
My Type No One Like You

Kendra, a freshly graduated 18 year old goes on a crazy camping trip with her closest friends, and meets a confusing suitor. Follow along with her story of self identity and steamy love affair as she discovers who she really is.

Bianca_Wilde · LGBT+
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5 Chs


I awoke the following day to the sun high in the sky and a warm tent. Sweating, I sat up quickly to look at the time. My phone screen flicked to life to show that it was indeed almost noon. I cursed and unzipped the tent, flopping out like a newborn calf. Then, looking up, I came nose to nose with Charlee, who had leaned down to help me get up.

"Oh, hey," I said nervously.

She smiled, making my stomach clench, "Hey you, you look like hell."

She reached down to push my hair out of my face. I almost went cross-eyed at her gentle touch and kind gesture. As I sank down in her folding chair, she handed me a coffee and a bag of donuts.

"Try this; it should help."

I groaned as I took a bite of a donut and chugged the sweet, sweet bean juice. I was NOT a morning person, so this elegant display was not abnormal for me. Nora probably didn't even bother trying to wake me up in fear of me biting her face off.

We sat in silence as she poked at the fire, a mug of coffee in her hand. I gazed down at her, analyzing everything that I could see. She wore a Garmin on her left arm and had multiple rings slid onto her long, slightly chubby fingers.

"We can go to the beach if you want," Charlee looked up and smiled at me, pointing towards the lake with her stick, "Everyones been down there since no-wake lifted at 11."

I could hear the high-pitched whine of the jet skis off in the distance. That definitely sounded fun. I looked down at my jeans and sweater.

"I need to change," I laughed nervously. I shyly peeked at her, "Will you come with me? There are people I don't want to run into."

Charlee sprung up, "Of course! Let's go!"

I got up, and together we trudged up the large yard to the back sliding doors. Inside, a couple people were on the couch watching cartoons and nursing bottles of water. Clearly, these people partied a little too hard.

We climbed upstairs to the room Casey had claimed, who was nowhere to be seen. My heart skipped a beat when I realized we were all alone. I nervously went through my clothing bag, picking out a sturdy bikini from my bag and a pair of shorts. If we were going to be on jetskis, I needed to ensure the girls stayed in their assigned seats.

"I'll be just a minute," I darted into the bathroom and closed the door, my heart pounding. I didn't know why I was so nervouOH, MY GOD. I stared at myself in the mirror and made a face. I looked like hell. My hair was a rat's nest, my eyes looked crusty, and there was a drool stain on my sleeve. I turned on the sink and let out a little sob. Great.


Fifteen minutes later, I smoothed out the two loose french braids I had made and threw on a tank top over my bikini top. I now looked presentable and had a generous layer of sunscreen slathered all over. Turning towards the door, I signed, mustering up all the courage I had, and threw open the door, flashing a smile at Charlee.

"I'm ready!"

Charlee looked up, and a smile slowly crept over her face as her eyes scanned me.

"Nice," She said, "Let's go; I'll take you for a spin on one of the jetskis if you want?"

I nodded with my heart in my throat, "That sounds like fun!"

We made our way back to our tents so Charlee could change into her swim trunks and shirt and then raced to the beach. A couple of girls laid out on the sand on towels, passing around a bottle of Malibu. My eyebrows knit in confusion as Bethany took a long pull from the bottle, giggling with the other girls and laying back on her elbows. Her skinny body was covered in the tiniest bikini I have ever seen, and oversized sunglasses perched on her pert nose. I thought she was pregnant, but by how she was acting, someone would think the opposite.

"We're up next; if you wanna take your clothes off?" Charlee's voice ripped through my thoughts.

I choked, "Take my clothes off?"

She raised her eyebrow, "Yeah, so we can put on a life jacket and get in the water?"

I giggled nervously to myself and began stripping off my shirt and shorts. I shoved my clothes by our towels and shoes, then picked up one of the life vests, buckling into it. I turned to Charlee, who was already straddling the jet ski, reaching out a hand towards me. I took her hand and jumped on, sitting behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. She slowly pressed on the throttle, turning the jet ski away from the shallows and towards a pontoon boat anchored on a sand bar in the middle of the lake.

"Kendra!" Casey waved over from the back of the boat. Her dark skin glistened against her cobalt blue one-piece, her long legs dangling in the water while Jim sat next to her like a loyal golden retriever. Nora's head popped up next to Nick sleepily.

"Ayyee, she lives!" She yelled playfully.

I laughed and waved before Charlee looked over her shoulder, "You ready? Hold on!"

I shrieked in delight as she gunned it down the deepest part. Holding her close, we laughed together while ripping around the lake. After about 20 minutes, she stopped near the pontoon boat on the sand bar. We took off our life vests to enjoy the sun.

"Will you tie us on?" Charlee asked, pointing to the boat.

I grabbed the rope and tied it onto the boat while precariously tip-toeing on the edge of the ski. Suddenly, a pair of reckless college guys on a jet ski tore past, disturbing the water and my balance.

