
My unpredictable love life

Can Ashe fall in love when all she receives is hate? This story is about how she faces pain every time she starts a relationship. is it possible to be hurt 1000 times? then she finally finds her true love, a boy named John but she is not certain if she is going to get heartbroken again. Join Ashe on her journey as she tries to find out if John is really her true love!

nilapremkumar · Teenager
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30 Chs

Getting kidnapped

I woke up in a strange place, it looked like a dungeon. I tried to find my hands but then I realized they were tied behind my back. I moved around a lot to try and set myself free but my plan didn't work. Then the same guy who kidnapped me came up to me. I recognized him by his clothes, the same pitch-black clothes. He said to me in a dark voice

" Perfect I see the little princess is awake."

I looked at him and gave him a death stare, he seemed to have noticed it and he backed away. In the same voice, he used before he said

" ah looks like we have a feisty princess."

He winked at me and continued

" time to take the photo, now be still and smile for the camera"

He took the photo, I shouted


"Well how about your boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? Wait do you mean John"

I laughed

"Shut up or you're going back to bed"

He grinned as soon as I became quiet.

" Sent. Now your prince charming should come running over here any minute now."

" Why are you doing this to me and him"

"Wait you don't know?!"

His evil slime appeared again.

" Well, princess your boyfriend is a bazillionaire. He earns 1 million dollars every single day!"

As soon as I heard these words I couldn't believe him, not even a single bit. But just as I was about to ask him for proof in came the same guy we were just talking about. But not through the door ( there was no door) but through the window. He acted so heroic like spiderman or something. Then John said

" Leave her alone Matt. Let's have a fight. If I lose I will give you 1 million dollars but if I win you will give me the girl"

The mysterious person whose name was now Matt replied saying


The fight was not the fight I expected, before I knew it John had pinned Matt to the floor.

"Is he dead?" I asked John

" of course not silly he has just fainted. How could I kill my childhood best friend" said John

"Right," I said with a suspicious look on my face.

Then He came to untie me, as soon as I was free I did the stupidest thing in the world. I kissed John. I guess I'm attracted to spiderman I thought to myself. I suddenly realized what I was doing then pulled away.

"Sorry," I said

Then I realized an important thing. How in the world are we going to get out of this place. I asked John

"Hey John how did you get in here"

"Well I used some rope and climbed"

" Do you still have the rope"

"Yes here"

Once I received the rope from John I threw it high in the air and aimed for one of the open windows.

It landed exactly on the window sill.

"Bullseye," I said

I climbed the rope then when I reached the top I beckoned John to come too. When we finally escaped that place I realized that there were at least 100 police cars waiting for us outside.