
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasie
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411 Chs

Fantastic Five 5.

At the cause of avoiding being blinded by the bright laser beam from the spear, the others didn't know what was happening at that moment till the whole energy have exhausted from the spear.

"That should be enough to end this right?" Tony who was among those that are yet to act asked in the hope that the titan was dead.

The place the titan was standing before was covered in smoke and dust therefore they weren't able to see the state of the titan.

Just then, a silhouette could be seen moving within the smoke." It's not dead.." before Tony could even finish his words, the titan leapt off from the smoke.

Landing right side V, the titan throws out his fist with the intent to kill the latter.

Having used the power of the spear at once, V was more than exhausted to move or do anything in an attempt to dodge the attack.

However, it was then that someone appeared right beside him and in the next instant they disappeared allowing the titan's fist to create a large hole in the ground.

Appearing back beside Lynn was none other than Chuck who have saved V at the last moment of his.

The titan seems to be confused but it soon snapped out of its mind as he leapt up towards another direction, not heading for no one in particular.

Although the titan might still be alive, it was badly injured by the laser beam, a large hole had gone through his chest while also some parts of its body scale shell have fallen off revealing its inner layer of skin.

At this moment, any blow that it takes will surely end its life. The titan's number one priority was to find a way to recover.

"You had one job to do, aim for the head and not the cheat....how are we meant to get such an opportunity again...!!!" Sin shouted at V angrily.

The latter has already recovered enough of his energy thanks to Lynn.

Since the titan was not dead yet, Sin know why, it was all because V have forgotten that they are going against a zombie than a beast.

For them to kill the titan, either they find a way to destroy the titan's brain or they just destroy its head alone, aiming for the heart was useless in this case.

"Just forget about it and chase after the titan already, "Bull's voice was heard as he went after the titan but it was too late.

The titan have seen what it wanted and was already fisting of it. It was a pail of fresh dead bodies. Picking up a couple of the dead bodies, it was shoved down the throat of the titan.

Instantaneously, the wounds on the titan's body were healing up, meanwhile, it was at this moment Bull reached the titan.

Also in his titan form, a powerful punch was sent at the titan's jaw. Being taken unaware, the titan was sent rolling on the ground.

Bull didn't stop there, with his speed and force, he kept on punching at the titan's head with the intent of killing.

Eventually, the titan managed to get a glimpse of what Bull's strength was like. Duplicating it, the titan sent a kick to Bull's chest who just stepped back to dodge but at the same time, the titan have gotten up and with another powerful blow, Bull was sent flying back towards the others.

Meanwhile, as Bull was sent flying, following up from behind was Sin. He was covered in red liquid which most likely was the blood of those that died.

He was fast. Fast enough that the titan wasn't able to notice him. Gathering the blood on his hand, around the gauntlet, Sin strikes.

[Craw drainer]


The sound of the impact echoed throughout the area and a deep cut was left behind on the titan's chest where Sin targeted.

However, this wasn't much, the titan was still standing as a matter of fact, and this wasn't good news of progress.

Sin quickly moved back as far as he could away from the titan. Meanwhile, the titan seems to have gone after him.

At first, the two gap was maintained but over time, the titan was getting after as Sin's speed was being duplicated.

Leaping up, the titan was over Sin ready to grab him when a razor-sharp tail smashed into the titan's chest.

Unlike before, this time, a large wound that went so deep into the chest was left behind and the titan's body was sent flying back.

Before flying off, the same tail wrapped itself around the titan's legs and slammed it on the floor.

Seeing this, Sin has stopped to see who was responsible for this and was surprised to see Tony in his altered form dealing with the titan.

What surprised Sin was the fact that Tony's lizard tail was sharp enough that even the titan's shell stood no chance against it.

"You were capable of doing that yet you excluded yourself from this fight...!" Sin clenched his fist angrily.

From the look of things, Tony might need only to slash his tail at the titan two times to slice the zombie into two parts yet the latter hasn't joined the fight till now.

"Just when will you learn to ignore and continue to fight, " Levi said to Sin. She then others such as Levi, twain, Dike and a few more also gathered to help out.

Levi started to use her vine power to once again wrap the titan making sure the zombie was placed on the ground.

"Slice of his head now...!!!" Levi shouted...

Sin has also snapped out of it and also gathered a lot of red swords around him that was when he noticed something doing likewise beside him.

"Who are you?" he asked with a frown.

Pine who was being asked could only smile in response not daring to offend Sin.

Meanwhile, as they were gathering their power, Twain was doing the same while V was also getting ready to shoot out his laser beam.

When everyone felt like they were ready, it was them they all aimed their powers at the titan.

Meanwhile, the titan wasn't sitting around doing anything. Finding itself in a similar situation to before it was aware of what was in for him.

Rather than trying to break free from the vines, the titan did something that none of them expected.

Opening its mouth gush of green liquid was seen coming out. The others saw this but thought it might be some type of acid power or so but that was not the case.

As the liquid touched the ground, they all exploded and enveloped their body.

Tony who was nearer to the titan was the one that suffered the most casualties as bruises soon covered his body.

Chuck managed to teleport a few out of the area meanwhile, Sin managed to change his red swords into a fence in front of him, yet it was destroyed and his entire body was covered in the smoke.


With the last bang, all the bodies that were covered in the smoke were seen flying out of them with serious wounds on their body.

Levi has lost one of her arms to the explosion. Sin entire body was in a mess and then V's body was sent flying back to the others.

"How...how is that possible, I can't even do that.!" Bull exclaimed in shock on see what just happened.

"How cares, what matters is if the titan also survived the explosion," Levi said to Bull.

Just as they were wondering whether the titan was alive or not, it was seen coming out from the smoke.

Although it survived, they could also see that it was also messed up. Its entire shell was no longer on his body rather was on the ground.

Rather than attacking, the titan again leapt over to where it first took flesh from.

"It's going to heal himself, what share we do?" Twain asked.

"Lynn..just take care of the others...," Bull instructed before facing someone in particular.

"You said something about touching the titan shell, this is the opportunity and it better be enough to kill this shit..." Bull said to Rake who nodded and went and touched one of the titan shells that happened to have fallen off its body.

Soon, his skin started to change as they were all now covered in shells.

"This should handle it, but the problem is that I can only stay like this for five minutes, " Rake said.

"Then we have to finish this up before five minutes," Bull lamented as he picked up Rake and dashed towards the titan.

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