
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

The Game End

"... well, I can't say i'm shocked." Standing within the round table, all of the guild members had gathered, all but Touch Me who had left the guild. the air was down, as they didn't want Touch Me to leave the guild.

"What do you mean?" Momonga asked to which I sighed with a deep breath.

"You were all taking the villain route, that went against who Touch Me was. Touch Me is a kind caring person at heart, I should have addressed the matter before it got out of control... but thats too late now." I said with a sigh

"Touch Me can still come back..." Momonga said in a low voice, to which I shook my head.

"To me, he just disrespected my home. we built this place together and spent months, and almost a year building our guild. At this point I see you all as family, if he didn't even have the strength to talk things out, and see if we can all come to a common ground, should we go running to him and ask him to come back?" I asked making everyone quiet not knowing what to say. Momonga was about to speak, but I stopped him

"I'm not saying he can never come back... i'm saying if he wants to come back, it would not be so easy. we would need to have a long talk about everything, In the end, he is our friend... family. does everyone agree with this?" I asked to which everyone nodded lightly in agreement.

"This also brings me to another matter... are we all on the same page with our goals? The clan and guild were created for 2 reasons. While Touch Me was in command, it was a way for Heteromorphic players to come together. this goal was forgotten.... the second goal was when I took over, where we would explore the secrets of the game." I said while standing up, and looking at everyone.

"What is our second goal now? Should I take over and push towards exploring the secrets of the game, which would need us to conquer the 9 realms as I do believe that there would be a hidden reward or something from doing so? Or do you all have other goals?" I asked seriously 

"In other words, are we the good guys, or the bad guys? I really don't care about the role we play, so long as I can dig up the core secrets of this game and explore it to the fullest, then i'm happy... but that would most likely need us to be the villains. which I believe the game is pushing us towards." I said leaving the air quiet until someone stood up.

"Since the guild is going to play the villain route to the fullest... I believe I'm best suited to join Touch Me. I'm just not the villain type," Suratan said stunning everyone.

"Things are not set Suratan, we are still talking things through," Peroroncino said with a frown, making Suratan shake his head while looking around.

"The great Tomb Of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown... it has this villainous air to it, and I feel like it's best you all keep this role, i'm just more suited towards being a hero." He said to which I sighed softly,

"I'm with Suratan-san side." Another guild member stood, followed by another. 

"... I see. But this isn't goodbye," I said trying to brighten up the heavy air. I looked at everyone for a moment, before speaking.

"Try your worst to defeat us, gather the whole lobby, and try and face us... but it's all going to be useless. Ainz Ooal Gown will rule the game. you just set the game difficulty to impossible for yourselves." I said 

"... Don't get cocky Igneel-san. With your help, you are no longer the strongest. we will kill you and take that YGGDRASIL Champion from you." Ancient One said, although his voice cracked as he held down tears.

That day. Ainz Ooal Gown went from 28 members to only 15 people.

Igneel- Primal Elemental Dragon

Momonga- Grim Reaper

Nishikienrai- Half-Golem and Half Aplha Human

Luci★Fer- Light Bringer

Warrior Takemikazuchi- Supreme Nephilim

Amanomahitotsu- Star Crabman 

Peroroncino- Fire Phoenix 

Bukubukuchagama- World Slime

Herohero- World Slime

Blue Planet- Noble Elf

Ulbert Alain Odle- Demon Lord

Yamaiko- Supreme Nephlim

Tabula Smaragdina- Brain Lord

Whitebrim- Vampire Lord

Punitto Moe- Vampire Plant

I took the role of guild master, and so we moved to conquer the world. It was challenging as Touch Me went on to create the largest guild in the game, known as World Alliance. As its leader, I wasn't foolish enough to think 15 players could take millions of players. so, we needed something to turn things around for us quickly before Touch Me and the others used the knowledge they got from me to create an army of overpowered players.

