
Chapter 667: There Is No Rest For The Wicked.

Chapter 667: There Is No Rest For The Wicked.

Diablo, at this very moment, was feeling disbelief. In his long existence, he had never seen so much bullshit.


The Four Horsemen lost the fight pretty severely.


Pestilence, Death, and Famine dying and being absorbed by Victor, just like Victor's weird weapon absorbed their weapons.


War became a Demon God.


And Victor defeated him in a clash of Powers that left irreversible damage in Hell, even now that crater, the clouds of Miasma, and red Lightning were still present in Hell.


A feat of strength that not even Diablo, Lilith, or Lucifer could boast of.


Yes, they were powerful and could easily destroy several areas of Hell, but... They couldn't cause irreparable damage to Hell.


No matter the attack or how many Demons fought, Hell would never be harmed permanently.

That was what all the Demons believed... Until now.