
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


Audrey walked toward a house and knocked thrice when a door was flung open and on seeing her Jake smiled happly. Audrey spoke nothing but stepped inside, " Seems like you really followed me up here the last time" he said helping her the bag she came with.

" Did you ran from home , wait.... where is mom?" he added and she did not reply but sat scratching her forehead.

" I screwed up in my job and got into misunderatand with her but i need some space and she is under Andrea's care" she lied .

"Am sorry , come here " Jake pulled her into a hug and she embraced him. He slowly took her out of the hug and pulled her to the dining table, filled her plate with food and took a spoon taking small amount and signaled her to eat.

" Why are you being nice to me , Jake?"she asked looking intently at his eyes. He smirked and kept insisting for her to eat.

" I won't untill you explain " she said. Jake sighed and pulled his seat closer to hers and held her hand tightly " I love you " he spelled every word meaningfully not leaving her sight.

" You have known me for less than a year " she stated. " And i fell in love with you in less than a second when i set my eyes on you " he spoke carressing her hand smoothly .

" How can i trust you?" she said slowly but Jake pulled her into a kiss and he was not as gentle as he seemed , she tried to push him but pulled her closer more than and when she gasped to try in taking some air , Jake pushed his tounge deeper devouring her soul instead.

Some feeling ran down to her spine and mind went frenzy in a time, she also wanted him .

" What is wrong with me , he is my friend" she nearly voiced out her thoughts but the touch of his hand to her thing killed her sense of thinking again.

She breathed hard and gaped for some air when he broke from kiss , his blue eyes were drawing her closer to his soul and she shly looked down .

" I know what happened to you that very night , darling but i will do everything that costs all of it just to win your trust ...."

" I trust you , Jake " she cut off and kissed him catching him offguard .Jake responded and one thing after the other pulled and the night falled happly.

Ariana arrived at Jamaica's airport and was welcomed by one of her father's men and was brought to the most elegant hotel .

" I came early in the morning and you were not home Audrey ...where were you ?" Andrea asked worriedly but the most choosen answer always was beung mute for Audrey.

" I was with Jake " she said looking everywhere expect her friend's face.

" I knew it that some day , that drunkard will bang you and use you just like a puppet " Andrea said rolling her eyes . Since the very first day Andrea never liked Jake at all cost and had a hunch that there a lot behind that man but could not smell it off.

" I just feel strange feelings toward him , bessie and i can't control" Audrey said fidgeting her fingers . Andrea was so disappointed cause her bessue just came from a heartbreakand hooped on Jake the guy that was least suspected.

" Listen , chriss betrayed me " Audrey spoke gritting her teeth

" I knew that bastard will do that , huh " she sighed angrly " So did you score with the boss " Andrea added but the look on her friend's face concluded that something was definitely not right.

" Where is the money" Andrea asked worry plastering her face. Nothing helped to ease the worry in her face because Audrey's quitness killed all and the atmosphere became so tense.

" I was robbed in my house , somebody seized all of it " Audy replied.

" How reckless could you be sometimes , Audy?" her bessie questioned her cause not even a single day did she make a mistake in their jobs and despite all she was the most trusted girl by their boss but now , she just made a huge loss and she is yet to compansate with her boss .

" I was injured by then there was nothing i could do , bessie " Audy excused herself but the look on Andy told her she did not buy the fact.

" And i think i can guess one of the robbers" she added still looking at Andy's eyes which showed a warning of " Speak up dummy" .

" Sam " Audy spattted out and Andy scoffed while standing up cursing her fate . She was the one who introduced Audrey to Samuel and believed sam really loved her bessie when he showed intense love toward Audy but never expected he would betray her by sleeping with some famous slut named Cassie .

" Am so dissapointed in that bastard " Andy said looking apologetic toward Audrey.

" It's very fine but we have to confront santiago , that man will be death of me " .

Both of them looked at each other speaking into each other's soul on what to do .

Back to California

A glass shattering in the floor was heard when a man threw a glass used for his favourite wine

" How can she leave , without my notice " the man shouted looking at a trembling man in a black suit.

" Jonathan , why did you not inform me earlier " the man insisted still his gaze looed ferocious.

" I thought you don't wanna hear about her again " the man in black now lost his patience and barked at Jonathan.

" Kyle , you never cease to amaze me do you ?" Jonathan asjed with a sly smile .

" Mr.Cruise don't forget about your last breakdown what did you swear?" Kyle replied with sarcastic voice. Jonathan sat tirelessly and remembered how he cursed at Ariana and swore to never follow her ever again or jamming into her stuffs anymore

" So in which hotel , does she stay?" he asked gazing at his watch.

" Hides hotel " Kyle replied and the look his boss and also his friend gave knew that the trip to Jamaica will soon ring on.