
Chapter 594: The monster that exists inside you. 2

Chapter 594:The monster that exists inside you. 2

"Leaving that aside, why is this happening to me?"

"You know, right?"

"Yeah, I have a theory, but… I don't know if it's correct."

"… Well, your thoughts are correct. The World Tree is an existence that supports a planet, and without one, the planet cannot have life."

"Now, what happens when that World Tree is in a Being's Soul?"

"... It supports the Being's existence." Victor continued.


Victor nodded; that's what he had in mind when he studied his unusual situation, he knew that Roxanne would benefit him, but he didn't know what.

"Our Soul is robust and big; that is the privilege of the Progenitor; our Soul is much bigger than the Gods, however... Our Soul loses in 'quality' to the Gods."