
my unique love

A girl with immense talent and great beauty who can make anyone in daze just by her one glance. The girl with high confidence, cold aura and brilliant business mind instead of being just 18. The girl who has an unique and rear purple eyes which were glittering like they have a mini sun in them. Now after three year became the most wanted and mysterious person in the world but now her eyes were no longer sun rays it was now the moon who was shining in darkness. Now nobody knows how she looks like. And this all because of an incident and a promise So what's the incident which made the this sunshine became the moon in the darkness.....

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27 Chs

don't deserve you....

Hey lovelies and handsome welcome back to this chappy.... 

And without any further do lets quickly get to the chappy.....

The next day...

Next day when Ekansh's eyes opened he saw he was in his room. He sit up and it was now when he started remembering every thing that happened last night. 

His heart clenched in pain when he remembered what happened last night and how ahi looked at him before leaving. 

Before he could think any further he was pulled back in reality by the voice "you are awake." 

He looked at the door and found that kavi was standing with yug in serious expressions. Kavi and yug came to him and kavi asked to him "what happened between you and ahi last night?"

Before Ekansh could answer yug shouted on kavi "why are you acting so politely to him, K? No actually why are you asking to him, he clearly don't deserve this. He deserve that girl from last night. He.... God I can't take this.... Just ask him K, what the hell he did or said to beauty that she was so.... I can't... I can't him just...." 

With that yug was about to leave the room. Ekansh was stunned and shocked at the way Yug was behaving, Yug was the most easy going and happy one among all three of them. But today it was like he was whole new person and thats just for that ahi. This made Ekansh irritated and he also got annoyed. 

So he said to Yug before he could leave the room "what you know about that girl. She was just a random gold digger who attract people with her fake charm and beauty thats it. And now don't tell me that she allured you when she failed to trap me in her beauty trap. Let me tell you she is just a mare gold digger who has no status, deserves no respect and have no character. Actually I would have thought that how could a girl fall in love without any selfish motive. From the starting her each step was calculated and was fake....." 


Before he could speak any thing else Kavi pulled his arm, turning Ekansh towards him and slapped him hard. Not only Yug but Kavi was also mad at Ekansh but he thought to talk to him before jumping on any conclusion. But when he listened him say ill about her he was about to shout on him but controlled himself but the moment he said that her love was fake, that she don't have character, that she don't have self respect his patience gave up. 

Kavi said with gritted teeth "you know what yeah she was wrong she was wrong cuz she loved you, she was wrong that she kept her self respect side and accepted all your sharp words with smiling face. She was wrong that she.... She left her business and worked for your company. She was.... She was so wrong cuz she chose you above every body. You are right she don't deserve cuz she deserve someone much better than you." 

Ekansh froze on his place when he heard the words coming from his best friend. He was confused as why he was talking about business but before he could say anything else yug said "you know when you were there in that pub without any security she was the one who followed you all the way. We said that he will be ok but she took the security and went for you, and when you were in that room she called us you know that was the first time we heard her voice like that. It was like she can't breath properly, it was like she was shivering. And you don't know how broken she was sounding though she was trying hard not to show. And she was the one who asked us to pick you up from there as you might not be safe there. 

And guess what she was correct. When we came in your room you were asleep and there was a girl who was taking pictures of yours and hers together. We then saw the cctv and from there we got to know that what happened in the pub but we found out that the camera in your room was not working. We hired someone and today we got to know that she was a girl who was hired by that friend of yours to ruin your reputation and to sign on the papers that will cause a huge loss for your company. But guess we should have not do that as you don't deserve all this." And with that yug and kavi left the room. 

(Song: main hoon hero tera sad version)

Ekansh was standing there in frozen state. His eyes were red. And soon a silent tear rolled down from his eyes. That means what ever happened last night was not planned by ahi instead she was the one who saved him. 

Ekansh fell down on his knees on the ground. His hands were trembling uncontrollably. How could he..... How could he suspect her.... The girl who was there every minutes to support him..... The girl who smiles even at his insulting words.... The girl who make sure he smiles.... The girl who drive for him.... Who never demanded anything in return of her everything.... How could he be so blind.... Does she even don't deserve one chance for explaination..... How and when he became this heartless that he broke her... No he have to talk to her he have to apologize to her. Yes he can't let her go like that he will do whatever he have to do to gain her trust again. She will come to office as she said that she will.never leave him never leave his side....

With that he immidiatly git up and wiped his tears which were flowing uncontrollably and were staning his tees he was wearing. He went in washroom and within 10 minutes he got ready and rushed grab the keys. He reached to his office, all this time no matter how many time he wiped his face. Tears were still making his cheeks wet. No matter how many times he took deep breaths his eyes were still filled with tears. 

He went in his cabin and started waiting for her angel who will come and say him to smile in french and his day will light up when she will smile up at him like every day.....

The door opened and came a soft voice "may I come in?"...

NOTE✍️ you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow be ready for more.....

take care....