
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Who are you.

" Mom" A young woman convulsed saying so and luckly that the nurse had her way to the room and on seeing her like that , she placed the tray and pressed the emergency button.

The doctors rushed in and started checking on her, meanwhile Dan took a corner only to see lot of doctors rush in Ariana's ward.

" What's going on ?" he asked himself as his legs carried him as fast as they can to the room .

" Check her pulse , hurry up " Dan shouted seing things being out of control.

" Bring him outside" shouted one of the doctor. and instantly some of them pulled him outside as he was interfering their work.

Dan paced back and forth like mad man and honestly his mind was not his at the moment because his only beloved sister was inside and nothing was well for years now.

After some time a doctor came out sweating and that was never a good sign.

" How is she ?" Dan asked his hands akimbo and he looked like a child so confused about where his candy went when he needed it the most.

" She is safe , but not after some more observations " the doctor said rubbing his sweat using his arm .

" Just know you will pay for what you did kenny" Dan said as he pushed him aside and went inside the ward.

Kenny the best doctor in Sparkles hospital and the topnotch in the world, scoffed and couldn't believe that his childhood friend was acting so bossily even in matters of the hospital , he was not even a doctor for god sake. He walked away to change his clothes.

Inside the hospital ward , Dan walked closer and caressed her hairs and planted a kiss on her forehead .

" You have to wake up, i have missed you so much " . Dan went on speaking out his heart as he took care of her , cooling her body temperature , kissing her forehead, knuckles, cheeks after every thirty minutes and everything seemed not to be enough.

Two days passed , Dan never missed doing whatever he was doing in all the time and kenny was never missing any moment to see the love of a brother toward a sister.

" You're really amaizing you know" kenny spoke as he took her vital signs carefully .

"Why?" Dan spoke putting down his favourate magazine from his face and smirked.

" You're taking care of her like she is more to you " kenny spoke as he walked across the bed drawer and placed his clarking board and looked at him .

" She is more important than anything to me " Dan replied sarcasm not hidden in his voice. " And don't you dare diverge me out of my point , am going to punish you effectively " he added.

" Ofcourse , you won't so thanks for the pass man, but would you mind to tell me why did you insist on DNA test about her " kenny whispered and his voice was so low but so enough for Dan to hear.

" I bet carlos told you already, he is not so nice to keep his mouth shut, i know" Dan spoke knowing that kenny also got so along with Carlos and for he knows his brother is a bluffing person , so it would be death of him not splling the information to some of his favourate peoples.

" I know , and yes Carlos told me " kenny said and Dan laughed a bit annoyingly because his brother was so dumb .

" But that doesn't explain why you had it earlier than your father because that was really long time ago , and you can fool everybody but not me Dan , you..... " Kenny's words were cut through by a whimper that made all them turn and look and gaze at the bed only to find Ariana opening her eyes slowly.

Dan threw away his magazine and rushed toward her.... " Ariana" he called as he held her hand and caressed it slowly.

Ariana opened her eyes as he first sawa a blur vision whish started to get clear as time went by. Kenny walked closer cause he knew if he had burged before , a scold would be his reward .

"Can i do my job now " kenny asked wearing a serious face as he placed his sethoscope well in his neck and picked up the clarking board he left a while ago.

Dan moved back just a little to give him space but his senses were on doubt seeing how Ariana looked at his face , her forehead formed lines as she creased her eyebrows and scanned tge surroundings slowly.

" Am glad you woke up , miss sparkle " kenny smiled a bit as he assessed the machines to check out her vital signs .

" Can you please tell me how do you feel" kenny carried on and Ariana kept quite .

" Miss sparkle, how do you feel" kenny asked again and this time the crease on her eyebrows increased and kenny creased his senseing the same doubt as kenny.

" Kenny do you think as i do here " Dan said as his palms got wet , fear started crawling on his spine and slowly his courage and love hurt suddenly.

" Ariana , how do you feel " Kenny asked again this time his voice sounded so intimidating and stikk her quiteness made them more eager .

" Princess , how are you feeling " Dan jumped front as he held her hand tightly a nd gave her intense gaze , clearly praying that whatever he is thinking should not be true.

" Who are you " Ariana asked and there it was a bomb that all feared had exploded the very moment that question came from her mouth.This was what Dan has been avoided for years not hear from kenny as side effect of coma but now he was sure that kenny is going to not only speak about it but make sure that he accepts the truth.

Pain struck his throat as no word seemed to came out of his mouth.Out all people he was the first not to be remembered and that pierced the already sunken knife in his heart, he loved his sister so much only to be forgotten.

" What do you mean Ariana , am your brother Dan " Dan spoke , his hands trembling as they tightly held hers . A thin sweat was formed on his forehead and he felt so hot in a time and he couldn't control his heartbeat and at a point he thought he was going to be diagnosed with a hypertension today as , he could feel how his blood gushed in his veins.

" Dan ??" she questioned and kenny went on with his assessment.

" Miss can you tell me your name, please" kenny said smoothly and minutes went by as she did not reply a thing until when kenny wanned to add another question.

" Ariana sparkles" and kenny started writting down but was Instantly stopped by Dan.

" What do you keep writing on , you bastard she is fine , damn it " Dan said turning his gaze back to Ariana and it softened .

" Buzz off Mr. Sparkle , am doing my job simply and she is not fine , accept it soon for the better for she has a memory loss and to prove more of that , make sure to bring the rest of the family soon " kenny spoke as he left and ordered some of nurses to take care of the patient.