
My True Name

Saint_Goodness · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Cleared off doubt

" Oh... He is handsome..... look at those eyes "

" He is useless Martha, he has no talent."

" Yeah that boy is a piece of dry wood, a really pretty piece of wood."

" Of course God won't give someone with that look a talent, it won't be fair for guys like us. "

" Well he keep talking about his imaginary S_ level

talent "

" Oh Jonathan.. he is the one that caused all that drama on his first day'

" yeah ... he is just a mad man "

Three weeks has passed since he arrived at the academy, he remembered that day, the day his world crumbled before him, the academy's digital watch could not register his talent level.

He tried to understand what happened to him, he tried to talk to one of the academy general maybe they could use some machine on him to show his talent... maybe it was a really special talent, but the teachers won't sign him any permit, some even called him crazy and his tale was egregious.

He received the Same allowance as F_ level masters, it was small but for someone like him it wasn't small, he couldn't buy his mom a big house anymore but he could rent her a nice room, he just have to save for some days, the credit he got as allowance for a month has restrictions which only applies to low level masters.

He was told to stop the academy until he got Sasha Grey's clearance, well he was surprised she gave him her clearance, and her eyes, they weren't judging him.

He was used to this, to hearing people talk behind his back, very audible whispers ...like I can hear you dude cause you voice is so loud.


Jack stared at the chubby man walking towards him, his unkept brown hair covering his left eye, his visible right green eyes has a straight line scar that just missed his eyes, he is wearing pyjamas out in the open, and of course his right hand man is with him.

Jack felt his shoulder freeze as a hairy chubby hard pressed on it, "Jack a piece of trash like you Should come running anytime I call.... you can't let me come to you all the time." Jack stared at the chubby man.

Name: Nathaniel Bassett

Age: 32, he is probably the oldest young master in the master academy. he is a coward and will only bully people with lower talent rank, people like me.

Talent : elemental (ice) D_level

and his spikey hair right hand man wearing a plain white shirt and oversized grey coat is Andrew Salvador.

Age: 22, he can't think for himself... he is moronic will do basically anything Nathaniel tells him to do.

Talent: Augmentation ( E_level ). it is basically a useless talent well it could be something if it was A_level, augmenting yourself or your friends won't help much when you are facing a strong opposition or a higher tier dark seal.... it will just delay the inevitable.

" I need credit Jack, I ran out....you know got to take care of F_ level bitches like you by giving my love and credit "

Andrew chuckled revealing his artificial teeth.

" Well I gave you some yesterday ".

" Oh I know Jack, but everything happens daily for a reason.....you know you can pay me daily, the government only put restriction on the value of credit you can spend so you don't burn through all your allowance before the month runs out that only applies to F_level and E_level.... I guess the government don't trust you with your own money.

" how much do you want?"

" A thousand"

" That's my daily credit limit"

" I know Jack, men can't live by bread alone"

"Oh he staring at you boss, do you think goin' fight"

Nathaniel hands starts seeping cold smoke as whirling ice construct around them forming dual sharp short blades.

" Tell me Jack ....why you staring?

" Oh it is nothing.... Jack stretched out his right hand were his academy watch was and touched Andrew's watch..... see a thousand, I gave it to you boy cause you got frozen hands....blades."

" you made the right call Jack. Nathaniel turned around and walked back towards the direction he came from as his iced hands return to normal.... Andrew is hopping behind him.

Jack sighed. " bastards, you know I thought this will stop if I talked to the management but I have seen those kids it only made it worse.

" Well at least I will get to watch the famous A_level princess in combat class, even her true name is so badass " Flame Angel ".

Jack picked up the pace as he continued walking forward towards the large hall, combat class should have already started, he should have gotten there in time. He sighed. " Nathaniel that pest ".


Some time later, Jack was standing in a corner of a large dojo. He was observing his fellow masters who, under the guidance of Instructor Peach....a very hot woman, was going through the motions of the introductory combat class.

