
My Tech Company

For more than 70+ chapter Visit my patreon patreon.com/Musely28 Only $3 dollor Due to a misjudgment, the company went bankrupt, and Chen Xing was reborn in 2014 with reluctance. At this time, Longguo was in the transition period of 4G network. Gaotong Company, which had exclusive 4G baseband chips, took the opportunity to raise prices by 70% and demanded to share patented technology with them. When faced with a life-and-death decision again, the god-level option was triggered. [Option 1, agree to all the requirements of Gaotong Company, and get a reward: 28-nanometer processor chip design! ] [Option 2, purchase Hanxing Group's Orion 8420 processor chip, produce 3G camera phones, and get a reward: Orion processor design drawings! ] [Option 3, independently develop baseband chips, break the technical monopoly barriers, and get a reward: top chip research team × 1, and bind the domestic light system! ] ... When Chen Xing took the self-developed 4G mobile phone to the new product launch conference, the era of Longxing Technology Company officially arrived. Relying on the scientific research talents in various fields recruited by the system, Chen Xing started from the mobile phone field and set foot in new energy vehicles, drones, artificial intelligence, aerospace... For more than 70+ chapter Visit my patreon patreon.com/Musely28 Only $3 dollor

Musely · Urban
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76 Chs

Like Longxing Technology, like Mr. Chen

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  "Boss Xu Jinshui, you bastard, you owe me two million for goods. You are so heartless and inhumane!"

  "Xu Jinshui, return the money! Xu Jinshui, return the money!"

  "Xu Jinshui from Pineapple Company, I *you*!"

  "Give me back my hard-earned money!!!"

  At the Pineapple Company headquarters building, employees have already moved away everything that can be moved, even the toilet paper.

  However, as time went by, more and more people gathered in front of the building to collect debts.

  Some were holding banners to show how much money they had been defrauded of, while others were holding supply contracts signed with the pineapple company and crying on the ground because they had not received the balance.

  The most pitiful are the factory workers who are at a loss.

  They were working well in the factory, thinking that the three months' backlog of wages could be paid earlier, but they did not expect that what they received was not the wages, but the news that the boss had been arrested.

  Three months, nine thousand yuan.

  For a wealthy person, nine thousand yuan might be the cost of a meal or a bottle of wine, but for a factory worker, it might be the tuition for their child or the money to buy home appliances when they go home at the end of the year.

  Where there is news, there are naturally reporters. The reporter from Shenzhen Evening News arrived first and started recording.

  "Hello everyone, I'm Jasmine. Today's breaking news is that Xu Jinshui, chairman of the private enterprise Pineapple Company, has been arrested in accordance with the law for suspected illegal acts such as false financial reporting, tax evasion, and asset transfer!"

  "I am now in front of the Pineapple Company headquarters building in Futian District. You can see that the interior of the building has been emptied, leaving only an empty shell. The team demanding their wages has also gathered here."

  The photographer followed the reporter's gestures and moved the camera.

  When the team demanding their wages saw reporters, they gathered around them and complained bitterly.

  "Reporter sister, you must expose this bastard Xu Jinshui. He owes me the final payment of two million!"

  "I am still a shareholder of Pineapple Company. He not only misappropriated the company's funds, but also transferred assets. All my money was invested in it. Can it be recovered?"

  "This person has no conscience. He wants to cheat ordinary people out of their money!"

  The group asking for their wages were talking at once, and the reporter named Jasmine also made a hushed gesture and said, "Everyone please be quiet first. I understand your feelings, but please tell your stories one by one, otherwise it will be too chaotic to report."

  In an instant.

  The crowd quieted down.

  A middle-aged woman in her forties with wrinkles all over her face spoke first:

  "Let me start by saying that I am from southern Henan and work in Xu Jinshui's factory. I get paid 3,000 yuan a month. But the factory stopped paying us last month and has been in arrears with us. I have worked here for almost three months and he has been arrested. Where can we go to get our wages back?"

  "Three months in arrears?"

  Jasmine was a little surprised.

  There are at least 300 workers on site. If they are all in arrears for three months, wouldn't they be in debt of several million?

  "Yes, three months. How are we supposed to get the money back?"

  the middle-aged woman asked.

  Reporter Jasmine thought for a while and replied, "Don't worry, Auntie. After the company goes bankrupt, it will carry out asset liquidation, and the amount obtained from the auction will be compensated to you in proportion."

  Her explanation obviously failed to satisfy the people who were demanding their wages.

  The Pineapple Company now only has a factory left, and no one knows how much it is worth. The headquarters building is still rented, and they are really afraid that they will not have the money to compensate.


  "Boss, over there are people asking for their wages, and reporters are here too."

  Zhang Heting shows Chen Xing the way.

  Chen Xing followed the direction of his finger and saw the group of people who were collecting debts.

  He stopped and ordered, "Call Yang Minshuo and ask him to rent another dormitory building in the park. I have personnel arrangements."

  "Master, do you want to recruit those workers?"

  Zhang Heting guessed the intention.

