
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasie
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78 Chs

Vision 4 - Scammed (2)


As soon as the bell rang the mother-daughter pair moved with extreme agility and went behind the man. The man sensed someone behind him and moved to throw a punch.

But the girl seems to be in her teenage - The daughter - went behind him. She dodged the punch with a smirk on her face.

It was a distraction she created for her mother so that she could strike the man from the front.

The strategy was good, but the man with a giant mane-like hair often went through this kind of battle. He knows how people with high agility fight. He didn't hesitate and turned around swinging his hand in front of him.

The mother was caught off guard but her agility stats were still high enough. She saw the arm coming in slow motion. She dodged the arm and twist her body to try a strike with an uppercut.


The sound of her fist connecting with the man's jaw was heard but without showing any victorious expression, she jumped back to create some distance.

The man came into view, completely fine. He cracked his neck side to side and spoke while looking behind him.

" You both are fast and have good coordination, I will give you that much. Life is hard, you both must have been fighting here for a long time. I could sense the experience. "

" What are you trying to say? "

" I am saying forfeit."

" Forfeiting is not an option, people who forfeit are sold in pennies. "

" Isn't better than losing your life? "

As the man and the teenage girl were talking back and forth. The mother of the girl spoke.

" Enough with the bickering! " She roared fiercely " We will accept our fate! we will choose for ourselves! People and Nebuculas are getting impatient anyway. "

The sound of people started shouting and accessing the match as their words were heard all around the stadium.

" Woah The mother and daughter pair are fast. "

" The man is strong as well. "

" It will be an amazing fight. "

On the side of the ring, is a huge panel that can be seen from anywhere in the stadium. Comments from Nubeculas were displayed there.


[ The Nubecula 'Moloch' : Continue the battle. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Huehueteotl' : if someone finishes the fight with one strike. I will donate 1000 points. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Kali' : The mother-daughter pair needs to win. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Toci' : I demand to see someone tortured. ]


In the middle of all this, a man was floating in front of the comment panel. The man has an extremely handsome face, but his face wasn't the only different thing about him. He had fireflies-like lights hovering above his head, making a small tiara. His voice resounded throughout the shed.

[ HaHa... Nubecula's are enjoying the show, I will become more popular. ]

[ Don't worry watcher! You will get to see a good show! Our pair is extremely skilled with speed and we also have their contender with great strength! You will see a good show!! ]

[ NOW! Our contenders! The gods are watching give something great to watch and you will get points! ]

" Tch..."

The man clicked his tongue, at the mystical man's words.

" People hail those employees as 'God messengers' but they are just a bunch of selfish High existence licking ass of even higher existence. Those Nubecula who people call gods isn't better either. "

The mother heard the rambling of the big man.

" That is how it is, now let's end this. "

" I don't like this, at least not when someone is using me for their enjoyment but you are right. I will finish this will one strike. "

Mother-daughter pair heightened their sense to use their agility at maximum. They were ready for whatever is going to come their way.

The Man activated his most powerful skill. The air around him started rotating on his feet rising to his body and concentrating on his fist.

People sitting in the stadium felt great power concentrating at one point. Their clothes started to flutter because of the wind. One of them asked with a pale expression.

" That... Whatever he is doing isn't going to hit us right? "

" Relax and just enjoy. The fences here are special, they will stop any aftereffect of any skill to get past the ring. "

" Really? The organizer must have spent a fortune for it, but then again they must also make fortune with these kinds of events. "

[ Woah can you see this? Nubeculas, Something interesting is going to happen, keep watching to see what happens. ]

On the other hand, the Employee was in full swing. He was really good at selling the scene.


[ The Nubecula 'Huehueteotl' : if he finishes the fight with one strike donation will definitely be given. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Kali' : I don't want the mother-daughter pair to lose to a Man. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Moloch' : You should keep your feminist thoughts to yourself. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Toci' : I demand some torture! ]


The wind around Man's fist starts to increase and it formed a small tornado. The mother acted quickly and put her daughter behind her body, defending her from whatever attack that was coming their way. The daughter wanted to come forward but the man's word came out first.

" Tornado Fist. "

The wind started to expand and then it shoot out as a beam and turned into a tornado. The tornado hit the mother-daughter pair.


The dust rose inside the ring. It was thick so the ring got covered in dust.

There was silence in the stadium, everyone wanted to know what happened. The 'Employee's' voice spoke with full excitement in the middle of silence.

[That was an amazing move! Would the mother-daughter survive? or Will they shock us with something amazing? Keep watching Nubeculas, to know what happened. ]

After a few seconds passed. The dust settled down, the man was standing and the mother-daughter pair were lying on the ground with paper-cut-like injuries all over their body.

wooooooo... waaaaaaa

The cheer from the crowd came out like a roar. The man walked toward the pair with cold eyes.

" I told you to forfeit. "

" A-And we told you... We will accept our fate... j-just finish it. "

" No, leave my mom. "

The man looked at both of them and then turned to the referee. He killed many people in the arena, but he didn't like killing.

The referee looked at the man and shook his head to tell him there is no other way.

The man raised his foot above the mother's head to smash her skull.


The daughter's voice rang but the man ignored it, this is how things would be if he faced someone stronger than him in the future, in this ring, he would die too.


As the man was about to lower his leg hard when the Big door of the shed opened. The door hit the wall behind him with a 'thud' sound.


After flying straight for a minute a two, I reached the shore that came into my view as I flew as instructed. I was happy to see some actual people, but after seeing the demi-humans in the middle of the human.

