid came out. It was only a little bit compared to before.

"Huh, that's it. You can clean it up." Ryuichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Hana began licking the penis head that was still in her mouth obediently. A salty and bitter taste spread in her mouth.

"It's done, but my dick is getting hard."

Ryuichi jerked his penis back into Hana's mouth until it was fully immersed. The girl rounded her eyes with tears welling up. Her throat swallowed several times. And the morning's fresh semen flowed back down her throat.

"Fuahh, hah, hah, hah, you... The worst. Bastard, scum."

"Yeah, yeah, let's take a shower together then. We'll be late for school if we keep this up."

Hana growled for a moment, but nodded obediently at Ryuichi's words. They both went to the other bathroom to wash their bodies, washing each other even though Ryuichi occasionally teased her.

"Ahh, this is really comfortable." Ryuichi sighed as he leaned his body on the bathtub which was large enough to soak in. Meanwhile, Hana also enjoyed soaking in the warm water by leaning on Ryuichi's chest.

Ryuichi could see the beauty of the girl's breasts while leaning on his chest, his penis also touching Hana's back. He looked all over Hana's body. There were many bite marks that he had given her.

"How are you going to hide the bite marks on the neck?"

"And because of whom is that?" Hana growled slightly while turning her head back to look at Ryuichi. He also touched his neck which had bite and suction marks that didn't go away. Hana sighed.

"I'll probably use a scarf to cover it up."

Somehow the current atmosphere is a little more relaxed than before, Ryuichi thought.

"Yeah, your voice is also hoarse and almost gone. So they'll think that you're in poor health."

"And whose fault is that!?" Hana's sharp gaze returned to Ryuichi.

"Blame yourself for sighing and yelling too much." Ryuichi mocked.

"Kuhh!" Hana didn't answer, just growled in annoyance.

"Well forget that, I wanted to ask. How does my piss taste?"

Hana gasped and gritted her teeth.

"That's so disgusting."

"I'm not asking your opinion, I'm asking about the taste."

Hana bites her lower lip in annoyance, averting her gaze in another direction in embarrassment.

"It tastes a little salty and bitter." She said with a flushed face.

Ryuichi hugged Hana from behind and enjoyed the girl's comfort, resting his head on her shoulder comfortably.

"So it's salty, I thought you'd like it."

"There's no way I would like something disgusting like that." Hana replied with a disgusted expression, glancing at Ryuichi leaning on her shoulder.

Ryuichi just chuckled.

"Then what about the taste of his semen."

Hana again turned her face away from Ryuichi.

"Should I say." Hana said with embarrassment.

"Yes, I'd like to know."

"It's... sweet. "

"Hoh." Ryuichi gave her a smile.

"I'm not done talking!!!" Hana shouted with a flushed face.

"This... It's sweet and bitter at the same time, there's also a bit of sourness in it." Her face flushed even more, there was no way she was telling Ryuichi that she really liked his sperm.


Ryuichi gently caressed Hana's breast.

"Do you like it?"

"I told you there's no way I'd like something like that!"

"Be honest Hana."

"I said no... Mhhh." Hana firmly still refuses to give an actual answer punctuated by sighs due to the stimulation in her breasts.

"Heh, really stubborn." Ryuichi gave Hana a deep kiss. Hana did not reject it. She followed Ryuichi's flow and intertwined tongues.

For now, it was an intimate kiss like a lover. Hana also didn't understand why Ryuichi was so soft at the moment, she felt she was with someone different from Ryuichi last night.

"Hah, we'll be late if it continues like this."

"Well, that suits a model student like you who deceives many people."

"W-what do you mean."

"There's no denying that you're diligent and smart, but you really hide your masochistic side very well."

Hana's face turned red at Ryuichi's words.

"I don't understand what you're saying. I'll go first."