World Items... and a lot of them. Amanomahitotsuthe was our trump card as he had the job Class World Forger. This allowed Amanomahitotsu to create world items with fewer ingredients than normally needed. With the mine we had, Amanomahitotsu was able to make many world items that suited everyone, and each world item had a unique ability.

He even created a world item for the slimes, allowing the slimes that normally couldn't equip gear to be able to wear such a thing. but even so, we didn't rush into battle, we instead went around searching for the best of the best dungeons, making sure we farmed them to collect the best of resources before we geared up in only world items.

When it came to equipment in YGGDRASIL, one could equip magic items in the following slots: head, face, body, three pieces of jewelry apart from one's rings, underclothing, arms, hands, left and right rings, waist, legs, and feet. However, one could not equip multiple magic items to the same item slot. While one could wear many magical items around their neck, only the powers from the item that had been the last put on would be usable. Even a suit of full plate armor only counted as taking up the body slot.

Players could only put one ring on for each hand. However, by using the power of a Cash Item, players could put a ring on each finger. Even if a player's avatar had magic rings on all ten fingers, the maximum number they could activate together was two. A player could manipulate the game's database by using the creator tools and forming original items. One could also buy appearances within the DMMO-RPG. Through doing this, a player could create an unlimited variety of original items. After a certain patch was updated in the game, players were given several ways to change their equipment's appearance without changing their gear.

In total, we could have 22 items equipped all at once. And we went for it, we did. Of course, Touch Me and the World Alliance tried to stop us, after all, we were monopolizing dungeons and mines left and right, which caused many players to grow to hate us and try and stop us, but they were no match.

After a few months of hard work, we managed to have 22 world items per guild member, of course, Amanomahitotsu didn't create them all, as we had to go out and steal some from players.

So, we went to war with the world. With me now having the fullest of gear in my dragon form, I was far more powerful, and that was even more so with 22 World items. But the war was simply to push back the world Alliance, our true goal was to take hold of the nearby NPC villages and have them submit to us before we trained them up. Of course, we used a world item to mind control them to save time. 

We used Downfall of Castle and Country, this world item gave the user mind control capability that could affect any and all beings, even with absolute mental resistance. We used this world item on many races, quickly building a large army and pointing them at cities, which we conquered before the World Alliance could make a move...

well, we didn't put all of our attention on world conquest as we also explored deeper parts of the game. this allowed us to stumble upon many things, such as Odin, Thor, Loki, and many gods whom we had to fight. By killing them, we unlocked more hidden things within the game, such as a way to get extra skill points so we could learn extra job classes.

In our adventure, many members of Ainz Ooal Gown managed to unlock a new hidden racial class. Peroroncino unlocked the racial class White Phoenix, and Nishikienrai managed to unlock the half-golem and half-godly human racial classes.

Meanwhile, I unlocked a few job classes I could learn. I unlocked the Ruler Of Dragon Job Class after defeating the Dragon King, the ruler of a hidden dragon kingdom within the game. I managed to unlock the job class World Collector thanks to me collecting a bunch of world-class items...

Well, it was a game of good and evil. the clashes of the righteous side, and the evil side. it was odd as Touch Me and World Allies seemed to have the support of the game developer, but even so, we slowly won, winning parts of the world bit by bit, until we kicked everyone out.

It was slow, after all, I could one-shot most level 100 players, but after one died, a new one would replace the fallen player. it took time, months. at times we had to take small losses to make bigger gains, we had to buy a few players to help us, and at times we nearly died... but in the end, we were winning.

How could we not win when we were mind-controlling NPC and turning them into world enemies level bosses, and making them our commanders? How could we not be winning when the villages we conquered were spawning monsters at level 70+ thanks to improving the said zone?

How could we not be winning when we had so many world items we were even giving NPC to use them, although we took them back upon death.... how can we lose when even 1,000 players attacking Ainz Ooal Gown failed at the 10th floor?