  Chen Xing didn't want to keep the secret, so he smiled and said calmly, "These workers are all treasures. Each of them is a skilled worker who can start working directly without any training. It would be a waste if we didn't recruit them."

  "Great! The young master is really great!"

  Zhang Heting gave a thumbs up and flattered him.

  Chen Xing didn't buy it. He glanced at him and said, "Go get someone to call ten buses to transport these workers away."  


  "I'll do it right away."

  Zhang Heting acted quickly, took out his cell phone and started making arrangements.

  Chen Xing did not go over to join in the fun, but watched from a distance.

  Chen Xing had anticipated the collapse of Pineapple Company, but he did not expect it to happen so quickly. Xu Jinshui could also be arrested, which was beyond his expectations.

  However, its collapse also gave Chen Xing an opportunity to take over the company.

  Since Pineapple Company does not engage in research and development and only focuses on assembling mobile phone parts, its focus is on laying out the factory production lines.

  According to Chen Xing, Pineapple Company has two factories, one in Guancheng Industrial Park with thirty production lines, and one in Longgang, Shenzhen, with fifteen production lines, totaling forty-five equipment production lines.

  Once these production lines are taken over, based on the production capacity of 3,000 units per production line, the 45 equipment production lines can produce 135,000 mobile phones per day.

  Even considering the backwardness of the equipment, it is impossible for Longxing Technology's advanced equipment to produce 3,000 units per day on a single line, but with 45 production lines, it is still possible to produce 100,000 units per day.

  One hundred thousand plus sixty thousand is equivalent to a daily production capacity of 160,000 mobile phones. For Longxing Technology Company, this is a once-and-for-all opportunity to grow rapidly.

  There are production equipment and skilled workers, so Chen Xing can just take advantage of them.

  Furthermore, after entering the bankruptcy liquidation stage, valuable assets generally have to go through the court auction process, which means that he can still acquire these 45 production lines at a super low price.



  After Chen Xing gave the instructions, Zhang Heting quickly found ten passenger buses and drove them to the workers who were demanding their wages.

  Zhang Heting held a megaphone and shouted to the crowd: "Dear workers, don't panic, and don't worry about not getting your wages. Our Longxing Technology CEO Chen said that he will bid for the assembly equipment production line of Pineapple Company, and it is expected that there will be tens of millions of compensation!"


  The workers on site cried out in surprise.

  "Tens of millions! Oh my god! Our salaries are settled now!"

  "Longxing Technology! Thank you Longxing Technology, thank you Mr. Chen!"

  "I feel relieved that I have received compensation. Thanks to Mr. Chen from Longxing Technology, I didn't have to work for three months in vain!"

  "My child's tuition is settled!"

  The workers burst into tears of joy in an instant. Their wooden faces finally showed expression and their empty eyes became bright.

  Longxing Technology will bid for Pineapple Company's equipment production line and offer tens of millions in compensation. What a wonderful announcement! This is the best news the workers have ever heard.

  Zhang Heting struck while the iron was hot and continued shouting, "Our CEO Chen also said that if anyone is willing to continue working in the electronics factory, you can get on the bus. Our Longxing Technology has a factory in Guancheng. It's the same job. The salary is 3,000 yuan per month, overtime pay is 20 yuan per hour, work six days a week and rest one day, and there are three meal subsidies. Just focus on making money!"

  Make money.

  These two words may sound vulgar, but for the workers, they are the two words that touch their hearts the most.

  Compared to bosses who talk about ideals and vision, they prefer bosses who talk about making money.

  Who's ideal is to work in a factory?

  Who wants to work in the factory? Only those

  who want to make money will work in the factory!

  The workers on site also responded and got on the bus, and did not forget to inform other workers in the WeChat group.

  Carloads of workers were taken away, leaving only some parts suppliers and reporters from the Shenzhen Evening News.

  Zhang Heting also knew those suppliers. They were the ones who cut off supplies to Longxing Technology Company. Now they are holding banners to demand the balance. They don't deserve sympathy at all.

  However, reporter Jasmine became interested in the appearance of Longxing Technology and quickly signaled the photographer to follow.

  "Hello, we are from Shenzhen Evening News. Are you Longxing Technology Company?"

  Zhang Heting is also a seasoned veteran in the workplace, and he was not panicked at all: "Yes, we are from Longxing Technology Company."

  "Oh, I want to ask, what is the relationship between your company and the Pineapple Company? Why did you come here specifically to relocate their laid-off workers?"

  Faced with this question, Zhang Heting thought for a moment and said, "It's just an ordinary friendly business relationship. The resettlement of laid-off workers was arranged by our Chen Xing, President Chen. It can be regarded as fulfilling some of the social responsibilities of domestic enterprises."

  Jasmine's face flashed with surprise, and then she couldn't help but look at the camera lens and gave a thumbs up:

  "Longxing Technology Company is truly a model of national enterprises. Mr. Chen Xing and Mr. Chen's spirit are worth learning from. The world is broken, but there are always people who patch it up. Let's give a thumbs up to Longxing Technology and Mr. Chen!"

  (End of this chapter)

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