
My Yandere girls in Marvel

It tells the story of an MC who has transmigrated in the Marvel/MCU world. With his loli-shaped system, he and that loli grow strong together in a dangerous world where there are super villains, mutants, aliens, gods and other races living in space. But this is not the kind of Shounen MC who only thinks about increasing his powers. This is a laid-back MC with action, comedy, and romance from the yandere heroines that surround him. Not only are there famous heroines from Marvel/MCU, but there are also heroines from the second dimension who will surprise the MC because it looks like the world he transmigrated to has deeper water than he thought. For example. Seeing a huge train that can travel in space without the help of rails and that seems to come from another universe. MC: Damn, why is a cosmic train here? Although I knew the Astral Express could cross universes, but this... Himeko: Excuse me, mister. Can you get into the carriage for a moment? I'd like to exchange information and make a deal with you. MC: ...is the tea from the other universe good? Himeko: Tea? Yes, we have the best of several worlds. MC: Okay, then let's talk over tea. MC: Just the two of us. Himeko: Eh, okay mister, please follow me to my private office. Jean: Dear, I've been waiting for you to come home for over 20 minutes. It turns out you're here, with a new girl? MC: Jean... How did you know I was here? Jean: ...You don't need to know, let's just say we're connected to each other. Even if you hide in space or another dimension, I can still find you. MC: This is why I like yandere girls. Gwen: Lynn! I'm here too! You like me too, right? MC: I'd say yes, so please put away your cosmic net. You know it's not strong enough to hold me. Wanda: Lynn, it's time to help me train. MC: You're already proficient with your Chaos Magic, why practice? Still not feeling strong? Wanda: I'm still not strong enough to make you think only of me forever. MC: ...I already said I like yandere girls, right? Himeko: Mister, you're very popular. World: - Marvel/MCU - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Genshin Impact - Honkai Impact: Star Rail - Other Novels or Anime. - Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated to write more chapters: www.patreon.com/DogLicker

DogLickerGods · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Lynn and Jean who were invited to party

At the same time, not only SHIELD discovered the abnormal situation in the depths of Ferncliff Forest, but even the United States military, and some neighboring countries also detected the violent energy fluctuations of the explosion that had just occurred.

People like the government are often too paranoid, they can't just sit back and immediately order people to search for more specific information.

The United States military directly contacted SHIELD through the White House and obtained the latest information.

But what a pity.

In fact, SHIELD didn't know much about it.

And the two people who were the cause of all this panic, they had both gone home.

Of course.

Do you still want to stay in the forest that you exploded, and wait to be caught?

After blasting the forest in a radius of tens of kilometers, Lynn immediately took Koko to teleport home.

Now at home.

The two of them were very relaxed as if what happened before had nothing to do with them.

Koko ran to get some milk tea from the refrigerator.

After that, turn on the TV and watch cartoons as usual.

"Tsk, this morning's SpongeBob show is over, Koko's late..."

"Koko, watch your language! Who taught you to click your tongue?"


Koko turned her head, looking into Lynn's face as if to say the answer.

It's you.

The one who taught her to cluck her tongue.

Lynn's face stiffened.

He shifted his body slightly on the sofa and asked.

"Really? When? I don't remember teaching you such bad habits, Koko."

Rolling her eyes, Koko waved her hand. Suddenly a 10-inch projection screen appeared in the center of the room and it showed Lynn complaining while watching the news on TV.

Lynn in the projection said in a rather loud voice when he saw the news of the bank robbery.

"New York is the city with the highest percentage of crime in the United States. Besides having many evil capitalists, many villains and super villains are hiding in this city."

"Even villains from other cities, other countries, or from outer space. They come all the way to New York just to appear as villains whose function is to get slapped by superheroes."

"Tsk, tsk, being a villain in the Marvel/MCU universe is miserable. Obviously the plot in this universe revolves around superheroes and super villains. The former will always win, and the latter will always lose in the end."

"Being a super villain is miserable, but being a super hero isn't as good as people think either."

Lynn in projection shook his head with a wise man's expression, Koko sat beside him while holding a Nintendo Switch and she looked over in confusion when her host suddenly babbled.

Lynn who saw the projection of himself a few days ago opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

What was certain was that he looked very handsome and cool in the projection, especially when talking like a sage.

As expected of himself.

No wonder so many girls fell in love with him.

Just kidding.

Then, Lynn in projection babbled again.

"Being a superhero? Tsk, tsk!"

Cluck tongue, keep clucking tongue!