How can we lose when even 10,000 players uniting to defeat Ainz Ooal Gown, were met with defeat at the 10th floor again since we improved the guild after the last attack? going as far as to give each floor guardian a world item, although the world item would be sent back to the treasury upon death.

How can we lose, when 100,000 players needed to attack Ainz Ooal Gown just to reach the throne room where they were all slaughtered by the 15 of us, plus the NPC within the throne room?

Even when Touch Me went on to have the World Allies take over the 8 realms before we could, we still managed to pull off a win. even with the rewards Touch Me gained from being the ruler of those 8 realms, we won... in fact, it was the fact that Touch Me saw he was losing even while being the ruler of the 8 realms that he tried to get so many players to attack Ainz Ooal Gown, but when that failed, let's say many players gave up.

So... let's jump forward a few years.

On the 16th floor of the great tomb of Nazarick, the 15 rulers of the 9 realm could be seen, sitting together for the last time as the game was going to close.

"I was hoping someone would attack us seeing as the game was going to end... well, I guess not," Momonga said softly,

"These 12 years were fun... After all of the hard work I spent into creating my floor, I feel like crying seeing it all about to go." Yamaiko said lightly, everyone sighed at her words as they could relate.

"well... i'm going to sit on my throne like a badass before the game closes," I said while getting up, everyone stood up and followed me towards the throne room. but everything we passed on the way only brought back memories. the 16th floor was the floor we all came together to create, it held many things, from pictures of us to treasures we collected around the world.

"I can't believe you spent 10k in this game," Momonga said softly, although he spent a few hundred or maybe a thousand, no one could compare to me who spent a lot to make sure my character was as perfect as possible 

"Well, what can I say? I rather die knowing I lived a life worth living than to die knowing I had left a lot of money I could have used." I said while stepping through the gates to the throne room, and there we were met with the Pleiades. 9 level 100 maids which were all on the level of world enemies, each of them should at least be able to fight 10 level 100 players all on their own, with the strongest amongst them being able to fight up to 20 level 100 players. their leader was Sebas Tian, Touch Me's creation, but we didn't delete him and changed him later.

Sebas was now stronger, able to fight up to 35 level 100 players all on his own, and even more, when he used his world item.

They all bowed as we walked towards the throne, which was a world item. Some of the members stopped to closely look at the NPC, remembering the past few years that had flown by.

I sat on my throne, and slowly everyone made their way to stand by my throne in their position, looking down the stairs at the role of NPC.

"We should come together once again to play the villain role in the next game... conquering the world was fun," Ulbert said to which everyone shook their head at his words.

"Ulbret, your demonic side is showing again... but yeah, let's do it. I already found a game I'm planning on trying, it's called the Olympus." Peroroncino said in excitement. I didn't say anything and simply watched them all talk with a faint smile. 

As the time slowly neared midnight when the game would forcefully kick us out, everyone went quiet as they closed their eyes, waiting to find themselves awakening back outside... but even when the clock hit midnight, we all saw it continue moving, going past midnight, this caused all of us to open our eyes.

'It worked...' I thought while holding my breath sensing just how sharp my senses were at the moment. I needed a few seconds to adapt to the huge amount of information my mind was taking in, until I learned to shut off my enhanced senses and passive skills I had on at all times.

"what's going on? I feel weird!" Bukubukuchagama who was a slime panicked feeling just how flexible and unstable her body was. it took on all types of shapes and forms, leaving her scared. the same was true for Herohero.

Punitto Moe who was a plant was also panicking as well, the senses and confusion was too much, forcing me to speak.

"Quite!" I yelled, but that came out as a dragon roar which caused the air to go quiet, even Bukubukuchagama and Herohero's bodies came to a sudden freeze. As for the NPC? well, they were no longer NPC as they were living beings now, they were scared shitless at my words.

"... look around you, everything has come to life," I said softly, causing everyone to look around, and they quickly came to this realization. they could smell, they could even taste their saliva. they could feel their heartbeat, they could feel more than they could in the game.

