
My Tzimice Vampire Lover

Crystal a normal human being who wanted to become a fashion designer and take over her belated mother cafe'. Everything went to hell when her father got remarried. Her stepmother and stepsisters wanted to destroy everything that Crystal have and making sure she suffer.

Anniasa_Uchiha · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter One: where it all begins.

It was hot summer morning and the birds are singing a wonderful song.

I was having a wonderful dreams about me as a fashion designer and having a good boyfriend who loves me for me. He will stand up to my stepmother and stepsisters and he will take me way from this house.

I was surprised when a gentleman said to me, " Come find me at these address 1209 Crossroads Ave, Killeen TX 76543. I want to see you my love."

I was woken up by my alarm clock and a loud banging outside my bedroom door. I called out to the person on the other side and said," Yes who is it?"

I could tell who it was but just to mess with her I said that and she said," It is me Meredith, you need to turn that alarm off it has been going for about in hour now and I need my beauty sleep Crystal. Why are you waking up early anyways?"

I get up from my bed and touch the alarm clock to turn it off. I said," I need to get ready to go to work and I have to make breakfast for everyone in this house Meredith. Now go back to your beauty sleep and I will try to make everything work out right."

I can tell she wanted to say something but she decided not to and she walked away back to her bed.

I on the other hand, went to take a nice hot shower and brushed my teeth. Then I went to my closet to put on my favorite clothes on, which is a black Tshirt with lace over jacket and a long skirt cut down the sides and a black leggings with golden stars on them, my long black boots.

I walked over to my mirror and sat in the chair and sighed at my reflection for few seconds and decided to keep my hair up in ponytail braid.

After 30 minutes, I took my phone and my backpack with me downstairs and started to make breakfast for everyone.

I remember what everyone can and can't have. So I started to make Sausage and cheese eggs with biscuits and French toast.

I had to remember that Rosela was vegan and so I made vegan sausage and fruit salad for her.

I had enough time before I had to go to work and made me a sausage and cheese eggs sandwich and some coffe.

I was about to head out of the house when my step Mother Haley said, "Good Morning Crystal I hope you made me and my daughters and your father something to eat?!"

I put a fake smile on and said, "Of course Haley I did I would never forget you guys. Now I need to get going and head to work."

I walked out of the house before she could even stop me again. I know my step sisters and step mother are trying to get my father to take me off his will and take his money for themselves.

In my view, I don't really care anymore because of them I had to go through abuse all my life and they told him I did it to my self.

I understand my father is always busy with being a lawyer but I wish he understood me and knows that I would never hurt myself.

I got into my car and drove off to work and I opened my shop my father had to put my mother's shop in my name. Which is a café for gamers and people to come by to study or just to have a nice cup of tea and coffee.

Over the 10 years is been having good business and had money coming in. So I expanded another shop and I made a shop for clothes and I still doing a wonderful job in that business as well.

You are probably thinking about If I am keeping money in different places and to your question yes I am.

My father told me that whatever my mother's shop makes it goes to the house hold but whatever my shop makes I keep to myself.

So that's what I been doing and when my best friend Valerie comes into the café and she said," Good Morning my sunshine Crystal, I hope you having a wonderful day so far?"

I giggle at her and said," Well my deep rose Valerie, I did have a wonderful day so far and I can't wait for tonight."

Valerie smirks and said," Yes my dear friend and you can stay at my house so as to not to worry about your step mother and stepsisters. Oh did you at least tell your father that you be moving in to my house next week?"

I smiled and said, "Yes I did and he said it is completely fine, just as long as I keep up my shops."

Valerie jumps up for joy and said," Yes! Goodbye Step mother and Step sisters, Hello freedom for my girlie Crystal!"

I started to laugh but for some reason I felt like I was being watch but I had no clue where it was coming from.

Valerie was still dancing when a couple of men walked in one wearing a black silk suit and the other wearing blue jeans and a brown leather jacket with a white tshirt under it, she bumped into the tall white haired man falling to the ground on her ass.

The brick shit house of a man with white haired man standing about seven foot to eight foot tall helps her back up and he said in a heavy Scottish accent and he said," Sorry for bump'n' inta ya lassie."

I could tell that Valerie was having issues talking and she started to say," Is all good hot stuff and thank you for helping me."

I wanted to laugh so bad but I kept my cool and said," Welcome to 45 bit mug café gentlemen what can I do for you?"