
MY TANGLED LOVE! (moved to a new link)

Well! LOVE in reality is not like any fairytale where the price charming fall I love at first sight. Love is more challenging and sometimes it's just not worth fighting for it. Just like in Gaya's life. Her love life is messed up just like her grades. Loving her best friend who is different ethnicity from her and him being a player is not helping. All she wants is a simple love life but fate decided she have to go through drama. When she decided she is done with love.. She caught up in love triangle between her best friend and her senior What will happen to her next?

Gayastry · Urban
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13 Chs

Getting swayed

I finally finish off the performance with Aidan but why do I feel it could have longer. I stared at his eyes. Why is it so enticing to look at? I often get lost in them. I am ashamed of myself for being swayed just by these little interactions. He slowly help me to get back to my original position. When I move away from ..he seems don't want to let go my hand.

"Gaya get hold of yourself you woman!" My inner voice warning me. When it comes to him I always willing to lose everything just to hold his hand once again. My dignity in hanging on a thin rope. I am sure my ancestors will be so disappointed in me as I am simping over a man like him. Blame his face! That damn perfectly sculpted face and his useless Greek god body.

"Ahhh Gaya you still have the nerve to admire him. Remember you hate him. You hate that freaking idiot. You hate him." My inner voice reminding me again. Calm the heck down Gaya. You are being too obvious! Don't let him notice how flustered you are now.

I diverted all my attention to the audience who came to see the rehearsal. I should stop thinking about the performance and move on with my life. I took an oath I would never care about him and I am going to hold onto it. Even if he tries to talk,I am going to ignore his ass.

Aidan kept glancing and passing smile to me. Ugh! How annoying! Is he that desperate to get my attention? What did you do when all my attention was on you? Let me take a look at him! Just one look and I will ignore him..I will just glance. OH shit! He still looking at me.

Why he still looking at me? Or could it be...The words his ex spewed still running through mind. I thought it was a nonsense at first but seeing him do all this..I am having some doubts. Is he really into me now? Or he just want his bestfriend back? I decided I won't hope again so I just going to drop the topic. Its complicated to think about it. I hate complicated things in my life. Yeah right,you love your bestfriend.

I can sense his sighing in disappoinment when I didn't pay attention to him. His pouted lips shows his exact thoughts. Why are you doing this? I thought I could lead a peaceful life without your existence but you are making it hard for both of us. You are now making actual efforts making me scared. What if I give in again? My biggest fear right now. I have to ignore him as he did in past. I am not going back on my words again.

I saw Jay came here too. Is he holding flowers? I have to handle him too. We have been spending too much time lately. I mean it is fun to hang out with him.He is good companion but his random study facts and his theoritical way of speaking just gets me every time.It's overwhelming sometimes as I feels dumb around him.He is just too smart. From time to time he always come up with awkward flirting pick up lines. My mom been trying to hook us up too. I am not sure he is really hitting on me or not? He is just confusing. According to my mom he asked for my parents blessing. My mom's imagination can be wild so I am not trusting her words. We never brought this topic as it can make what we have now awkward. I am having a friend to lean on now so I don't want to lose him just yet. Am I getting too dependant on him?

I should really stop depending on people. I am not sure how long Jay will be looking out for me. It is better for me not to get too attached with Jay. I have to be more brave and independent. Yeah I should start working on it.

Ohh?! Is Jay waiting for me. I have to greet him.

I went to get Jay who is standing there .Time to get out of this place. I left Aidan alone at the stage.Let me give the taste of your medicine.This how I felt when you didn't run behind me that day so suck it up Aidan.

That's a part of the reason. The main reason is the performance with him was just hot and steamy. I need a damn break to calm my heart.My brain and heart doesn't syncronised at all.I keep glancing back at him with my blushed face. His smirk just got imprinted in my mind. I can seem to forget how sexy was that smirk.Oh goshh!

As expected,the flowers is for me. LILIES? Interesting choice. What does it smell like? I sniff it as I never gotten lilies before. Hmmmm...smell like lilies. Nice smell but nothing beats my favourite rose. I sigh a little as I miss roses but I am grateful for this lilies brought by Jay. He didn't have to do all this.

He suddenly moves closer to me and whispers catching me off guard. Why is he whispering now? Is it very noisy in here that he have to whisper. Weird! I will go along with it. Its not going to hurt anyone. It is just about lunch we were talking about.He just want me to hear him clearly. Nothing is suspicious! Yeah...Hmm?Suspicious? Maybe he is a little.

"Let's go princess!"

This man is so awkward but sweet. I cross my arms with him. I feel his breath hitched for a moment. Was that right? His breath? He always gets nervous on th simplest touch of mine. Is he into me or he is just awkward with skinships?

As we discussing about lunch.I went on about my liking in spicy food.Oh! He likes spicy food? I heard once from his friend that he got hospitalized because he can't handle spicy food.His friend claimed that Jay thinks bell pepper is spicy.Jay is telling me different story now. What to believe...then should I test him? Would he dare to do it?Hehehe My evil side starting to show.

We already settle with our seats. The food is ready to eat.I think the rumour may not ne true. The way he warned me seems like a pro spicy eater. He is boasting a lot too. I believe in you. We decided to settled down with spicy potato dish from cafeteria. I eat this dish a lot and I know it is mouth burning spicy. Luckily I was blessed with high spice tolerent.

As I was already digging in, Jay just stared at his plate.Is he okay? Why is he staring at hos plate like that? He is just gulping and didn't take a single bite.Did he lie that he can eat spicy food? I am starting to have doubts. Ohh so He can't eat it. I know the rumour was true! That was the biggest scandal of that year. The famous senior passed out because of eating something spicy accidentally. This guy is just doesn't want to lose to me.Must be tired of prentending uh?

I am not bragging but I am queen of spice so no one can beat me. I might have to stop him from taking a bite but I literally forced him to eat. I want him to admit to it. Its no fun if I tell him I know .The way he hesitated to eat.Aww his face is so funny. Its fun to tease him so lets tease him a little more. I will stop him when he willing to take the bite.

My evil side telling me to shove the soon into his mouth but that so immature and wrong too. I should just sit back and enjoy the drama.

Wait Did somebody calling out for me in the middle of cafeteria. Why does this voice seems familiar?

Aidan?! What the hell is doing now?