"Right now... I'm seeing new colors. I highly doubt YGGDRASIL had this." I said while standing up, rubbing my eyes to try and adapt to seeing new colors that normal humans should have never been able to see.

"First thing we need information... Sebas." I called out, and Sabes, who was an old butler stepped forward and fearfully kneeled before the throne. His face didn't show much emotion, but the fact his body was shaking lightly showed he was scared.

"Go out and explore the land outside of Nazarick... as for the Pleiades, go out and check every floor for anything that's off," I said 

"Understood my lord," Sabes said respectfully before walking off, the Pleiades all bowed toward us and quickly left to follow my orders. I stopped everyone from saying anything while I looked towards the overseer of the Floor Guardian, Albedo

"Albedo, summon all of the floor guardians to the 7th floor in the Arena. We will be there shortly, I want everyone to hear Seba's report." I said

"Understood," Albedo said respectfully while throwing a quick look at her creator Tabula, and quickly left to follow my orders. this left everyone stunned.

"... they can follow orders they were not programmed to do, and could even leave their floor. either the game became super realistic, which I doubt, or the game had just become real." I said causing everyone to swallow their saliva in shock.

"I did that for a few reasons, but mainly to get them away from us..." I said seriously, while pulling out a sword, and cutting my palm. before everyone's eyes, blood appeared and slowly began to start dripping, but I closed my eyes and reached out, a hole in space appeared before me allowing me to reach into my inventory and pull out a test tube that I used to store my blood

"Give me your blood or hair, I want to study this. Momonga, you are a skeleton. are you able to speak? how are you even standing when you have no flesh holding you together." I said while I flashed before Momonga, taking his arms and closely studying it.

"Igneel!" They called out to me, but I had no time to listen to them as I closely studied them, it was only when they all yelled at the same time I came back to reality.

"This is no time for your science or whatever, we are in a new world... and we are monsters," Amanomahitotsu said almost in tears seeing he was a crab monster. I looked at him slightly, before pulling out an item that could transform a person into any race. while still keeping most of their skills, so long as they don't take a good amount of damage, they would stay as said race.

"than just become a human... but you are right. the first thing we have to do is ensure we have the former NPC loyalty. from there, we need to ensure just how powerful we are in this world. so we will need someone amongst us to head out and explore, I will pick Momonga thanks to his skill set. Anyone reject?" I asked causing Momonga to jump slightly.

"Of course, we will be watching you the whole way. I will not allow the NPC to head out, they might act the way we programmed them to act. So we can expect them all to be evil and stuff... we also have to look into how our race's changing might have affected us, for example, does Momonga need to eat, sleep, or whatever or is he truly an undead? there is also the question of if we are the only players to come here... and why we came here." I said seriously, making everyone nod lightly.

"So, before anything, we will first learn about what's happening... I will say it now, I have no interest in returning back to earth. this world is... more fun. As for the rest of you, if you want to return, I will try and find a way to send you back... but for now, let's go to the 7th floor... and remember, we have to act like their boss or whoever they view us as. we can't act like humans who just found themselves in the body of a dragon or something. if the image they have of us shatters, they might think we are unworthy of being their leader." I said seriously, to which everyone nodded before I pointed at one of the 10 rings on my finger.

"first thing first, we should all get used to using items. they don't have these, but we do. the floor guardians are all in one place, we can use that to flee if needed." I said impressing everyone that I thought so far ahead. So, they tried to use the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, 

Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown is a type of ring whose use was solely for traveling in and out within the Great Tomb of Nazarick. It allows the wearer to travel instantaneously anywhere within the confines of the necropolis except a few specific areas.

The only flaw of the ring was that while it allowed its user to teleport freely within Nazarick, it could only teleport straight to the rooms that were either marked as important or special in Nazarick. This was not the case with rooms that had been deemed as "normal" from the start and thus one could not teleport straight to them.