

I can't believe this. Aidan totally embrassed me in front of the whole school. I wish I could hide in a hole if possible. Jay was suprised too. Who could have imagine a narcistic guy like him will scream in the middle of the cafeteria. Okay. It's all nightmare Gaya. It will be over if you wake up. Ahhhh! Nooo! This is really happening. Why is my life is so screwed up?

Senior Jay decided to leave the table after all the drama. Aidan keep trying to annoy jay and I know that man is not having it.

After the awkward lunch I left that place.I felt people were glancing and whispering about me.A part of me feeling happy that he called me "his girl".I mean I like it a bit but now I am regretting everything. Aidan kept talking nonsense and that too non stop. I don't know what he want from me. He excessive skin ship is doing no good for my heart. I feel my heart thumping..it was so loud...even Aidan could have heard it. This is the problem with me. The brain and my heart don't sync at all. I decided I will not hope anything but my heart keep yearning for his presence. I just wish I could see a doctor for the situation I am having. Is it possible to visit a doctor? Oh my god. Of course no Gaya!...What is your diagnosis...Love sick?What a joke?! and it's not funny!

Honestly I wanted to ask him right there. Are you in love with me? But I didn't. That would be the biggest mistake in my life. Of course after confessing to him that day. I am not repeating my mistakes again. Asking him that..when I know the obvious answer. Its just that I have been with him for years and he wants his bestfriend back. Aidan don't fall in love! He can never been in love especially with ME. Ohohoo! I am having inner conflict. Great!

My life is screwed!I can't concentrate in my clas today. I keep thinking about Aidan. He is so distracting man. Aidan just keep stirring problems in my life not even giving me time to breathe. Jay also acting so possessive around Aidan. What is he in love with me!

Waaait a damn minute! NOOOO! Nope! That can't be! Jay likes me?! NO! So what mom was talking wasn't nonsense! Omg.... OMG! What am I going to do! How can I be so clueless when that guy was being so obvious. Shit! I screwed up so bad!

I am in LOVE TRIANGLE? Okay get it together Gaya! This just your assumptions. Now this your plan. First ask Jay about your troubles and doubts and then talk to him. After done with Jay..you will meet your asshole bestfriend aka Aidan to settle things. Too much stress is not good for health Gaya.You better solve this and focus on graduating.You are not exactly the best student!Gosh I have to keep myself on check.

Okay yes.Deal the problems like an adult. Yeah overcome it! I dialed Jay number.I feel like I am going to throw any minute after hearing the ringing. Why am I nervous? Its just normal conversation.I heard his voice on the other line. He picked up?! Gaya you called him obviously he will pick it up.Why my voice stuck to my throat not willing to come out. Okay here I go!

"Hmm,Senior Jay..I have something to discuss with you..Can I meet you in the evening? You can choose the place? Is it Alright?" Okay Gaya going stable. Keep this up until the end. Don't panic and mess it. Take deep breath and relax. You are doing great honey!

Why is Jay not talking? Is the line got disconnected? Nope He still on call then why isn't he saying anything? Weird!

"Jay.." I called out his name as few seconds passed without him talking. This getting AwkWard....

"I love you, Gaya"

My jaw just dropped unable to reply back. Did he just dropped the bomb just like that. No warning..nothing. I started panicking again. What am I supposed to reply? I don't know..Okay talk something Gaya, He is still on call. TALK YOU IDIOT! Damn this is so unexcepted.

"And it is true Aidan loves you too.More than a friend"He continued.ANOTHER EFFING BOMB! Is this guy trying to kill me?

WHat the in fudgety nuggets world is happening right now! There you go Gaya.Your assumption is actually TRUE. DANG IT! I should answer him back but I have no words coming out of this shitty mouth of mine.

"Eh..Senior Jay I wanted to talk abou.."

"I know..I know you had doubts when I acted like that in cafe with Aidan. Your mom is helping me to win you over. I got your parent's permission to go after you. I know you love Aidan since forever. I know everything..But I want you. I love you Gaya.But if you love Aidan I will let you go. I won't hate you Gaya.It is your choice"


Once again I remain silent. Never in my life I thought I would receive a full length confession. I feel guilty not liking him back. I can see how much he likes me but I can't return the feelings. Not when my heart still beats for Aidan. Yes I felt comfortable with Jay but I didn't think him more than close friend.

If I reject him..Am I repeating the same thing as Aidan. I will hurt him, right? One sided love is like the worst thing that could ever happen to you. I know how much it hurts when the people you love not loving you back. But If I accepted his feelings it will be unfair for him as I won't be able to give the love life he wanted. I still love that jerk! Ugh I hate to admit it.

I am in dilemma. I don't want to hurt anybody.

"Jay..let's talk face to face. I need to talk to you in person. you can text me the time and place. Bye."I said all that in one breath. I cut off the call without waiting for his reply. This matter needs face to face talk.

That ended smoothly. I can't believe I didn't noticed his feelings earlier. I am so ignorant. Jay must have felt irritated by me as I was only priotizing Aidan. I should aplogise to him for my behaviour too. I am such a bad friend.Goshhh.. I feel so guilty...

All I can do now is having a hearfelt talk.Yeah! I will talk to him. Hope my decision is the right one. I am in shock but solving this matter as soon as possible is the best idea.I didn't want to to be the girl who is keep giving him hope and making him wait for me not letting him move on either. That will be so selfish of me.I will book a nic restaurant for us to have a private talk.

Oh yeah I have to talk to Aidan too.Just thinking about talking to him is making my stoach churn. I got to do it anyway.I must be the most unlucky girl right now...its that complicated how my life is. How can I be so obvilious to other person's feelings..like what is wrong with me...and why do I choose to love the wrong perdon? Maybe i am just dumb..Like I must be! Time to put my big girl pants and solve this love triangle issue..I hope in the process..nobody gets hurt including me. My heart is already fragile as it is..so I don't need anymore injuries added to it.Okayy Gaya rationalise your decisions before you make another mess out of your dumb choices..Lets go.I am an adult ..Problems don't scare me..omgg..like hell they don't.. ia m shitting my pants right now just thinking about how to resolve this problem..but I am not gonna show it on my face..my image is important too..so yeahh..no emotions....