With an "oh no!" I plopped rather unceremoniously into the water, surfacing quickly and wiping water out of my eyes.

Charlee was laughing hysterically, "That was elegant."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Yeah, whatever, just help me up."

She reached down for my hand but instead of pulling myself up, I yanked her off the jet ski and into the water.

She surfaced, laughing, "You're a little devil, aren't you?"

"Sometimes." I smiled innocently.

We held onto the edge of the jetski, resting our heads on our arms and talking for a long time. Charlee was an Engineering student at Penn State who was active in the LGBTQ+ community on campus. She has a loving mother, but her father passed away when she was really little. Her uncle helped raise her in his place, coming over all the time to relieve her mom of duty on workdays.

"What about you?" She asked, placing her hand on my arm.

"Well…." I gazed off into the distance, "I have both loving parents, and I plan on becoming a lawyer. Other than that… I don't know." My shoulders slumped. I really didn't know who I was. I had been sheltered until Nora came along and ripped off the blindfold to show a whole different part of life. Charlee moved in closer, and I let one arm fall to the water, turning towards her.

"I get it," she said softly, "But I'd love to know you."

"Really?" I asked shyly. I had never had someone just want to get to know me. Usually, we glazed over that part with men and got purely physical. But Charlee just wanted to know everything that makes me who I am. She was so genuine and kind that I could hardly believe she wanted anything to do with me.

She pulled me closer, and our legs brushed together; she leaned in and kissed my hand, murmuring, "You're a beautiful person; I can tell you care fiercely. And your loyalty is inspiring." I blushed at her compliments, working up the courage to gaze into her eyes. We made eye contact, and my breath caught as I momentarily got caught up in her inviting stare.

Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed her. The explosive feelings in my chest went crazy, and I exhaled into her mouth, reaching my hand up behind her neck. She was standing solidly on the sand bar, but the surprise of my sudden movement caused her to steady herself with the jetski. Her free hand found its way to my hips and held me in place.

"You okay over there, Kendra?" I head Nora from the boat, and suddenly I felt guilty. I pushed Charlee away, and she looked at me, bewildered.

"Did I do something?" Charlee asked, concerned.

"No! I just," I stuttered, "I'm not gay!"

Charlee looked hurt and averted her eyes, "Oh, but," Now she looked mad, "You kissed me!"

"I know, I'm sorry," I was flustered, "that was not what I meant."

"You can't just play with people like that!" Charlee jumped onto the jetski, "Micheal told me about your makeout and ditch. I'm not your fun little lesbian taste tester."

"No, I know, Charlee," I started to tear up, "Please wait."

"Save it," Charlee tossed me my life jacket and untied the jetski from the boat, "See ya."

She left me crying and clutching my life jacket while Nora and Casey tried to help me onto the boat. That was not what I had intended to happen.


Nora was a little pissed at my actions until I told her how I felt. I really liked Charlee and genuinely wanted to get to know her better. But, Nora had told me to be honest, and I was. I'm not gay. I don't know what I am, as I like guys too (sometimes), and Charlee was the first girl I've ever had these feelings for.

Nick butted in, handing out tequila shots.

"Kendra, just loosen up and enjoy yourself right now," Nick patted me on the back, "I'll talk to her later, and she'll come around. Charlee is chill like that."

Hopefully, I looked up at him as he shoved a lime in my mouth, "Fanks, Mick." I mumbled, my mouth full.

Nick waved me off, "Yeah, yeah. Now, let's have a party!" He raised his shot.

We laughed and took the shot, sucking on limes to soften the blow. Along with more shots, someone handed out syringes of jello shots, calling them covid shots. Soon enough, someone had brought a speaker onboard, and a couple more people rode up to the boat.

"You are NOT drinking without me!" A familiar voice yelled to us from the front of the boat.

"Nikki!" We all screamed, handing her a shot and giving her a hug. Johnny was awkwardly in tow, waving hello as we gushed over his much more social partner. Whispering on one side of the boat, we caught Nikki up on yesterday's events.

"Ugh, leave it to me to miss all the drama." She pouted, crossing her arms.

Nick called from the other side of the boat, "One more round before we bring 'er into land, mateys!"

Casey and Nora jumped up while Nikki and I hung back. "I think I've had enough," I slurred. I was incredibly drunk and slightly depressed.

"Yes, I know," Nikki stroked my hair, "What's the matter, baby girl?"

I put my head in my hands, ashamed at the mess I caused, "I'm just a total idiot."

Nikki scoffed, "Well, duh," She laughed as I stuck my tongue out at her, "Now, spill it."

Her eyes widened when I told her about what happened with Charlee, "Wow, that's pretty bad. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," I rubbed my face with my hands, "I just like, need to get her alone in a room to talk."

Suddenly, a devious look crossed her face. "I have an idea, and it just might work."

As she leaned in and whispered into my ear, I thought, this might actually do the job.

