
Mysterious App

Yamaguchi Ryuichi, discovered a mysterious app installed on his smartphone. Thanks to the app, his ordinary, flat life has taken a 180% turn. An ordinary man, but not ordinary if you get to know him closely. Tag : #Gender Bender #Netori #MindControl #Harem #Romance ================== But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE Thank you so much for your support!

Bakakeju · Anime und Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 27

Inside the Karate club's training gymnasium, a girl was practicing separately from the other members who were sparring.

Buggg!!! Bammm!!!

Each kick that landed on the hanging punching bag was so loud that it made a sound like a gunshot, each punch also made the bag swing quite far.

"Emmm Satoo-san... I think you're a little emotional right now."

"Please just ignore me senpai." Miko replied without changing her expression in the slightest. She sent another powerful kick towards the hanging punching bag.

The slightly worried senpai sighed and left her kouhai to train alone.

Miko stared back at the bag, imagining an angry Ryu. Her kick hit the bag hard, creating a loud explosion.

Every time the girl kicked, the other members shuddered in horror as the explosive power of Miko's kicks made absolutely no sense considering her unremarkable body like other normal girls.

Miko grinned angrily at the punching bag with her eyes bulging with annoyance, she imagined the punching bag was Ryu and slammed into it with even more force.

That bastard Yamaguchi! Damn it! Bastard! You pervert! You pervert! Bastard, bastard, bastard, bastard!!!

Everyone gasped in shock as each of Miko's kicks landed perfectly on the punching bag.

Just imagining Ryu's face made her anger boil, and there was also a sickening feeling of shame for her. She threw everything at the innocent punching bag.

Yamaguchi!!! I will kill you! I will never forgive you! Until death! I will torture you! Damn Yamaguchi! That bastard Yamaguchi! Don't call other people names like that! Don't give me those nasty nicknames!! Yamaguchi bastard, asshole!! Die! Die! Die! Die!!!


That last kick really sent the contents of the punching bag scattering and Miko gasped for air. She let out a sigh of relief after her anger at Ryu was vented.

"K-Kouhai this one is really good..."

After all the training was over, Miko began to pack up. She wore only her uniform, while her sweater was wrapped around her waist.

Miko wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand, she wanted to hurry home and take a shower because of the heat. But when the girl stepped out of the Gymnasium.


The voice made her face cringe as she found Ryu leaning next to the door.

"What are you doing here!" Miko immediately took a cautious stance before she was dragged away and raped again by the young man.

Ryu stepped closer to Miko, Miko swiftly kicked before they got too close. The kick was very fast as her body was still hot from training. But Ryu caught Miko's leg and pushed the girl's body against the wall. Ryu let the girl's right leg rest on her shoulder so that Miko's panties were exposed outside the room.

"Ahh Wait, let go! This position is embarrassing! It's outdoors! Someone will see us!!!" The girl screamed in frustration but she couldn't move her body at all because she was being held down by Ryu.

Ryu pressed his index finger to her lips.

"I have a good offer for you."

Miko did not understand, she pushed so that Ryu's index finger was pressed against her lips. Because of Ryu's proposal, she did not remember that she was currently in an embarrassing position.

"What's wrong?"

"How about we just go two rounds?"

Miko instantly understood what Ryu meant, she tilted her head with a small smile. "Hoh, I see what you mean. If I win, you'll let me go, right?"

"It turns out you're pretty smart. Yes, you're right. If you win. Then I'll never touch you again. But if I win, let's make love at my house tonight." Ryu caressed Miko's smooth thighs gently as he touched her pussy.

Miko swallowed hesitantly, she didn't even realize that she was being touched by Ryu right now. If she won, then the advantage was huge as Ryu wouldn't bother her anymore. But if she lost, she would have to sleep at Ryu's house tonight.

"What the fuck are you doing!!!" Miko brushed off Ryu's hand that was rubbing her pussy under her panties. She also began to realize that her right leg was currently still on Ryu's shoulder. She could already see Ryu's crotch slightly touching her pussy under her panties.

"So, what's your choice?"

Miko swallowed hesitantly, she never hesitated when others asked her to compete. She stared at Ryu's wrist until it reached the top of his hand. Those wrists were indeed filled with strong muscles. He knew that Ryu was also a martial arts expert. But that was just her guess, what if the man in front of her only had muscle brains? Whereas in a karate match there are some rules and various ways to win fairly.

Despite losing on the outside, the miko was confident that she would win once inside the arena.

"I told you what you did!!!" Miko snapped out of her reverie as Ryu squeezed both her breasts, she threw her hands away with her face flushed with anger and embarrassment. Ryu chuckled, this girl could really daydream if she was thinking hard. Without even realizing it Ryu had squeezed both her breasts.

