
My Wife Is Captain Marvel!

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it

1st_KING · Anime und Comics
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110 Chs

Current Black Panther Techaka!

Te Shanka!

King Wakanda, the current superhero Black Panther, the Asgardian of the entire African continent.

He is also the father of the original Black Panther.

Unlike the pale beard and rich body in the movie, Techaka now looks quite young, well-proportioned, and his eyes are extremely sharp.

He looked at Nikko in that way, and then walked in front of him step by step.

This man is full of majesty and the aura of a superior.

"Your Majesty!


Everyone knelt down towards Tchaka, definitely Nichaob and Li Wei were exceptions.

"Prince Nichob, why don't you kneel?"

A black girl, led by Dora's guard, yelled at Nichob.

Okye ", step back!"

"Don't be rude!"

Tchaka scolded the girl, then smiled at Nichaob: "My dear brother, don't come here unharmed?"

"I'm very good!

Nicciob raised his eyebrows, and then the two met each other and gave each other a hug.

"It's great to be back!"

"I'm glad you can come back!"

Tchaka was talking there, and then he looked at Li Wei: "Don't you introduce him to 527? You should know that we, Wakanda, don't allow outsiders to come in?"

Although it is a random inquiry, Tchaka's words are full of warning elements.

"Is it?


Li Wei flashed suddenly, swiftly activated, and came to Techaka.

Tchaka was taken aback, and the Dora's guard, who was holding the Vibranium weapon behind him, had no time to react.

"I want to come as soon as I want?"

"Do you think that with this Vibranium barrier, you can stop me?"


Li Wei returned to the place where he just stood, as if it was an illusion just now.

"Who are you?"

Tchaka's original relaxed expression suddenly became serious.

His heart was far from calm as his expression came.

He has the Ability of Black Panther, but Li Wei's sudden shot just now, he just didn't see his movements clearly.

This shows that the opponent's strength is above him.


Dora's guard also moved.

Generally, a black woman holding a silver gun, suddenly surrounded Li Wei and Nichaob in the middle.

"Brother, what do you mean?

"Mr. Li Wei is my most respected guest, don't I even have the right to bring a guest into the house?"

Nicciob spoke aloud, staring straight at Tchaka.

Just now, Li Wei also deliberately showed his strength a little bit, so that the old Black Panther can be taken seriously.

Otherwise, if he doesn't pay attention to Nikko, the scene will be no fun.


After looking at Li Wei up and down, Tchaka waved to the Dora guard on the side: "Disperse!"

"Your Majesty–"

The leader of Dora's guard, Okye, was a little anxious. She looked at Li Wei and said, "This person is very dangerous!"

"What, didn't you hear what I said?"

Tchaka suddenly exuded the power of the king, and Okoye bowed instantly: "Yes!"

"If you want to kill me, you just started it!"

Teshanka glanced at Li Wei, then waved his hand: "Let's go, what's the matter, talk about it tomorrow!

"Your choice is wise!"

Li Wei smiled, but Tchaka's face sank slightly, this time his brother came back, and he was investigating another incident recently.

My younger brother, as if carrying himself on his back, is secretly selling Vibranium.

This is not allowed by the special change card anyway.

Li Wei and Ni Qiaobu boarded a fighter plane.

The three fighters flew towards Wakanda's royal family at extremely fast speed.

When the fighter plane broke through the barrier of Wakanda, the real Wakanda kingdom finally appeared in front of Li Wei.

Countless high-tech buildings stand tall, towering into the clouds, fighter planes are transporting and moving in the air, and all kinds of fully automatic (abc) escalators and unreal projections can be seen everywhere.

A city full of sense of science and technology stands on this piece of land on the African continent.

It is extremely magnificent, and it is more amazing than a paradise.

Moreover, Wakanda is a city that never sleeps, with countless brilliant lights shining on the barrier, sprinkling an extremely natural day.

Countless entertainment venues are illuminated transparently.

But in the residential area, it is dark.

With the integration of light and darkness, nature has become extremely small in the face of science and technology.

This is the power of black technology.

It abruptly changed this barren land, as well as ignorant people.


With the fully automatic uplifting wing deployment, Li Wei has arrived at Wakanda's royal palace.

A statue of huge amounts of Black Panther was placed in the center of the palace square, looking up to the sky, exuding a fierce and fierce breath.

The two tallest technologically modern buildings in Wakanda are surrounded by ancient buildings circling up in circles, like twin stars, connected by an artificial corridor with huge amounts of in the middle, forming a tendency to support the sky.

This is Wakanda's palace, the perfect combination of modern and classic.

"That is the royal family's science and technology building, in front is the royal family's office and residence hall!"

Nichob was talking secretly in Li Wei's ear.

Li Wei looked up at Wakanda's royal family, with a trace of heat flashing in his eyes.

Soon, this place will belong to me.

He will be his base.

A strong sense of conquest was born in Li Wei's heart.

And the arrival of Li Wei obviously made countless Wakanda blacks feel weird.

Among a group of all black races, a yellow race suddenly came, and this feeling was very weird.

However, the return of Prince Nikkob made the Wakanda people quite happy. This prince seemed to be more popular than King Tchaka. Countless people also knew him, and all of them kindly greeted him Roar.

"Today, you will stay in this royal hotel first!"

"Early tomorrow morning, I will send someone to pick you up…"

Tchaka was talking there, but Nichob was a little angry: "I am the prince of Wakanda, why can't I live in the palace, this royal hotel is used to receive guests, I am not a guest!"


Seeing that Nichob was a little excited, Dora's guard immediately stretched out his spear and stopped him: "Prince Nichob, please pay attention to your words!"

TBCA didn't mean to turn his head at all.


Nichob was angry, and said loudly: "Tomorrow morning, you'd better call all the leaders of the four tribes, I want to exercise the rights granted to me by blood!

"I want to challenge you for the identity of the king and Black Panther!"

A trace of determination flashed in Nichob's eyes, and he turned to Techaka's back, saying word by word: "Techaka, you don't deserve you to be the king of Wakanda!"

This sentence said that all the faces of everyone changed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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