
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasie
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78 Chs

Vision 10 - …One More? (3)

The sound of trumpets was heard. I felt like it was a royal banquet.

Soon, the entrance door opened and a large Hall came into view, The hall was very big and beautiful, I could tell even from the outside.

Beside the main door many people were holding trumpets and A person was standing near the door who spoke with a bright expression.

" Contemporary Scholars. We will present to you the respected faculty of 'Trivia'. "

[ Some Nubeculas are excited about the dramatic entry. ]

The person at the door was acting like a host. He didn't have a mic but his voice was heard throughout the Hall. He was using a very useful skill.

The person continued speaking.

" Foremost please pay respects to the one you all know very well. She is formidable and mysterious. Headmaster of The School of Magic and Arts, 'Trivia'! "

thrupppp thruppthruppp

clap clap clap clap

The person acting as the host gave a dramatic introduction. Students inside the hall started clapping, some faculty members were also clapping.

As the clapping sound continues, a white cat with a majestic aura walked inside the hall. No one was surprised to see a cat addressed as headmaster.

Everyone acted like it was usual, there is no way that these students who worked so hard to get into trivia didn't know about its headmaster.

Hekate in the form of a white cat walked toward the stage and sat on the cushion placed there. Students looked at her with an awed expression. Then the voice of the host was heard again.

" Marvelous. Next is the person responsible for maintaining this wonderful school, you all already know who he is. Acting Headmaster of The School of magic and art, 'Trivia'. "

trppppp thruppppp

Clap clap clap clap

The clapping sound was once again heard and the acting headmaster, Eldrich II-hung walked past the entrance door. He waved his hands toward the students with a loving smile. He walked on the stage and sat on a comfortable chair.

Clap Clap Clap

Then the host grandly introduced everyone one by one, and after half an hour, all faculty members were on the stage.

Eldrich got up from the front row. The stage had three rows, the first row was where Hekate and Eldrich were sitting, the second row was occupied by professors, Lisa and the rest were sitting there in a row, and the last row was where their assistant was sitting.

I was currently sitting behind Lisa in the last. I was glad I was on the last because not all students can see me there, but I was still being stared at by many professors and assistants.

I was obviously feeling awkward. I remembered how the host introduced Lisa and me, even though he choked at his own words.

' On to the next, You all already know the next professor. She is just as beautiful as she is strict. She is the one Trivia is proud to have and you all are lucky to be taught by her in the future. Professor Lisa Yates. '

Clap Clap Clap

' Unfortunately, no one has ever had the honor to be here ass-... huh? *cough* Please welcome Professor Lisa Yates and her assistant. '

It was so bad. He didn't even say my name, I am sure people will now call me Lisa's 'Mysterious Assistant'. I could feel people's gaze at me, Eddie was looking at me with disbelief. I maintain my indifferent expression as Eldrich walked over to the mic and spoke.

" Hello, new scholars. I am here to congratulate and welcome you to the humble place we call school 'Trivia'. You all have met- "

Eldrich gave a long ass speech which I wasn't interested in. I listen to this speech many times in my dreams. I looked around where the Students were sitting, suddenly my eyes caught a silver haired boy sitting with other students. It was Ducas, we made eye contact and his face lit up.

I ignored him and observed others, there wasn't anyone who caught my attention. Everyone was outstanding as per the school's standards but they were just average compared to the people I wanted.

After Eldrich gave his speech he asked Hekate to speak a few words. Everyone's attention moved to the white cat, as she floated towards the mic while sitting on her pillow. I have heard her speak a few times in my dreams but I was still curious.

Since I came to this dream world. I realized that experiencing my own dream in real life is way more different.

The white cat opened her mouth and her voice was heard. It was like an angel was speaking from heaven, it was a voice of a higher being.

" I look forward to seeing all of your growth. "


[ The Exclusive skill 'False Awakening' has restored your senses. ]


As soon as I heard those words, My whole mentality was shaken, but fortunately, False Awakening activated on its own.

She just spoke one sentence but the people present there were in a trance state. Only Eldrich-who is the acting headmaster, Lisa-who was her avatar, and me-who have heard her speak before in my dream and had 'False Awakening, were somewhat normal.

Actually, it affected me more than I thought, but false Awakening restored my senses. Watching it from the third person's perspective and actually experiencing it, was very different.

" She sure likes to show off. "

Persephone who was standing behind me spoke in a calm demeanor. I noticed that she always had a very indifferent expression when it comes to a higher existence. I can only guess that maybe she doesn't like them?

I could just ask her, but I didn't want to. I felt like I will learn something useless.

Hekate didn't say anything else and moved back. Her cushion floated through the air, then something happened that shocked me.

Instead of going to the first row where she was previously sitting. Her cat eyes moved towards the other faculty members.

She was searching for someone, then her eyes met with mine. Why did she look at me? I was confused, then something happened which made me frown.

The white cat flew in my direction, and I quickly broke eye contact.

'Please don't come here.' I prayed in my heart, hopefully she will go to Lisa.

My prayers were not heard. I felt some weight on my legs, it was soft. I looked down, and there was a white cat with her cushion on my lap.

