

The first of october was always a day to remember at the residence of the Anderson's. Mr Anderson threw a party every first of October "INDEPENDENCE DAY". He had the most influential families from Nigeria and West Africa, present at the party. A few business partners from overseas were also present.

" I find it hard to believe all your son's decided to travel on a day like this", Mr Anderson spoke angrily at his wife, he was really furious. The party truly had nothing to do with INDEPENDENCE DAY, it was more a party were business agreements, marriage arrangements and a few other unforeseen circumstancial event's took place.

Mrs Anderson tried to reason with her husband, " Darling you know the boy's are starting up a record label together at Abuja, today happens to be the day they sign the contract with their major sponsors, surely you don't expect them to be present at today's party".

" Don't tell me that woman!, You and I know perfectly well, that business is an absolute waste of their time. I will never acknowledge them for as long as they decide to do music", MR Anderson furiously stormed out of his humongous and expensive inbuilt all white library, it was called the den.

Mrs Anderson was quite used to his outburst, it was a good thing she bore him son's, it sealed her throne as his wife. Erica happened to be a gift she believed God bestowed upon her for pulling through her marriage. The boy's made her feel lonely as they were stubborn and distant like their father. The very day she knew she carried a girl child, she vowed she was going to make her twice the woman she never was, even down to the man Erica will marry.

Amongst the guests at the party, Shelby Sulaiman was present. She came in place of Mr Tolu sulaiman, the president of PROCAM.

" Who is that young lady over there?", Mr Anderson asked his personal assistant Andrew.

Andrew looked at the Screen, "Her name is Miss Shelby Sulaiman, she is representing the president of PROCAM". Andrew was the right hand man to Mr Anderson. He knew of secrets Mrs Anderson had no knowledge of. The kind of secrets Mrs Anderson would pay heavily for, just to go against her husband. He was loyal only to Mr Anderson, who constantly spoilt him with cash gifts, money was the list of his problems.

They were both standing in the secluded CCTV room above the hall were the party was held in the mansion. Down in the hall, what the guests could see when they looked up was a golden ship hanging from the roof, with enough lights to brighten up the hall.

" Who is the young man standing beside her", Mr Anderson inquired.

"He's name is not on the guest list sir. I will let the security handle it", he was about to call security on his radio transmitter.

" Leave him be, they look like a couple. We shouldn't deprive a lady of a man in this party, without that man all the womanisers down there will hunt her down, like ravaged dogs on a piece of meat", they both shared a laugh.

Erica locked herself in her room, she knew too well her mother had plans to sell her off to a fancy marriage were she was to be rendered a powerless queen and as time passes, she probably will turn to a bitter, old and lonely woman, caused by the lack of love and passion from a cheating husband.

"I totally forgot about this party", Erica was really sad, she wished she made arrangements for the day. She arrived home late the previous night, to her amazement they were planning a party for today, she totally forgot about Independence Day.

Mrs Anderson was gradually and daily loosing her patience with Erica, she had a feeling this recent change in her daughter, had something to do with a man and she was going to find out who he was, where he was from, what his family was into, what his networth is worth and how well the relationship will benefit her baby girl.

Harry felt really out of place at this party, not based on looks but based on value and worth. He could see governor's, senators, kings all present at the party. He saw Shelby in a different light, she was invited to such a party, PROCAM was a big company, but this was like a party full of connect and she was invited.

" Babe, why are you so quiet?", Shelby shoved him.

Harry turned to Shelby, " well I noticed all eye's have been on you and they are probably wondering who is that guy?".

Shelby realised it was probably his first time at such an event.

" How thoughtless of me, do you want us to leave?", She turned to face him. Everyone present at the hall was on their feet, the party was planned for people to get to know one another. They were about to have dinner at the dining hall with the golden door.

"Naa, I am good. This is a once in a life time opportunity type of party for me girl, why will I want to leave", he poked her nose.

Shelby was happy with how he responded, most men usually got intimidated by her level of achievement, it blinded them from seeing her as a regular lady. Only because she was superior financially. Harry was the real deal, he was carefree and optimistic. She could recall the look in his eyes, the first time s. He was the first man to truly notice her as Shelby, not as the CEO Shelby. There was no doubt she was definitely keeping him.

" Mr Anderson is freaking wealthy though, I am pretty sure he spent my entire networth on this dinner", Shelby remarked.

Harry remembered the word Anderson, he racked his mind, "Erica Anderson?.... Erica Anderson park? ", he didn't realize when he said it out loud.

Shelby laughed, " yes!, the man named the biggest park in West Africa after his daughter".

" And this is his home?", he became more conscious of his environment.

Shelby was puzzled by his sudden questions " yeah, he's entire family live in this Mansion".

Harry could hear the sound of his heart beat like a conga drum. Come to think of it he was not in a relationship with Erica, he did nothing wrong, but he had been unable to tell her he got in a relationship, a day after she asked if he was single and he said yes.

Mrs Anderson asked the house keeper to come with the spare key to Erica's room. Erica lay on her bed facedown and bored, she was hungry as hell. She totally didn't think this plan through. Her room door burst open, as usual her mother was right there, pretty soon she might have to get herself an apartment in secret.

" What's the matter with you girl?", Mrs Anderson's expression was very stern. Erica couldn't dare to look her mother in the eye

" I am sorry mum, I will get dressed immediately, can you at least give me time to change?", She pleaded.

" Surely, you know I am not stepping out of this room, till you are fully dressed and leaving with me", her mother replied. A few minutes later they were both accompanying Mr Anderson to address his guests at dinner.

Harry managed to convince Shelby to leaving the party, by claiming he had an upset stomach. Shelby thought it was cute that he chickened out of the dinner segment of the party. She could understand how intimidating it would have been if she were in his shoes, sitting on the same table with powerful people, she felt intimidated herself.

The guests were all sitted for dinner, Mr Anderson noticed Shelby and her partner were absent from dinner. His wife noticed Shelby and Harry at the party earlier, a lot of people were shocked to see Shelby with a date, Mrs Anderson presumed Shelby the type not to last under the control of a man. The fact that Shelby found a man, made her want to find out who her darling daughter Erica was fooling around with.

Erica noticed majority of the people present at the party, were all eyeing her up for marriage to their son's, a gesture intended to strengthen their relationship with her father. She felt hurt knowing how much her parents took pleasure in this. This was going to be a long night.