Hana got up from the bathtub and walked out after wrapping her body in a towel. Meanwhile, Ryuichi just looked at her with a faint smile. He also got up from the bathtub with the towel Hana had prepared.

He had prepared his school uniform in the bag he was carrying. And surprisingly, the breakfast Hana made was very good.

"So, what's this?"

"It's a bento." Hana answered briefly without looking back at Ryuichi and focused on her breakfast.

"Yeah I know, but why are you making me lunch."

Hana's brow furrowed, she was about to snatch the bento in Ryuichi's hand. But Ryuichi quickly took it from Hana.

"Just give it back if you don't want it."

"Our student council president is really fierce, well I'll save it for lunch."


As Hana had said earlier, she used a scarf to cover her neck. She also used a long stocking to cover her thighs where there were bite marks. For the dark spot under her eye, since it was not very visible. She used a little makeup to disguise it. The rest is just her hoarse voice like someone who is sick. As for her hands, since she was wearing a blazer. So she didn't bother to do anything else.

Hana looked at the clock.

"Ugh, I'm late."

"What are you saying, there's still half an hour left before school starts. The walk won't take more than 30 minutes either."

Hana looked at Ryuichi with a frivolous smile. "That's for you, but not for me. I have to come earlier than students like you."

Damn it. Ryuichi smiled wryly, for some reason this girl seemed to be patronizing him. Ignoring that, he went back to starting his breakfast.

Hana furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" Asked Ryuichi in surprise.

"Nothing..." She answered briefly.

"Oh yeah, Kimura the vice president of the student council called you earlier."

"Kimura-kun? Did you pick up the phone!?" Hana cried out in surprise.

"No, I left it."

"Phew." Hana let out a sigh of relief, which made Ryuichi curious.

"What's your relationship with Kimura?"



Hana thought of something interesting, she smiled faintly at Ryuichi.

"Besides, if I'm related to him, it has nothing to do with you at all."

"Hoh." Ryuichi smirked, he knew that Hana was currently provoking him.

"But it can't be denied that Eiji-kun is handsome, he's also smart and talented in sports." Hana seemed to be trying to make her boyfriend jealous. But Ryuichi just smiled at that, he got up from his seat and walked around the small round table and sat next to Hana.

"What, am I wrong?" Hana widened her provocative smile even more. Ryuichi held Hana's hair gently and stroked it with his thumb.

"No, you're not wrong at all."

He then brought his mouth close to Hana's ear.

"But you should know this, from head to toe. You are mine. I won't let anyone else touch what belongs to me." Ryuichi grinned.

For a moment, Hana felt her spine creak in fear at Ryuichi's cold words.

"You... You don't have any achievements compared to Eiji-kun. I can freely choose who I hook up with, after all Eiji-kun is better looking than you. What makes you so confident compared to Eiji-kun."

Ryuichi flashed a smile. "Of course, making you sigh on the bed."

Hana's face, which had previously suppressed her fear of provoking Ryuichi further, was now flushed red.

"You bastard!" Hana growled softly looking at Ryuichi with a red face.

After finishing their breakfast, and heading to school. Ryuichi and Hana separated so as not to be too suspicious. What would happen if other people saw the ordinary Ryuichi with the student council president who had a lot of achievements.

Ryuichi walked alone on this sunny morning, he felt much fresher than the previous days.

"Hey buddy, you became brighter after last night's speech. What happened?"

The young man, Arata greeted him.

"Oh Arata, good morning."

"What happened to you, tell me buddy. Aren't we friends?"

Friends? You just want to stand out by being friends with me who is just an ordinary student. Ryuichi thought.

I've known that for a long time.

"Huh, nothing happened. It's just that this morning looks brighter." Ryuichi again showed his expressionless flat face.

They walked together towards the school gate. And without Ryuichi realizing it, he saw Hana who was walking with Kimura Eiji, the vice president of the student council. Hana looked at him, but when Ryuichi looked back. Hana averted her eyes.

