
Clara (5)

"Oh, that, I didn't know." Hearing what happened to the capital Mila, while Ellis was at a loss for words at the situation, he still didn't care about people he didn't know the names and faces of, but he also thought that maybe he should go there and farm some Blank points. Then, remembering the problem of skills and how he should start going to some gates and get some skills first, he held himself back. He could go there anytime.

"Anyway, when Father and Denis are coming home, it will be evening soon." Finally remembering his father, Ellis asked.

"They are not coming back today, as they are entering the gates together." Hearing her answer, while he was surprised a little that the two of them were fighting, he was surprised more that his sister was not with them.

"So you aren't entering the gates" Ellis couldn't help but say back happily, knowing his sister was not putting herself in danger. But avoiding his gaze and looking away, Clara replied with a low voice.

"Actually, I just came back from a dungeon, so I was resting, and to not let Mother stay alone, as she doesn't like fighting."

Hearing the answer, and trying to think more positively that she was still safe and sound,

"Just don't push yourself too much, and now I'm here anyway." Saying so worriedly and trying to reassure her, he continued. Being curious at her level,

"What about your level?"


"Huh"—"Like, really? Is leveling up that easy?"

"For now, leveling up is not difficult, but I heard that when you reach level 50 you will get to select a class and will have to do a difficult mission according to the job you choose."

Hearing about the class and knowing how he wouldn't have it made him a little envious. And seeing people starting to change their class after barely one week also surprised him. "So there are a lot of people stronger than you?"

"Of course not. I'm the third strongest one here, and had it not been because I'm staying with Mother sometimes, I'm confident that I could be the first."

"That's pretty high." Upon hearing her deny quickly, then starting to brag about her rank, Ellis couldn't help but become proud of her; he didn't want her to do something dangerous, but hearing of her achievements still made him raise his head from pride. Though he still didn't let it show at his face, lest she become more smug.

"Do you want to see my status?" Being interrupted from his thought, Ellis was surprised; "I can see the status of others?" And asked back reflectively.

"Yes, I heard it from others first, but tried to show my status to Mother and it really worked. You just need to hold hands like some sort of skin-ship."

Hearing the word skin-ship and seeing her extending her hand toward him, Ellis opted to do it in another way for research purposes, helping the humanity, putting his hand on her shorts and raising the leg opening a little more, he put his hand on her bare thigh, becoming ready to see her status, killing two birds with one stone.

Carla after being embarrassed a little, but getting over it just as quickly, opened her status window.


Name: Clara Miller

Race: Human

Title: none

Level: 46 (EXP: 1,070,000/5,230,000)


Strength: 90

Agility: 152

Stamina: 120

Vitality: 90

Mana: 67

Charm: 61

Luck: 136

Unassigned Points: 0

[Blessing: None]

[Innate Talent: Calculative Mind]

[Skills: Discerning Eyes(Innate) Lv.8, Basic Hand to Hand Combat(Passive) Lv.11, Steel Fist(Active) Lv.6, Air Punch(Active) Lv.2]

"Wow, you seem a lot stronger than I thought. And how does your luck work like this? You couldn't possibly have put in unassigned points" seeing the status of his sister, the first thing that got Ellis's attention was the luck points, especially remembering his abysmal 2 points in it.

And seeing how colorful the window in front of him, filled with skills and what not, he felt his own abilities were too shabby.

"Tomorrow the first thing I should do is start clearing some gates" thinking so, and trying to console himself by the fact that his ability was overpowered and with just attributes alone, he was still stronger.

Ellis didn't fight his sister, but even after seeing her status, he didn't feel himself losing at all.

Coming back to his senses, and looking at his sister's raised head as she said.

"Actually I had 100 points in luck from the start."

Hearing the answer, Ellis was really surprised that one can get that many points from the start, and seeing the difference in their luck made him depressed, but trying to get back at her, he said, while laughing. "You know, I thought you could get many kinds of innate talents, but something requiring you to use your head was out of my mind."

"Hmph, it's just that you don't know; I use my head a lot!"

leaning his head toward her, while messaging her thigh, Ellis couldn't help but ask. "By thinking of me, you mean?" seeing her face flushing and how she stayed silent, and noticing how she became a lot more vulnerable to his teases, and maybe because he is now more confident about his relationship, and became a lot more bold and forward with his advances. The situation brought Ellis great joy, letting him forget those depressing thoughts.

"Cough" seeing how his mother started coughing again, and returning to the main subject.

"Anyway what does this talent do exactly and are there innate skills too?"

"Yes, I got them from the start; even Father had an innate skill. And you can see the description for yourself."

"Wait; even Father has an innate skill? And seeing how Mother also has one; Is innate skills and talent that common; really?"

"hahaha; actually I was surprised like you before; especially since it's just Denis who didn't have any innate skills; but when we met other people, the innate talent and skills turned out to be really rare, And our situation is the unique one."