"Yes, please, let's do this!" I yelled, causing Nikki to shove water and a small bag of Cheetos into my arms.

"First, baby girl, you need to sober up."

I nodded, opening the bag of snacks and chugging my water. I needed to set this right, and if Nikki's plan worked, I would be back in Charlee's good graces. Then, my stomach flipped on its side. Oh God, I need to throw up. I ran to the front of the boat and threw up into the water.

"Ohhh!" Nick yelled, "Alright, land ho boys! Methinks this wench has had enough of the high seas."

Nora punched his arm, "Just get us to shore, you dweeb."

"Hurtful." He said, rubbing his arm.

The boats and jet skis on the lake filed onto shore as the sun sank below the trees. Though the sun was disappearing, the heat lingered on, making me feel even worse as I fought waves of nausea on the shoreline. Finally, Nick came up behind me and slapped me on the back.

"How ya doing, squirt?" I groaned at him, "Ah, too much partying and sun. I'll fire up the barbeque; a burger should help."

Everyone ran up with Nick while I stayed on the shore. I was too nervous about facing Charlee just yet, so I collected my thoughts and stared up at the colorful sky.

"So, can't keep a man or a woman?" A cruel voice quietly behind me, "Might as well give up, Kendy. And get a couple cats. No one wants you."

Bethany's voice dripped in faux honey as she stood next to me.

"Leave me alone, Methany." I crinkled my nose at her, "How do you even know about Charlee."

Bethany rolled her eyes, "Micheal told me. Half these people hate you already since you're hoeing your way through our friends."

"How do you even know Micheal? Aren't you like super devoted to Devin or whatever." I turned to hear her answer.

"Oh, you don't know? Nick introduced us when Corey and Devin went to visit. Fireworks ever since." She tapped her lips with her pointer finger, "Funny how your little friend Nora didn't mention she walked in on Devin and me once while in town."

My ears started ringing, "What? No, that's not true."

"Seriously, Bethany?!" Nora came running up. She must have been on her way to get me since she had water and a blanket. "You said you'd never tell her."

"Ooops," Bethany feigned innocence. "It slipped."

"Nora, you can't be serious," I grabbed her arm, begging, "Tell me it isn't true."

"I-" Nora slumped her shoulders, defeated. "Yes. It's true."

I recoiled, feeling like I had just gotten slapped in the face. I trusted Nora with everything. She even faked surprise when it came to light that Devin had been cheating on me.

"Please say something," Nora begged, "I just didn't want you to get hurt. He said it was a one-time mistake."

Bethany snorted at that, "Please. That boy had his dick down my throat every other weekend."

I couldn't handle anymore, I threw up again into the bushes. Nora rushed up and rubbed my back, attempting to comfort me.

"Get off," I shrugged her off me, "Just go away. I don't want to see your face."

Nora looked shocked, hurt deep within her eyes. Silently she turned and walked back up the hill to the campsite, now teeming with activity.

"Looks like there's trouble in paradise." Bethany sneered.

I snapped. It was one this to take a stupid boy from me, but to come between my friends, no, my family like that? Unforgivable.

"Why did you even come here?" I snapped at her, blazing, "You won; your fake pregnancy got the boy. Congrats, he played both of us. You're just stupid enough to parade it around like a victory!"

Bethany shoved me, "He played you, not me. He would come to me at a single drop of a hat." Then, she said, "Remember all those canceled dates? It was for me."

"Bravo! You stole his attention with some perky tits, a great foundation for a relationship." I pushed her away from me, "Still doesn't explain why you had to FAKE A PREGNANCY to get him all to yourself."

Bethany stepped forward, "I just played it for the long run, sweetie. He's rich. I needed to secure the bag. There's nothing fake, just my intentions of getting pregnant. I could care less if the baby sticks or not."

I looked at her, horrified. She was truly disgusting. Before I could tell her, a quiet voice piped up behind her.

"Are you for real?" Devin stood a few feet away, his eyes wide, "I broke off the relationship my parents condoned, risked my whole future, and fell in love for a lie?"

Bethany whipped around, "No!" She placed her hand over her flat tummy, "The baby is just making me hormonal. Kendra was upsetting me and pushing me."

I watched dumbfounded as Devin rushed up to her, checking her over anxiously. Bethany had let a single tear trickle down her cheek. Devin reached up to wipe it away.

"I can't believe you would believe her over me. She's such a bully!" She stomped, "I just came down to check on her. My maternal instincts have been going crazy."

Devin turned his attention to me, and Bethany smirked in my direction.

"How could you! You know she's pregnant!" He yelled, "I can't believe I ever put up with you."

I stood there, confused by what had just happened. Puzzled, I watched as he fussed over her. This was the most bizarre conversation I had been a part of today.

"Sorry?" I said, and I turned to walk away.

They didn't hear me, as now they were off in their own little world while he stood, holding Bethany in his arms.

I was so over boys. I needed to make things right with Charlie, and soon.