
My Words Have Power

Finding herself alone with no memories besides her name Eliza must adapt to a world she has no knowledge of.

Wait_what_no · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Where am I

Eliza awoke with a jolt in a very uncomfortable position. "Where am I?" she croaked, realizing how dry her mouth was.

Deciding it was probably better not to speak, Eliza opted to look around. The room or cell she was in had a single wooden door, no windows, and chains binding her to the walls. She also noted that instead of being chained with her back to the wall, she was standing in the middle of the room with her arms outstretched and a chain leading to the walls at her sides. Why was she here better yet, who was she? She could remember her name, but that was about it; how had she gotten here? Where was she? All these thoughts just circled around her head as she tried to remember.

While trying to think of the answers to all those questions, Eliza decided it was probably best to free herself from her chains. The chains themselves seemed quite old as if they hadn't been swapped for newer ones in years. Though rusted to hell, the chains remained quite sturdy and difficult for her to break, but after some time of going back and forth pulling on each chain, they finally snapped, causing her to ungracefully fall to the ground with an audible thud. While she was not exactly pleased to have fallen, she was still relieved the chains had broken. The shackles were still there, and there was still some chain connected to them, but she was now free to wander her cell. Wandering around her cell, she took note of the fact that it was empty even behind where she had been facing.

'Did my captors not plan on keeping me here long?'

She felt a little unnerved by the thought that whoever imprisoned her here had forgotten that they left her chained in a dungeon with no food nor drink, not even hay to lay on, though it seems she had been here for quite some time due to the fact that there were indentions where her feet were. There was also the chance her captors had been killed at some point without anyone knowing she was left to rot, which didn't make her feel any better.

'Hopefully, no one else is inside the dungeon.' was her only thought before trying the door.

'Locked or stuck, whatever, this is the only way out of the room, so time to keep trying until the door gives, or I do, I hope the door gives first; I'm already hungry.'

Shoving the door with as much strength as she could muster, the door proceeded to not move an inch. Trying again and again, she soon got frustrated and decided punching the door was a good idea.

'WHY DID I DO THAT!?' She mentally screamed at herself while nursing her hand.

Figuring that pushing the door was better than punching it, she decided to have another go at it.

'Move already, you bastard; why won't you budge?'



Yelling at the top of her lungs Eliza pushed the door open with a mighty thump, after which she fell immediately into a coughing fit after yelling with a dry throat. Finishing up her wheezing, she looked down the hall ahead of her; it didn't have anything illuminating it, but that didn't matter as she found out that she has excellent vision in the dark. The hall seemed to stretch for a little ways before ending at.

'Another door.'


First time writing so here you go and my proofreading was done by two bots so spelling will probably kill me.


'for thoughts'

"for speaking"

Wait_what_nocreators' thoughts