
chapter one: veil of shadows

The Shadowlands were a tapestry of mystery, where Arthur's every step echoed in the hushed whispers of unseen forces. As he delved deeper into the realm, cunning traps awaited him, a manifestation of Anonymous' power. Arthur's senses heightened, his unique abilities sparking to life, enabling him to navigate the treacherous terrain.

Gathering allies proved to be a double-edged sword, for Anonymous, a connoisseur of anime and master of manipulation, reveled in toying with their loyalties. Shadows danced around Arthur's camp, revealing the subtle infiltration of spies, sowing seeds of distrust among his once steadfast companions. The relentless pursuit of truth became a game of survival, where every alliance teetered on the edge of betrayal.

Arthur then decided to move alone as having allies that could betray him at any moment could be fatal.

He then head out in search of clues that may lead him to Anonymous, not far from the entrance of the shadow lands he saw a cave with traces of Anonymous's shadow energy, Arthur then went deeper as he followed the traces and met a giant door, he pushed the door open and confronted Anonymous, hidden behind a shroud of darkness, observed with an eerie satisfaction. The clash of wills unfolded in martial prowess and psychological warfare, the boundaries between reality and illusion blurring. Despite the challenges, Arthur's resolve remained unbroken, his spirit a beacon against the encroaching shadows.

As Arthur fought he started feeling uneasy about how weak Anonymous was but he shrugged it off and focused on the fight as he unleashed his strongest attack, Anonymous couldn't dodge the attack and was struck in his heart as he slowly vanished. Then Arthur realized that this was nothing more than a trap set by Anonymous for entertainment and that the Anonymous he fought was nothing more than a weak clone left by Anonymous. Arthur then shouted at the top of his lungs "Anonymous!! I know you're watching!! As long as I Arthur von Firehart, the last of the ancient Firehart family that's been hunting you since ancient times am here, then your reign is over!!." Arthur then heard a laugh "muhahahahahahahahahaha, you? A mere demi god? dares to go against me?! The ruler of the shadows?! Fine then I welcome you to the shadows lands!! I look forward to seeing how you'll entertain me!!" then an portal suddenly opened an Arthur walked through it, as he walked through the other side all he saw was a world full of darkness where not a single ray of light passes through. Arthur then took out the ancient item of the Fireharts "the torch that lights the darkness", it's a touch lit with a fire no one knows how it was made or where it came from but since it was discovered, the fire has never died. He then sighted a town not far from him and chooses it as his next location.

I apologize in advance if I don't unload another chapter next week, I'm currently not in the right state to do much but I promise to unload it when I get better.

Arthur_Flamecreators' thoughts