
Medium World

Chapter 115: Medium World

"I shall officially congratulate you on your first world's conquest, Minato," Bei stood with glasses and a written schedule in her hands.

Facing her beloved, she pushed those and smiled widely, then dropped all her staff. She congratulated him with a deep and enjoyable kiss.

Minato rolled his eyes, "That's official for you?"

"It is," Bei grasped Minato's hand, then guided him onto her wide ass.

After he squeezed her cheek enough, Bei let him go, and both of them headed straight to the world tree.

Their conversation continued with them holding their hands like lovers.

"I was thinking of going to another low world to sow more fear... But that would be pretty deficient... I would rather face myself in the medium world and let other races reunite with their races in medium worlds, increasing their strength and loyalty in this way.