Today was mainly dedicated to testing their general competency, abilities and adaptability (adaptability is mainly what the academy teach masters). After that, the masters were going to be separated into groups based on their level, such as intermediate (D level), advanced (C level) or expert ( B level and A level), as well as their weapon of choice. Some would be assigned a personal tutor or paired together. people like Jack and masters with lower level will not be placed in any group they are not supposed to be here in the first place they are supposed to be in basic fighting class .... well they are just spectators.

Currently, masters were taking turns delivering their strongest punches to a wide plate attached to a special measuring machine. After each strike, the machine would display a number corresponding to the master strength.

In theory, a machine like that cause a fortune to be built, considering that many of masters have combat-oriented talents that enhanced their might in a variety of ways, it was actually a marvel of engineering and complex combinations of church tech and witch tech for support durability, Church tech and whitch tech cannot mix, so the only witch tech is the rim so the plate don't break off the platform and fly away.

Sergeant peach made an announcement with her divine voice..... Jack you trippin for an older woman."

Jack arranged his thoughts and stared at the plate, most people were getting numbers ranging from ten to fourteen. It was considered a good result, something only masters attuned with their talents could reach. However, a lot of masters, obviously those with enhancing Aspects, were able to achieve a score of fifteen or even sixteen. "I would probably get a ten or something' Jack thought, feeling a little excited.

"Next group, Azura Rendell, Daniel Adonis, legion Viod, Sasha Quin and Aella Amos."

The masters couldn't hold back and started talking to each other but the harsh look of Sergeant peach brought back the peace.

This was the elite group, the best of the best at the academy, each of these people were strong and formidable powerhouses.

Legion Void is the quiet kid from House Of Eden one of the three powerful Clans that choose to live in the null_ realm, control activities and resources in the realm like governors. He had Slick blonde hair and hazel eyes with a chiseled face and sharp jawline. A height of six foot two inch tall, he has noble appearance and his skin reeks of money and power.

He is the second Prince of the clan and he inherited his family talent void manipulation, he has no true name, B_level talent level 1 master, he is able to create a vacuum, an extended region of space, or place himself in this space and launch a lethal attack, those placed in his space lose all of their body senses and they become slower and they are vulnerable it is a huge advantage in a fight. The void is not bound by earth laws, people place in this void can just be standing and out of nowhere a tear appears on their neck cause it has been slashed in the void.

His elder brother Martin Void is a C_level talent level 4 master, which is quite strange cause you allowed to upgrade you talent by killing and collecting shards from dark seal of high tier rank starting from king tier to demon tier. Killing King tier dark seal gives four points and two shards while demon tier gives you 8 points and 32 shards.To upgrade talent from F level to E level you need 500 shards, E level to D level 1000 shards, D level to C level 1500 shards, C level to B level 2000 shards while upgrading from B level to A level 5000 shards, well his case is not so rare as some mortal are banned by heaven due to abuse of power, their talent can never be upgraded. His elder brother is able to create an extended region of space containing diluted galaxies.

While the king of the Clan Eden Vexx Voidreaver is a B_ level talent level 12 Supreme, two ranks above the masters rank, able to destroy and consume all within the void using their essence to strengthen his collection of void multiverse.

Sasha Quin is a slender girl, with flowing red hair, she has blue eyes and healthy skin, she has the look of a high city model, She is also a B_ level talent level 1 master, true name; Melissa.

Her talent Mystic Helper allows her to create an invisible extensive external body, the external body is able to do what she can do with her body but from a wide range... this is a dangerous talent.... just imagine fighting someone and an invisible body holds you in place for the opposition to deliver the finishing blow.

All the leaders of the great clan want her family under their tabanacle, There are only masters in her family, as they refused to align themselves with any clan.

To increase your human rank you must go through a realm gate, and take one of the five heaven test in the ivory tower. Saint, Supreme, Sovereign, Monarch, Divine,

There are many realm gates in the null_realm and they all lead to the same ivory tower, to pass through this gate you must defeat the gatekeeper, which is not an easy feat for a human, The last time humans fought a gatekeeper it was five years ago and more than five hundred people of Amos Phoenix flame clan perished to secure that victory, the remaining three powerhouse of Amos cohort that survived took control of the gate and formed three different clans..... well Amos disappeared after the battle... there are rumours of him dying in the battle, but none of that was proven.

