
A changed person

Describing the way Gary currently felt as annoyed would be a vast understatement. He was jogging his way back to the parts of Chavley. Fortunately, running wasn’t really a problem for Gary due to his stamina and improved body, and he had a lot of time until it was evening in Burnham, so there were a few things he could do before then.

He wouldn’t have minded it at all, but after seeing those three nice cars with so many empty seats in them, he thought the others could have at least offered him a lift back home. Of course, there was also the option to get the bus, but that would cost him a bit of money. The bus fares in Slough seemed like a rip-off, no matter how much money he had, so he preferred the free method.

‘I think I might just run to Burnham at this rate. Hmmm, I wonder what that look was on Xin’s face when she got in the car. Maybe she’s still shaken up by everything that happened.’