
Poison Princess

"You beast! You big bad wolf, let me go! I am telling you, I am the Poison Empress' only disciple! If you do something to me, my master will-"

Seeing that yelling didn't help, the little beauty decided to threaten him using her master's fame. But before she could finish her threats, her words stopped, and her eyes went wide. The beast had sealed her mouth with his own.


The little beauty immediately started to resist the invasion, but the resistance she gave was weaker than a dying man's struggle. Before long, the invader tangled her tongue into a fierce dance, tasting every corner of her sweet little mouth. No matter how much she twisted her body, the invader wouldn't stop. She wanted to bite the invading tongue, but couldn't succeed because of some peculiar force.

Finally, after taking all the advantage there was, the invader left, but not without sucking her delicious lips. Tears filled the poor beauty's eyes, and Qing Xuan knew it wouldn't be long before she started to cry. She sniffled as she prevented herself from crying. Her expression was worse than a wronged pup.

"Hehe, delicious. Since you say I am a big bad beast, I am now going to be a real big bad beast. What were you yelling? Right, a rapist!"

Qing Xuan looked down at the beauty with a wicked smirk. Anyone who saw him right now would see him as a disgusting degenerate bullying a weak and helpless maiden. His expression alone was enough to anger man and god.

Qing Xuan used one hand to clasp the beauty's hands, while the other traced along her arm until it arrived at her neck, slowly moving down to the hidden valley and upright peaks.

"Ah, don't! I am sorry! Don't be like that. I- I wasn't talking about you. Big Brother, don't be like that."

As his hand traced her body and arrived above one of the peaks, the beauty got so scared she started to apologize to him.

"Oh, so you weren't talking about me. Hmm, since that's the case, Big Brother won't bully you anymore. All you have to do is give me the antidote and not cause trouble."

Qing Xuan said as his hand kneaded the fleshly peak under it. The feeling of soft fullness in his hand was so good he didn't want to let go. But that wasn't an option, and he had to let go. He could see that the little beauty had reached her limits. If he continued, then she will start crying for real. That would be awful.

Although Qing Xuan took a lot of advantage, he still knew when to stop. What he did to her could be considered her punishment for kicking him when he was down. So Qing Xuan got off the beauty, took back his hands, and let her be free.

The little beauty was also obedient as she took a small vial filled with a violet liquid from the pouch on her waist. Handing it to him, she pitifully explained what it was.

"It's the antidote for the Poisonous Fang and will only work if taken within 20 minutes after being affected by the poison. Since you were only affected a few minutes ago, you can still use it."

Taking the vial from the little beauty's hand, Qing Xuan patted her head and thanked her.

"Thank you, little sister. If someone bullies you later, just let Big Brother know. Big Brother will smash the bully away for you."

Immediately after that, Qing Xuan opened the vial and downed the antidote. His soul had long reached its limit. If he still didn't get the solution to the poison, then only death would await him. It wasn't that he feared death; it was just that he wasn't willing to go back to that Hellhole.

After all, no one could say with confidence that he wouldn't go back there. Who knows, everyone might go there after death? After all, he had brought back thousands of souls with him.

Qing Xuan closed his eyes and started to deal with his partial soul. It was best he immediately merged with his other soul and completed himself. He didn't want to live the rest of his life with an incomplete soul even though his soul was far mightier than this 3/4th that was lost eons ago.

Focusing a majority of his consciousness on the partial soul of his, he only left a small part to suppress the thousands of souls he brought back, and a tiny portion was left to contain that aphrodisiac. Since it was clear this place wasn't a brothel and the beauty wasn't a prostitute, he couldn't use the conventional method.

In just half an hour, his soul had thoroughly merged with the partial soul, finally completing him. Now that his soul was complete, he could subdue those foreign souls with ease. Qing Xuan just wanted to send them back. He had no intention to devour them as that was a cruel thing to do, and he wasn't a wicked man.

Using his soul's immeasurable might, he subdued all the souls in one go. It seemed the encounter with that speck of light had made his soul far stronger than it was before. And now that his soul was also complete, he could put that vast power to good use.

What he didn't expect though was the sudden influx of memories the moment he subdued those souls. The moment he suppressed them, they went into a dormant state while their memories flooded into his mind. Qing Xuan immediately created a massive cage inside his soul and sealed the memories there, to not be affected by them.

After all, such a massive influx of memories could affect him in some unwanted way. Who knew, he might even go insane and lose his true self?

Since the soul mess was sorted out, he could focus on the aphrodisiac inside his body. In a few seconds, he focused the aphrodisiac on a single point, suppressed it, and then scattered it. Finally, his consciousness came out of his mind and took over his newfound body, letting him perceive his surroundings the way a human should. But the moment his sense started working, he heard a suppressed sobbing nearby.