The only realm gate acquired by humans is protected by the three powerful Clans, in order to go through the gate to the ivory tower you must align yourself to one of the clans.

Daniel Adonis is a muscular handsome lad, with white hair, flattop, green eyes that doesn't fit his African skin. B_ level talent level 1 master, he has no true name.

His father Morpheus Adonis is the advisor and right hand man of the leader of Clan Drakka a B_level talent level 12 Supreme King Zeus Michaelson.

he inherited the clan talent lighting (elemental), he is able to bring forth deadly surge of blue thick lighting from his body and pull down lighting from the sky.

Azura Rendell, a muscular female, blonde hair, black eyes, her body is shaped like an hour glass, B_ level talent level 1 master, she also has no true name.

She is the adopted last princess of Clan Sekhmet and she inherited her family talent battle truth. She is able to see at least ten seconds before her opponent makes the move, she never miss during battle.

Her mother Queen Perpetual Sekhmet, A_level talent level 12 Supreme is able to see sixty seconds into the future and she is able to predict movement during battle, the longer the battle goes on the stronger she gets.

Aella Amos, slender girl with brown hair, she has brown eyes and a princess build, she looks like a pampered princess that can't kill anyone..... but that is a fabricated appearance to mislead someone into errantly believing she is a harmless princess. She is Amos only daughter and the heiress of the fallen Phoenix flame clan. A_level talent level 1 master, Her true name; Flame Angel.

Her talent sacred flame consist of six different flames each flame with a different colour.

Saturation flame: provides it's welder high resistance to mind and soul attacks and instant teleportation.

Augmentation flame: provides it's wielder X2 body augmentation.

Creation flame: allows the Weider to return a body to its first phase of creation..... it is a healing ability but way better.

Resurrection Flame: Allows the wielder to escape from the chains of death. can only be used once in 50 years.

Enumeration Flame : Allows the wielder to differentiate each flame and it allows the Weider to make use of more than one flame at a time without switching flame.

Destruction Flame: allows the wielder to cause harm and harness offensive elemental energy.

Jack perked up, noticing that it was turn for Aelle, the highest-rated master of their batch, to strike the plate.

The slender girl approached the machine, her skin turned slight gold, visible red flames is moving around her right hand entwining, without much preparation, she delivered a sudden, crushing blow. Jack wasn't very well-versed in things about combat, but even he was impressed by the flawless economy and speed of her execution.

After a short pause, the machine displayed the result: Thirty five. Jack was impressed with the outcome She is a proud bearer of a True Name, after all!

After that, it was Daniel's turn to strike the plate. Daniel covered his body in lightening as he stood in front of the plate. This time, Jack couldn't even see the flying fist covered in blue lightening— it was just too fast. The machine trembled and took more time calculating. Finally, two numbers appeared.


Everyone gaped at the display, stunned. More than a few admiring looks were thrown at Daniel, who simply bowed and took a step back. Sergeant peach smiled.


Legion walked to the plate he didn't stop walking until he was close enough, he stretched out his hand and touched the plate, there was a resounding bang as the plate shook forcefully he stepped back and stared at the plate waiting patiently for the result.


Nobody new what he did but everyone cheered, mostly the girls..... legion is quite the handsome lad.


A muscular female walked towards the plate, she assumed a stance waited for some time before delivering a strong blow to the plate. The plate did not move and there was no sound, it just glowed the usual yellow light and calculated. finally, two numbers appeared


Jack did not understand what she did .... but he was sure of one thing that strike was an internal strike.


When it was Sasha turn she did not approach the plate, she just stood where she was without a single care, after sometime there was a resounding bang, the plate shook and it displayed two numbers.


The masters present did not like her level of interest in the combat class, they would have shouted at her called her a show off or something but they won't dare she is one of the academy's powerhouse.

The bell rang in the hall to signify the end of combat class, the masters weren't happy some of them were unable to use the plate but they couldn't do anything the class was over.

Sergeant peach flashed the masters a warming smile.

" Looks like that's the end of combat class '.