Hey, little girl is sitting next to you. Can you mind your language?

Poor Koko...

No wonder she knows how to click her tongue.

Lynn was distressed, feeling like a father who had failed to teach his daughter anything good.

He wanted to scold himself in the projection.

But forget it, it's not realistic to scold yourself.

As a good and not-so-bad person, you shouldn't dwell on the past, and should keep moving forward while learning from the mistakes you made in the process.

Suddenly his cell phone rang at this moment.

Lynn's wise mode was interrupted.

Koko turned off the projection screen like a smart girl reading the scene.

Lynn smiled at Koko.

Good girl.

Picking up his phone, he answered.

"Hello, who is this with?"

Then a magnetic feminine voice answered on the other side of the phone.

"Hello Mr. Lynn, I'm the CEO of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts."

"Oh? Miss Potts, what do you need from me?"

Lynn had already guessed why Pepper, Tony Stark's favorite girl, was calling him.

Pepper on the other side of the phone immediately stated her purpose. "Well, Mr. Lynn, now that you are the second largest shareholder in Stark Industries, Stark Industries is having a dance party tonight."

"You are sincerely invited to participate. I wonder if you would like to participate?"

Sure enough.

This is an invitation to the party that Iron Man is going to hold!

Lynn has managed to become the largest shareholder after Tony Stark in Stark industries. It is therefore only natural that he is personally invited to the party that will be held in the near future.

Although he didn't like going to dances, but to meet one of the protagonists of this world.

He felt that there was no harm in meeting the protagonist, and maybe messing up the plot for fun?

Well let's look at the situation first for that.

"Of course, what time will the party be held?"

Having an idea in his mind, Lynn naturally didn't refuse to go to Tony's party.

"At 7pm, do you need us to send a car to pick you up?"

"No, thank you."

After saying this, Lynn heard howling from the other end of the line.

Immediately afterward, he heard Pepper's scolding voice: "Tony, watch your language when I'm on the phone!"

"Ah, sorry Pepper. I just received the video of the two witches who blew up Ferncliff Forest not long ago."

"Damn, does magic really exist? This is unscientific! Jarvis, find out the identities of these two witches."

"Use a data search according to a man in his twenties and a girl aged seven to ten. First, investigate all the humans living in New York, and second, investigate the mutants living in New York as well."

"Even if my technology cannot clarify the facial images of these two people, I can definitely find them in other ways!"

"Hahaha I'm a genius!"

Pepper deserves to be Tony's only assistant besides JARVIS, she ignored her crazy boss and said: "I'm sorry Mr. Lynn, too bad you don't want to be picked up."

"That's okay Miss Potts, I'll see you tonight."

"Looking forward to seeing you, Mr. Lynn."

After finishing speaking, Lynn hung up on the other party and his expression looked amused.

During the conversation, he was actually more focused on the voice of Tony who seemed to be doing something to discover the identities of the two people who blew up Ferncliff Forest.

Those two people were of course him and Koko.

Knowing Tony who was trying to find them.

Lynn didn't panic, even after learning of the other party's methods.

"Heh, even if Tony investigates everyone in New York. It's still difficult to connect all of them with the identities of me and Koko."

"The appearance-changing bracelet not only serves to disguise the appearance, even the identity of the user in any aspect will also be hidden, making it impossible to hack with the current level of earth technology."

Looking at the white bracelet in his hand, and Koko still wearing it as well. Lynn was confident that his bracelet was no less powerful than Superman's glasses.

Kryotonian technology?

Stark Industry technology?

The alien technology that SHIELD has?

All of that technology is trash compared to the technology he can create with his Herrscher of Reason ability.

This statement is a bit arrogant.

But it is an undeniable fact.

Unfortunately, Lynn never seriously use his Herrscher of Reason ability.

If he had, it would have been easy for him to start the Honkai Technology Era on Earth.

The process would probably only take a few years.

And the premise was if he was really serious about reforming the earth and worked hard to do so.

But with Lynn's personality.

Why should he do such a troublesome thing like reforming the earth?

Oh, please forget it.

Things like making the earth better, leave that job to superheroes with the mentality of wanting to help everyone.


On the other side.

As one of the teachers at Xavier School. Jean had just finished teaching general education to mutants who had problems with lack of education this morning, and she was on her way to the principal's office now.

The Professor had called her, so she had to come there immediately.

Entering the principal's office, she saw Professor sitting by the window enjoying the view.

When she entered, the other party immediately turned to her and smiled kindly.

"Jean, you came."

