
The meeting

After I was fully clothed, I cleaned up and took to the halls. "Heya, need any help?" A familiar voice chimed. "Could you show me to the King please?" I asked, turning to face Tris. The female nodded in return, taking hold of my wrist before taking off in the opposite direction I was headed. The surroundings changed as we got further down the hall, the marble floors switched over to black wood, and the walls were intertwined with silver a specks of gold dust, as was the ceiling.

After about an hour of walking, we were met with a golden staircase, spiraling down. "Be careful. There's no railing." My companion informed, starting to descend. I nodded, following after her. After what seemed like forever, we arrived at dark oak doors, most likely leading outside due to the smell and what the surroundings look like. "Challenge the one with the black hair and brown eyes." Tris commented, pushing me through the doors before slamming them. I am so glad I chose to change into my boots, those heels were killing me. I let a grumpy groan out as I looked for the designated person, who was standing in the corner, practicing with a bow and arrow.

Shocks shot up my spine as I looked at the handsome male, he had short black hair, a strong jawline, defined cheek bones and chocolate brown eyes. I huffed as I approached, "Fight me." I challenged him.

The male looked at me, which sent electric jolts up my spine before he grinned. "Alright." He chimed, his frame was about 6'0", though I'm not easily intimidated. "I'm sure you know me, but I'm King Victor." My opponent said, aiming a right swing at my face. "As in the Alpha King!?" I asked surprised, as I ducked his swing. "You didn't know?" The king asked, landing a kick square to my stomach. I groaned in pain, as I held my tender scar. Though, this didn't stop me as I landed a left hook to the males face. "No, I didn't know." I replied, while Victor was caught by surprise. I grinned, bringing a kick square to his chest, ignoring the jolts I got just by making eye contact. The king grinned before he grabbed my ankle and pinned me to the ground. "I win~" Victor teased, his hot breath hitting my ear. I smirked before wrapping my legs around his middle, effectively flipping us both over.

Moving one leg to have the heel of my boot on his jugular, I said "What were you saying?" with a sly grin, before he rolled us over. I grumbled, attaching my legs around his neck, rolling us once again. I was now sitting on the males chest, with my legs around his throat squeezing. Though, it wasn't so much that he couldn't breathe. In a swift motion, I jumped off the male, "By the way, I made it before the cars did. As promised." I bragged, watching Victor.

"So, what's the plan? What can I do to aid the kingdom?" I asked, taking a seat on a nearby bench. The cool October air nipped at my skin, not helping the shivers and jolts I got from Victor. "Well, we can start by announcing that you are my mate. I'm sure you feel the jolts too. Secondly, there is a patrol leaving tomorrow, I want you to lead them. All of the kingdoms territory must be covered, I expect a report at the end of your patrol as well." The king replied, confirming my suspicions of us being mates.

"Follow me." Victor ordered, walking off. Soon, we were back at the double doors from before. "This is our room." My mate said, opening the doors. I faked being surprised by the elegance, though it was still mesmerizing. "November, our bedroom is on the left." Victor commented, pointing to the room I went through. I simply nodded, dismissing the fact that he knew my name without me telling him.

I nodded, before hesitantly entering it, throwing my saddle bags into the walk in closet, discreetly. I swiftly left the room easily faking awe, it was partially real because our shared room is very beautiful. I let a grin spread across my face as my gray orbs landed on the kitchen once more, making my way over I poured myself and Victor a glass of orange juice. I carefully made my way to the couch and set Victor's cup down on the table in front of us, before downing my own swiftly.

"Favorite color?" I hummed, looking to my mate. "Green and black. You?" Victor replied, his dark orbs glued to the TV, though I caught his glances every so often. "Same. Favorite food?" I inquired, trying to learn more about my mate. "Steak, how about you?" The king replied. "Hmm, I'd say ice cream." I grinned. "Hobbies?" My mate inquired, turning his gaze fully onto me. "Training, listening to music, drawing." I replied, before gently tapping him with the toe of my boot, signaling him to answer the same question. "Spending time outside, training, Alpha king duties." The king shrugged while I laid my legs across his lap.

"Night or day?" I inquired. "Night." The male responded, "Inside or outside?" Victor added. "Outside. Humans or witches?" He asked, lightly stroking my knee. "Witches. Coffee or tea?" I replied, shivering because of the contact. "Coffee!" Victor all but raised his voice, jumping at the question. I chuckled, being the same way. "Favorite pack member?" The king inquired, fondly gazing at me. "Don't have one." I shrugged, turning my attention to the TV before taking my boots off, letting my aching feet breathe. I sighed happily before leaning back on the couch.

"Don't. You. Dare." I growled, glaring at my mate who was about to tickle me. Victor let a low whine escape his throat, though I wouldn't fall for that. Keeping my guard up, I leaned back once more, trying to relax.

It's been a rough few days with the chasing rogues and traveling here, it's nice to have a break.