"Hmm, there's something different about the student council president this morning. Did she look sick? Also, she was radiating a different aura than before. It was more mature. Is she sick?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, did you realize she was looking at me before?" Arata was very happy because of the misunderstanding. Ryuichi just smiled wryly.

"Did she notice my good looks? Maybe she regrets rejecting me back then, too bad I have a girlfriend now."

How great his confidence was.

"Arata-kun!" Ryuichi and Arata turned their heads and heard a shrill voice shouting.

"Oh Aiko-chan, good morning."

Aiko greeted Arata with a friendly smile, she also occasionally looked at Ryuichi curiously.

Ryuichi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Umm Yamaguchi-kun, what's your relationship with the student council president?"

The three of them walked together towards the classroom, the question made Ryuichi flinch. While Arata showed her astonished face.

"What do you mean?" Arata asked.

"Well, I saw her this morning walking with the student council president before parting ways at the crossroads."

"What? You have a relationship with the student council president!?" Arata was surprised to see Ryuichi.

"Am I the one who looks like I could be with the student council president?" Ryuichi asked.

Arata gave Ryuichi a long look. "Right, there's no way you could be with the student council president."

Arata's laughter came out. Ryuichi just rolled his eyes lazily and answered Aiko's question flatly.

"I have no relationship with her, we just accidentally crossed paths and parted again."

"Oh like that." Aiko replied by stacking her own hands as if she understood.

"So that's the reason you're so cheerful today? Because you accidentally ran into the student council president, right? Well, you're lucky indeed." Arata continued.

After the homecoming bell rang, they started their lessons. During the break, Ryuichi went to his usual place. It was his reading club. He didn't like reading, he made this club just because he wanted to be given a comfortable place to be alone.

He was the only member of the club, or you could say the other two people were ghosts. Students who sign up but don't come to the club. These are students who don't want to join any club, but because the school requires students to join at least one club. They agree to enroll in the reading club, but they never come to this room once.

His cell phone rang, a message from Hana.

"Why is she texting?"

[Ryuichi, where are you?]

Why is she asking? Ryuichi thought.

[I'm in my club room. Also, why are you calling me by my first name?"]

[Why can't I call you by your name while you call me Hana, when I never agreed to it!]

[Okay, whatever. Why did you call me?]


It's really not clear. Ignoring that, Ryuichi opened the bento box Hana had made this morning. And began to eat comfortably.

But before long, the door to the row opened. Revealing the figure of a beautiful girl carrying a bento in her hands.

"Oh, Hana. What business did you come here for?"

She left a message earlier, and now she came to my room.

Hana winced in annoyance at Ryuichi's question.

"I just wanted to see the 'Reading' club." Hana looked around only to find an empty, neglected room. She then sat on the chair next to Ryuichi.

"Looks like this club should be closed down since it's of no use. "Hana smirked at Ryuichi.

She was annoyed that Ryuichi waited so long on the roof to eat bento together. She thought Ryuichi would return to the rooftop like yesterday. She didn't know that the man in front of her owned a club.

"Even if it has quite a few members, if the club doesn't operate well. It's just a piece of trash that deserves to be thrown away. It's better to give this room to another club that needs it more." Hana continued as she opened her bento box.

"Don't ever do that. This room is a cozy place for me." Ryuichi went back to eating his food.

Hana smirked at that. She crossed her legs like a domineering queen.

"Oh, I'm getting convinced that this room is useless in your hands."

Ryuichi furrowed his brow. "Did you not hear what I said before?"

"I can let you have this club, but on one condition." Hana raised her index finger while smiling triumphantly.

"Condition? What's that?" Ryuichi furrowed his brow.

Was it deleting the video he had saved? He didn't mind if it was like that. After all, Ryuichi didn't need the video anymore.

"Yes, do dogeza and beg." Hana's grin grew wider as she radiated a domineering aura.