Again I conceded that I really am not on earth anymore. It made me content, thinking about all the things that I will go around experiencing in this new world.

[ The Nubecula 'Kafzeil' comments " go to the shed behind the Mansion. " ]


As I was just having a moment, I got a comment from Kafzeil, hovering infront of me, swallowing my mood. This bastard doesn't want me to have any peace for a second. I cursed inwardly as I couldn't disregard someone of his status.

' Why is he even paying so much attention to me? ' I couldn't help but wonder

The Astral Projection of Persephone flew in front of me. She had a concerned look on her face.

" What is it? You have been feeling stressed for some time. "

Her look wasn't understandable to me, we just meet a few hours ago. There wasn't any basis for her given reaction but it calmed me down nonetheless, but that just made me feel worse. Why does her being concerned for me calm me down?

" You don't have to be concerned about me. " I had to whisper so that drones don't catch what I said.

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is wondering why are you talking to yourself. ]

But looks like I underestimated the capability of the drone. I didn't know if Persephone heard me or not, but now concern suddenly left her face and a frown appeared on its place.

' Looks like she heard me. '

Her frown supposes to indicate anger I assumed but only frustration was inside me, now that was mine or hers, I don't know. I feel intense frustration when someone affects my emotions too much and she does exactly that.

I tried to ignore the useless feeling, scolding myself for how much it affected me.

" I am sorry. " I spoke, partially to myself, and then put on a thoughtful expression " So Nubeculas want me to go to the shed behind that mansion. "

The Astral Projection of Persephone traced my gaze. The village had small houses so the mansion can be visible from a far distance.

The Mansion - brown in color, which makes it seem like it was made up of wood, black borders, and railings on its edges, several big windows covered with curtains but flickering disco lights of different colors could not be hidden with the cloth- was decorated with light, highlighting some parts of it. The mansion stood out even more at the night.

" Don't listen to them. If any Nubecula wants you to go there it is because they want to use you for their entertainment. "

Agreeing with Persephone's thoughts, I put my hand on my chin and closed my eyes, trying to make it look like I was thinking to myself.

" I thought that as well, but then two wired usernamed Nubeculas told me to go there, as well. "

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is blushing. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' snorts at your remark. ]

Ignoring the messages I spoke with haze " But then I also got one Comment from God-Nubecula 'Kafzeil' to go there. "

As soon as I talked about 'Kafzeil' Persephone frowned like she just eat a whole lemon, souring her mouth from every inch. It seems she doesn't like him, I thought to myself.

" Kafzeil? I don't like the idea of going there even more now. "

Again I agreed with her, I don't like it either. I have no desire to involve in other's matters this early unless I have to.

" Why is that Pigeon even watching here?" Persephone spoke with clear discontent " doesn't he have better things to do? "

Right. I thought the same thing. It seems when you don't like the same people your thoughts tend to become similar, and she is the underworld queen after all, but I remember it wasn't that bad in Olympus so what is the reason for such detest?

" Anyway let's go and see what is there. " I spoke, throwing any thoughts regarding her reaction. What does it have to do with me anyway?

" You are not serious, right? You are weak right now, just ignore them. "

Persephone tried to reason with me but I ignored her and flew past her Astral projection, descending into the forest near the shed. I could feel Persephone's disappointment this time, but there is something I learned after watching over this world for a decade of my life.

That is, instead of playing with lower existences, play with the Higher existences. If Nubeculas want an interesting 'script'. I will give them one that will blow their minds.

As soon as my foot took hold of the soft grassy ground. I looked around to make it look like I am trying to find a way in.

" Is there a way to get in? " I mused.

[ The Nubecula 'Kafzeil' comments " there is a window behind the shed. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Yael' comments " go through the window. " ]

It looks like Yael started to take an interest too. Well, Kafzeil kept commenting, so it is evident for others to take interest as well.

[ The Nubecula 'Kafzeil' is smiling. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Yael' regret commenting. ]

Yael got embarrassed after commenting after his superior, well, I don't want to witness 'Kafzeil smiling at me as well. I shuddered as the scene came into my mind. Persephone looked at me perplexed.

" Are you cold? "

I shook my head in denial at her question.

" I just thought of a scene of a Psychopath smiling at me. "

Persephone seemed to have some doubts, but she just shrugged her shoulders and pointed toward a window of the shed that was behind the mansion with her chin.

" That window there is open and there is also no one there. "

" How careless. "

" I still don't like it. You should just ignore them. "

I want to leave, but since I am here, I also want to see the situation now. I walked towards the window. As Persephone said there was no one there, so I did not need to do some lame-ass sneaky scene, though Nubeculas would have liked it.

I opened the window and jumped inside without anyone noticing. The astral Projection of Persephone came in through the same window while floating after me. Seeing her float I thought I should have done the same thing, but there is no reason to cry over spilled milk.

When I came inside, the first thing I watched was an arena with a platform surrounding it.

" What is this? WWE? " and I couldn't help but comment on the unexpected scene in front of me.


I heard a laughing sound beside me, Astral-Persephone was trying to suppress her laughter, with the back of her hand covering her mouth.

[ The Nubecula 'Kfazeil' likes your comment. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' likes your sense of humor. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comment's "hahaha". ]

What was so funny about what I said? I didn't say anything wired, it really is like that here.

I ignored them and tried to focus on why these psychos wanted me here.

I was seriously wishing for a treasure chest at the end of all this.