"Professor, you called me, what's wrong?"

Jean seemed to be in a hurry, she didn't even want to do such a troublesome thing as making small talk with an old man like Charles.

Well actually if there was nothing else she had to do, Jean actually had an idea to play at Lynn's house.

Since their first meeting, she didn't know why, her head was always filled with Lynn's handsome face and she even often replayed the scene where Lynn talked to her in her mind.

Seeing Jean who was suddenly a bit dazed, Charles was confused and didn't know what this girl was thinking.

But remembering the feelings he felt from Jean yesterday.

It seemed that Jean was thinking about her crush. Cough, young man.

As someone who sees Jean as his own granddaughter, Charles is actually a bit worried about Jean being too emotional these days.

If Jean was too emotional, it would affect the seal inside her body. And when that seal gets weaker due to the emotional shock, the creature inside Jean's body might jump out to destroy the world!

Perhaps it was a bit much when he was so frightened by the creature sealed inside Jean's body.

But that creature was really scary!

Once, in the past Charles had tried to use his own power to enter Jean's mindscape.

And what he saw there was a bird in a cage, a huge bird, bigger than the earth and its body enveloped by flames hotter than the sun.

In the mythical books he had read, the bird's shape was very similar to that of the Phoenix.

Such a creature apparently resided inside Jean's small body and might one day come out to spread its wings.

It would be fine if the bird was as docile as a pigeon, but the problem is, it's beast!

Even Jean had lost control many times due to the bird's influence.

Because of this, Charles took the initiative to strengthen the seal on Jean's body to put the Phoenix inside her to sleep. At least with his superpowers, he was able to add a little defense to Jean's psychology so as not to easily lose control.

It had been years since then, and now he was still very concerned about Jean's condition.

Fortunately, the seal is still useful, although sometimes Jean can still lose control when she overuses her superpowers or experiences excessive emotional surges.

But that was okay, Charles also had no better method than what he had done, and he just needed to make sure Jean was more careful.

Besides, what else could be done?

For now, everything seemed fine.

And he has other things for Jean to do now.

Staring at Jean who seemed lost in thought, Charles pretended to cough.

Jean gasped, she blushed slightly, but quickly composed herself and said: "Sorry Professor, I was thinking about something just now."

"It's okay Jean, I understand."

Charles' gaze was like a farmer who saw his cabbage being taken away by pigs.

His expression was a bit crumpled, but he still smiled kindly.

Jean of course had no idea what the old man in front of her was thinking. She was just waiting for the other party to speak.

Charles took out an invitation card from his pocket and gave it to Jean.

"I have a mission for you, Jean. This mission is a good opportunity to promote our mutant group to the upper class people in human society."

Jean was confused, she didn't understand what Charles wanted from her.

She opened the invitation card in her hand and read it.

It turned out to be an invitation card to go to the dance that Tony Stark was holding tonight.

Jean of course knew who Tony Stark was. The other party is the richest man in the United States and he also recently confessed his identity as a superhero named Iron Man in front of the world.

Jean's impression of Tony Stark is that he is a very confident and arrogant playboy, but he has the capital to be arrogant with his abilities so he is not afraid of the government or the military finding trouble with him.

Now the Professor wants her to participate in the dance party that the other party is holding.

Jean vaguely knew what Charles wanted from her.

"So... Should I try to socialize as best I can with high society and make them have a good impression on mutants like us?"

Charles nodded in satisfaction with Jean's intelligence.

"That's right, Jean. Of all the mutants at Xavier School, only you are best suited to participate in this party."

"Of course I won't force you, you are free to agree or refuse this mission. I can still find other mutants to do it, although I am more confident if you do it."

"Besides, this is a good opportunity to make the future of mutants better. It would be a waste to let a mutant who doesn't know how to socialize do it."

Charles looked at Jean's appearance.

There was also the matter of appearance that he didn't mention.

Actually, Jean was the most suitable for this mission because in addition to her social skills, she also had a good appearance that was in line with human aesthetics.

Jean knew this mission was important, and Charles seemed to really want her to go to the party.

Actually, she wanted to refuse because she wanted to play at Lynn's house, but when she thought of the social discrimination that mutants experienced.

As Professor said, maybe this was a good opportunity to make the human high society have a positive impression on mutants.

So she nodded to Professor.

"I will do this mission, Professor."

Charles smiled gently and said, "Thank you Jean. I, no. We are counting on you."

Jean sighed, it seemed that playing at Lynn's house would have to be postponed.

Now she had to prepare to go to the party tonight.