
Chapter 861: Grandmother, Mother, and Granddaughter, Three Generations In One Room. 2

Chapter 861: Grandmother, Mother, and Granddaughter, Three Generations In One Room. 2

Outside The Tower of Nightmares, Scathach, Gaia, Nyx, Jeanne, and Morgana were observing this scene.

"... This... This... This is nonsense. This isn't how the Soul works! How can it simply be split into 3!?" Gaia was extremely frustrated. As a Mother Goddess, she knew from her own experience how Souls worked. She had 'observed' the phenomenon several times, and the same applied to Nyx, who also had lesser Concepts like Death, although not as strong as her son, Thanatos.

The two Primordial Goddesses were utterly shocked by what they had just heard and seen.

A stranger's Soul inhabiting a body for so long without the body noticing? A second personality gaining self-awareness enough to become a completely different Entity?

That's not how it worked!

"First time?" Scathach asked the two Goddesses.

"Huh?" The two were very confused by Scathach's question.