It was over. My peaceful life in this school was over. I turned around, the scene was as expected. Everyone was looking at me with wide eyes, only Lisa was looking at me with calmness.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "I still can not believe it. She is really in Lower Realm" ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "It is very weird." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " But He is even more interesting, than that." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Indeed." ]


I don't know how to handle this situation. I might get more Nubeculas attention in the future because of this. Well, It might work out better for me.


A sigh left my mouth, and people around me flinched. I ignored them, since I have already eaten the sweet poison so I might as well lick the plate.

I picked up the cat and adjusted the cushion, then put her back. I did it calmly. Hekate showed no resistance and my movement were fluent like I have done it many times. It was like she was my pet.

The hall went silent, everyone was looking between me and the white cat on my lap. I looked toward Eddie and smiled as gently as I could. He stiffened up.

Since he could try to mess with me because of Lisa, I should use this opportunity to intimidate him.

" Sir, we should get on with the ceremony. "

In the middle of the silence, Lisa spoke to Eldrich. The Acting Headmaster was opening and closing his mouth multiple while looking at me. Eldrich then remembered that they were in the middle of the ceremony.

" Yes. "

Eldrich corrected his posture and went back towards the mic. The Opening Ceremony continued, and throughout the ceremony, Hekate didn't move from my lap and everyone kept looking at me. I ignored their gaze but it was still very uncomfortable.

After Ceremony ended, multiple professors and their assistants tried to talk to me and Lisa. Eddie didn't try to approach us this time, he walked out of the hall without talking to anyone. His mind should be a mess.

Lisa told everyone that she had an early class, and thanks to that I was able to avoid troublesome people clouding over me.

Inside Lisa's office, Lisa was standing while going through some files. It was about to be eight.


A bell rang, it was going to be the first class of this year.

" What a mess. "

Lisa spoke while putting down the files from her hands onto the desk. I nodded my head agreeing with her.

" Indeed. It was. "

" You seem very calm. It will affect you more than anyone, you know that right? "

I held back a sigh. Calm? I was only calm on the outside, I know very well that I will become a new topic of conversation for the whole 'Trivia'.

First, A new member of faculty whom no one knew showed up at the ceremony, then that same person turned out to be an assistant of a professor who had never taken any assistant before.

I was initially planning on dealing with only that much. It was not difficult, I just had to be with Lisa in her office and help her, so that I could earn her trust. But now, the infamous and mysterious headmaster who people of trivia consider closest to Hekate acted like my own pet in front of everyone.

Even I didn't know how I will be treated from now on. I could be treated as a god or as someone, very, very, suspicious.

" There is no point in dwelling on something that has already happened. "

I shrugged my shoulder and said it in a calm voice. I meant it, regretting is something I don't like to do and I never wanted to experience it either. Lisa was quiet for a moment.


[ Existence 'Lisa Hart' is a little shaken by your words. ]


I got a wired message, it was very vague, but I thought about it. There could be many reasons why Lisa was shaken by my words, in fact, I probably knew the exact reason. She didn't have a smooth life, she had experienced many difficulties in her past.

I looked at Lisa, she seemed normal but I knew she was thinking deeply. I thought to myself that I could use this moment to gain some trust from her, she was more vulnerable than usual.

Thoughts started to go around my head but then I shook my head and laughed at myself.

Using someone's vulnerable emotion whose family I was trying to be? It was a ridiculous thought.

I went towards her desk where she was standing, she watched me moving towards her. I stood in front of her and leaned forward.

I leaned forward while looking over her shoulders and picked up a stack of papers behind her.

" It is almost time. I will take these to the class and wait there. "

Lisa looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. For some reason, she had a similar feel to Persephone, someone who is trying to trust the person in front of them, but the walls around their hearts were too sturdy.

Lisa observed me for some time and then nodded her head. I smiled, which seem to be saying that she could trust me.

I went out of the office.

" You seemed to be very cozy with her. You like her~ "

As soon as I was out, Persephone spoke in her teasing voice. After spending so much time with her, I understood her a little more. She always tease me when she was unsure of what she was feeling.

-You could feel my emotion. Don't you know if I like her?

In fact, I did like Lisa. She was someone who had qualities I thought any human should have. She was courageous enough to leave everything for her dreams. She loved her only daughter and the ones that are close to her.

I liked her as a human. As a female, sure she was beautiful, but I was not someone who was looking for romance.

We talked as we went towards the class, and soon I reached the class M-3 (Magic-3rd year). I peeked inside, most of the students were already inside the class, but more of them were coming, there was still time.

" Sir Arthur. "

Someone called me from behind, I already knew who it was. I recognized the voice, It was a silver-haired boy, Ducas. After our dinner the day before yesterday this was the first time he was talking to me.

He came to my room yesterday night to report what happened at the plaza, but I send him back to his dormitory room. I didn't need to know what happened.

" You are also here. "

" Yes Sir. "

It was class for 3rd years but anyone in 'Trivia' could attend any class if the person wishes to.

" I came to attend the class because it is where you would be. "

It was a wired reason to attend. But who am I to tell the person who was strongest here to tell what to do?

" Could you move out of the way, please? "

Then a feminine voice came from my behind. Why is everyone coming from behind me? It was odd. I turned around and a red haired girl came into my view.



The girl and Ducas, looking at each other, and let out a shocked voice. A smile formed on my face.

The fiery red-haired girl was Valerie, the outstanding mage, and the first person I chose, who will become Ducas's first friend.