The miko gritted her teeth to give Ryu a sharp look. "I accept your offer. So, can you let me go now!"

Ryu backed away releasing Miko's right leg held on his shoulder, he raised his hand as if signaling surrender.

Miko straightened her clothes which were a little messy because of Ryu's actions. Stepping back inside without turning her head or speaking to Ryu. Ryu followed her in silence with a small smirk on his face.

Miko realized that this match would be key for both of them.

Ryu opened the door to his apartment. He occasionally visited his apartment to clean it. Since he was used to sleeping in Hana's apartment.

"Come on in."

Miko walked into Ryu's apartment with a blank face as if her life was gone.

"I really lost to this perverted bastard..." She muttered in disbelief with her hands hanging helplessly.

"Wasn't I great?"

Wasn't I great, you say? That's so great! Miko thought in despair. She lost really lost, Ryu did not cheat at all during the match. She competed honestly and fairly so it made the miko mentally really depressed to lose so badly.

Hell, she had already promised to have sex tonight with Ryu if she lost. She couldn't run away anymore.

"Where's the bathroom? I want to take a shower first." Miko muttered.

Ryu sat with his legs crossed on the bed resting his chin on them. He enjoyed the desperate expression of the girl in front of him.

"No one told you to take a shower, let's just take a shower."

"Ahhh stupid, don't open your pants suddenly like that!!!" Miko let out a small squeal when she saw Ryu's penis hanging from her crotch.

"Let's lick it, Miko-chan." Ryu teased with a small grin.

"Wait a minute! We've sweated so much from training earlier! At least clean yourself up before we do it!"

"I refuse, let's just suck. Is Miko really a girl who likes to break promises?"

Miko gritted her teeth as if Ryu had destroyed her pride. "I got it! I'll do it now, you bastard!"

Miko tossed her bag carelessly, stepping up to Ryu in annoyance. She swallowed nervously and knelt before Ryu.

Miko immediately pinched her nose with her own fingers. "No, no, no. It's so smelly! You just sweated a lot after the match! It smells really disgusting!"

Miko furrowed her brows as she couldn't stand the strong scent of Ryu's penis.

Ryu chuckled at the thought, had it been Hana. Maybe Hana would greedily suck the pungent scent coming out of Ryu's penis.

"Come on Miko-chan, you can't break your promise. You'll obey me tonight right?" Ryu slapped the girl's cheek gently with his sweaty cock. Making the miko winced in disgust as she felt her cheek being touched by Ryu's penis. It felt like there was something moist stuck to her cheek after being slapped by Ryu's penis.

"You should be lucky, because the other girl really likes the smell of my sweaty dick." Ryu was referring to Hana and Aiko.

"Hikkk where is there! That would only happen if the girl was a real pervert!" Even as Miko tried to inhale a little while pinching her own nose. The scent of Ryu's penis was really very sharp and made her uncomfortable.

"You're too wordy, this will never get done if you don't do it now." Ryu grabbed the girl's head and pushed his penis into Miko's tiny lips. Miko grimaced in disgust as the head of the penis rubbed against her upper gums. As Miko tried to catch her breath by slightly releasing the clasp. Ryu pinched Miko's nose so that the girl could not breathe properly.

The image made Miko open her mouth to inhale, but what she found was Ryu's sweaty penis which she found to smell extremely disgusting.

Miko winced in disgust with a squeaky voice as Ryu's penis had entered her mouth completely.

Ryu released the pinch on Miko's nose so that the girl could breathe again.

"No need to release it now, it's already in your mouth even if you frown in disgust like that."

What Ryu said was true, it had already entered her mouth. Even if he let go now. He still had to do it later. He looked at Ryu sharply, Ryu could feel a trace of anger in his gaze. It wasn't an artificial stare like Hana's when they first met. But Miko was really angry now.

It made Ryu stroke her hair gently, enjoying Miko's expression.

Miko brushed away Ryu's hand stroking her hair, which made Ryu smile even more. Even so, Miko licked Ryu's sweat-soaked penis as it entered her mouth.

Ryu enjoyed the girl's pouting expression while still licking his penis in her mouth.

"Move your head back and forth."

Miko's face slowly melted from inhaling the sharp scent of Ryu's penis for too long. He began to obey Ryu's words and moved his head back and forth. Sucking Ryu's sweaty penis in her mouth. The miko's eyes were already glazed over, her tears almost falling as Ryu's cock repeatedly touched her throat.

Ryu didn't feel like it, he grabbed Miko's head and stomped his cock down Miko's throat. Making the girl's tears flow without her consent.

She tried to stop Ryu, but Ryu's strength was far above her.

"Ghhkk gukk gchhhkkkk cghhhkkk!"

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PA TREON LINK:patreon,com/touyama