Turning around his head, he saw the little beauty sobbing with her head buried in her knees. He already knew who she was — Ling Xian'er, a prodigy born with the Spiritual Poison Physique, and known as the Poison Princess. Although her physique hadn't awakened yet, it still allowed her to be impervious to all poisons.

The Qing Clan invited her after their Grand Elder got himself poisoned by a Saint Rainbow Serpent on his trip to the Northern Mysterious Forest. Qing Xuan wondered if the guy had a screw loose? It was the third time he got poisoned in the Northern Mysterious Forest. It was good he got bitten by a different beast each time, and every monster was a Saint Rank, or he would have turned into the biggest joke of the Stellar Sky Empire.

They wanted to invite the Poison Empress, but the Empress had to go into seclusion in an emergency at the last moment, so she sent her only beloved disciple, the Poison Princess. And the Poison Princess didn't make her esteemed master lose face. In just two days, she cured the Grand Elder of his poison.

Once the Grand Elder recovered, the Qing Clan's Clan Head invited the Poison Princess to spend a few days in the Qing Clan so they could provide her with great hospitality, and repay her for the favor. They wanted to leave a good impression in her heart, so she may have a favorable view of the Qing Clan once she became a powerhouse in the future.

After all, getting acquainted with the next Poison Empress would only be beneficial to them. Making an enemy of someone like that was plain stupid, and the Qing Clan's higher-ups weren't stupid. Although the Poison Empress and her disciple were but two women, and couldn't contend against the Qing Clan that could destroy tens of them, no one could guarantee there won't be cases like the Grand Elder. Everyone knew the Poison Empress was the only one who could cure any poison under Heaven.

'While alive, everyone needs everyone else. The only ones one doesn't need are their enemies.'

Qing Xuan nodded in his heart. The Qing Clan's higher-ups were smart and knew what they were doing.

After they invited the Poison Princess to stay and play, she immediately agreed. A lively girl like her felt suffocated in the Poison Empress' Palace, and very much wanted to take a look at the outside world. And since her master was in seclusion and won't be coming out for a few weeks, there was no issue even if she played outside. With her identity as the Poison Princess, no one would bully her, or so she thought.

The treatment had only finished today, and tonight was her second night in the Qing Clan. According to the plan, she would rest well tonight, and tomorrow, the Youngest Master and Miss of the Qing Clan would accompany her to play around outside since the two were around her age. The Youngest Miss was to be her playmate, while the Youngest Master was the one who would carry the stuff and spend money for them.

Where would she have thought that the Youngest Master of the Qing Clan would sneak into her room and then bully her? He was such a big bully; not only did he restrict her Cultivation, but he also stole her first kiss and played with her. She was very sad and started to cry while the bully was busy dealing with the poison.

As Qing Xuan saw the poor little girl sob, he didn't know what to say to her. No matter who saw the scene, they will only conclude that Qing Xuan sneaked into the little Princess' room, restricted her Cultivation while boosting his libido, and bullied her. His intentions were clear for all to see; he planned on forcing himself upon the Poison Princess.

But only Qing Xuan knew that wasn't the case. The Youngest Master of the Qing Clan wasn't such a degenerate; the poor guy fell for someone's plot. From Qing Xuan's point of view, whoever arranged this was too sinister. First, they used the Yang Exploding Powder on the two, resulting in the Princess' Cultivation and body getting suppressed, while the Qing Clan's Youngest Master would lose his mind and become a mindless beast wanting to quench the fire inside him.

With the two thrown on the same bed, the Youngest Master would pounce on the helpless Poison Princess as soon as he discovered her, ruining the poor girl. In the process, the Poison Princess would resist and poison the Youngest Master through her poisonous nails. The result would be mutual destruction. Take a few more steps down the plot, and you find the Poison Empress as the Qing Clan's mortal enemy.

Everything would be the Youngest Master's doing, so even if he died, he deserved it. No one would give a fuck about him or how kind he was in the past. Everyone would only remember a degenerate that violated a helpless girl, bringing shame to the entire Clan.

As for who would do such a thing and why? Though Qing Xuan didn't know the real reason and motive, he could guess it had something to do with the upcoming Succession Ceremony of the Clan. As the Youngest Master was the male with the highest talent in the Clan, everyone in the Clan knew he would be the Young Clan Head. There were a lot of people unhappy about that.

What the Clan didn't know was that the Youngest Master had long given up his right to succession in favor of the Youngest Miss as she had the highest talent ever seen since the founding of the Stellar Sky Empire, and the birth of the Qing Clan. The only ones who knew were the Clan Head, the Youngest Master, and the Grand Elder. The Youngest Miss of the Clan would be the first matriarch of the Qing Clan, creating a historical event that would mark the beginning of a new era. An era of change.

'I wonder if those fools would die of anger the moment the truth comes out? Haha! Serves them right! They must be a bunch of retards if they did all this for such a stupid reason! Now how do I deal with this little princess?'