Ryuichi's face was partially covered by his hair which made it impossible for Hana to see what kind of reaction Ryuichi was giving off.

Our student council president is really good. She thought.

The closer he got to Hana, the more attractive Hana became in his eyes.

Ryuichi got up and walked in front of Hana. Hana widened her smile even more when she realized this man would do a dogeza in front of her. This woman in front of him is really poisonous if not taken care of properly.

Ryuichi, took out his penis through the zipper he had opened.

"S-stupid! I said dogeza! Not take your dick out!" Hana was surprised by the blush on her face.

"Looks like I didn't educate you very well huh?"

"Wait, this is at school. If other people see it, things will get messy." Hana replied with a small cry.

Ryuichi brought his half-erect penis closer to the tip of Hana's lips.

"Give me a blowjob."

Hana looked hesitantly at the door of the previous entrance row, then back at the penis in front of her. The scent of that penis completely intoxicated her.

"Don't even think about being cocky in front of me again, because here. I am the master. Do you understand?" Ryuichi lifted Hana's chin firmly.

"Kuhh!" Hana growled strongly.

"Do you understand!?" Ryuichi repeated.

"Kuhh, I understand."

Hana, a rabbit who was about to evolve into a wolf but unfortunately it was all thwarted by Ryuichi.

Slowly the girl licked Ryuichi's cock shaft. She also used her hands to further stimulate Ryuichi.

Doing perverted things like this at school was amazing for both of them.

"Yeah, a girl like you should only use her mouth for things like this." Ryuichi mocked with a grin.

Hana gave Ryuichi an annoyed look, but didn't stop her activity. She then took Ryuichi's penis into her mouth. Trying her hardest to swallow the entire shaft. Lascivious sounds could be heard in the club area.

Although at first he only wanted to tease Ryuichi, but it seems he went too far. He was just annoyed that Ryuichi didn't come to the rooftop as he expected.

"I'm going out."

Semen gushed into Hana's mouth, she was used to letting Ryuichi cum in her mouth.

"Don't swallow it."

Hana was a little surprised when Ryuichi pulled the penis out of her mouth. Usually he would tell Hana to always swallow his semen without leaving a drop.

Ryuichi took the bento lid and thrust it towards Hana. Hana's mouth was slightly agape from the semen she was holding back.

"Spill it here."

As per Ryuichi's instructions, Hana spilled all her semen on the bento lid.

"What are you planning this time."

"Don't you like my semen? Then dip your food in my semen before putting it in your mouth."

Ryuichi grabbed Hana's hair and cleaned his penis using Hana's fine hair.

Hana just growled at the treatment, unable to hide her pleasure.

Ryuichi returned to his seat and went back to enjoying his bento.

Hana on the other hand, did as she was told by Ryuichi. She took the sausage and dipped it into the semen-soaked bento lid, then started eating it.


"Yes, how did it taste? Does it taste good?"

"How can something like this taste good!? I'm even nauseous just looking at it." Hana replied while eating her sausage covered in semen.

The erotic bento eating finally continued.

"You seem to be enjoying it, don't you?" Ryuichi said while looking at the semen on top of Hana's bento lid. Since the semen was gone, Hana went back to eating her food normally and finished it all. While Ryuichi had finished first.

"How could I possibly enjoy something disgusting like that."

"Look at this." Ryuichi touched Hana's wet crotch.

"That's... sweat." Hana's reply turned her gaze to the other side.

"Kuhh, don't touch a girl's sensitive areas without her consent. Ahhh..."

Ryuichi withdrew his hand, leaving the girl disappointed.

"Looks like you don't want to, so I won't insist." Ryuichi mocked.

"Then I'll leave first, the homecoming bell will ring soon anyway. See you later." Ryuichi walked out without bothering to look back at Hana. Leaving the woman alone.

"You're such a jerk." Hana muttered. After making a woman horny, then leaving her alone. Of course Hana was angry.

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