
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Aktion
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25 Chs

Right At The Neck.

Zyl walked as calmly as he could but when he got to where the stairs that led to the spectators' section, he waited on for someone.

People who were going down the stairs had their eyes all on him.

They were all actually surprised as he was all okay just some dust on his tux and a roughed up hair.

The line went on till Julien can be seen coming down the stairs, then did she start clapping slowly.

"Wow, dear older brother, you gave me quite a show, thanks for not putting me to shame, that would be a lot on my own plate.

So it happens that you did get up your game, can't wait to know if you deserve the older brother title when it comes to our prowess.

What do you say?" she taunts as she comes close to him in order to know what his reply would be.

Zyl takes a look at his wrist watch and looks back at her and gave a response,

"There's more time, the stage is ready, want to go for a round?" not expecting the response, in her head, she thinks that Zyl really struggled his way out and is currently acting all cool to cover up.

She then decides to press more buttons on him.

"Oh? My older brother really wants to have a go? Really didn't see you do much other than struggle for your dear life.

With what confidence do you have for you to go against me, tell me it's source, I might need it, although I think my prowess is well enough."

Zyl then leans forward to take a stern look at her eyes and he responded,

"Your father might pick up interest, don't you think? You might miss your exclusive package of treatment he showers you with. Unless you can risk that, milady...… let's dance."

With a chill smile, he made Julien shriek a bit into rethinking about her actions but before she could think up an answer, Zyl gave her a hug and place a kiss on her forehead and then said,

"Oh, sister, you look more like a chipmunk when fear is written all over your eyes. I hope you do have that around your older brother, I can be pretty terrifying, you know?"

He disengages himself and continued,

"Well, I guess for now, I should be waiting onto my mistress." He snickers as Julien was left silent.

She then heads out while pondering deeply about what Zyl said as it could prove quite troublesome for her.

Right at that moment, Claire nervously got down, straightened up and gives a signal for Zyl to escort her, which he did.

The two walks toward the main building and on the hallway, it seems like someone was waiting for the two.

They approached the figure and it appears to be a woman, who has the typical strict science high school teacher look, glasses on and a ponytailed hair.

She seems to be one of the academy's staff as Claire quickly offered her a greeting,

"Good day dear, cheers on not getting to spar but anyways, can I have a word with your guardian?" she asks

"Of course miss Liv, anytime."

Liv then turns to Zyl and asks, "hope that is okay with you?"

In response, Zyl makes a nod in agreement and Liv replied,

"Okay, come with me."

The two left Claire as they went out from the building and headed towards another facility.

Along the way, Liv decides to break the silence.

"So Zyl, I hope I pronounced that well? Anyways, I hope the school's facility is to your liking?"

"Of course miss."

"Well, you did give us an amazing experience in the duel ground, although the terms being unfair to you by having you fight for your life."

"I'm not a child to not know of the little favourable politics the nobles play in favour of their benefits"

"I'm glad that I am engaging in a conversation with someone matured enough to comprehend the situation around him.

Quick question, more like a curious one; what would you have done if your life was not on the line?

Are you still going to let him have face or you rather go on with grabbing the winning ticket?"

"Still have to make a grab of that ticket."

"Have? Is that an order?"

"No but more like an assessment to check how useful of a manpower I am."

"Wouldn't you be pardoned even if you lost? After all, he's a noble."

"Then there would be no point for the mistress' guardian to be changed. So, in short, I would still put my foot into anyone's mouth."

With that statement, Liv looks back at him, adjusts her glasses to have a clear and stern look at Zyl before commenting,

"That's some heavy words Mr. Julius."

Looking straight back at her, he replied,

"I'm well aware that I didn't stutter, I meant anyone, that's the order given onto me."

Liv then looks forward and shows off a smile saying, "good, keep that same energy...… always."

There is some silence amongst the two till they entered a building, walks past the reception hall, got into one of the building's elevator and stops at the third floor.

They walked in and before them are doors all lined up at both sides.

"Welcome to the academy's staff office."

Liv breaks the silence between the two with some line of introduction on the building,

"Do you mean the whole building?" Zyl asked out of curiosity,

"Of course, this is an esteemed academy, this is the least they can do. People who call themselves staff of this very academy all say it with pride.

Being one isn't an easy job, neither it's qualification. The least rank is an A- and that's a non-academic staff on that note.

This academy was built by the Arman Family and the one overseeing the academy is a Legendary Ranker, so of course, that alone guarantees that the human resources should be top notch...… Anyways, this is my office."

She says as she opens the door in front of them and heads in first and before Zyl's sight is a huge room compared to the standard size of a high school lab room.

Indeed, the room is filled with chemical research equipment, tools and lots of precious materials, all arranged and labelled, while some are already undergoing some kind of experiments.

She goes on forward and opens the curtains, arrives at her table and signals Zyl to follow behind which in response, he did.

As she takes her seat, she as well signals Zyl to have his.

She reaches out to her desk's drawers and brings out a file holder and from it, brings out a blank A4 size cornflower blue paper and it immediately lit up, showing Zyl's full name and a loading bar.

To Zyl, that was bizarre but he still kept his cool as he watches the bar get filled up.

Then, from the paper, a neon blue light glowed and a hologram can be seen.

An image is presented before them and to Zyl, the image's familiarity is suspected.

The image he is being shown is him at age seven and the write up beside it reads up as follows,

"Name: Redgrave Devonte Julius, age: seven, rank: F, innate ability: extreme adaptability.

Generally concluded; unfruitful as the potential read out for him was to attain A rank if he had struggled to his old age.

Made a public profile with the National Rankers Association's Affairs Agency.

Along side him is his father, name: Redgrave Faln of age thirty four at the time with the C rank while the innate ability of extreme endurance and working as a professional low rank marital artist in the Awakened Mixed Martial Arts Federation.

His mother, name: Redgrave Cecilia of the age twenty nine at the time with the B rank of an energy surge user and works as an energy converter in one of the branches of the New Age Tech Foundations in Maybridge city.

The sister, name: Redgrave Vanessa Julien of age seven, awakened with the s rank as an infant with the innate ability; vice versed extreme adaptability.

Being compared with his twin sister, that's a lost cause till age twelve, he was kicked out and he had to strive on his own. Despite the odds, he manages to struggle and was able to survive.

List of crimes from age twelve to age fourteen; theft, scam, illegal business operations and armed robbery."

With the crimes being listed, Zyl's face turns sour and at the moment, the hologram then makes a glitch and a new set of information is shown including a new image of him, being one that shows his appearance before the author and reader incident,

"Name: Zyl Devonte Julius, age: fourteen, rank: E, innate ability: extreme adaptability.

School records; was pretty average in studies but lacked social abilities, although he had it but was destroyed once his ability was misunderstood as him being good as a punching bag.

Missed a lot of classes due to the fact that he worked as a part timer in four different establishments.

His life was like that till a strange incident on the date; seventeenth May, three thousand, one hundred and twenty (year 3120) at exactly seven: twenty one a.m (7:21 am).

He jay walked over two main roads and recklessly ran through an intersection before slowing down, nervously before a building, named cafe eleven."

With that report, Zyl looks at Liv with a stern look and as for Liv, she lays back, takes off her glasses and smirked maniacally as she commented, "young lad, the report isn't done."



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1197, End: 1324, Agi: 1082, Dex: 1051, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 11,001.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank), Aura Application (F rank (new)).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak), Aura gathering (peak), Magic resistance (mid (new)).
