
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs


in the following years before the annul sect ranking, Sora spent his time cultivating. Sora found that his comprehension ability was much better than normal in a calm state. in this calm state, his mind of clear of all distracting thoughts. with 100% of his mind forced on one thing, his techniques improved, and his comprehension of the Dao.

a year able he began cultivating, he broke through to level 8 copper rank using the solar energy and the sage of six paths cultivation art. but Sora noticed the difficulty for him to breakthrough levels were beginning to become too hard for just 2 cultivation arts.

Sora so learned some of the techniques left behind by Ling Han, within the storage ring Ling Han gave him was a lot of stuff he hasn't really gone through. Ling Han was a cultivator who walked the path of the sword, he was a cultivator who walked the path of the staff. So, most of the stuff Ling Han left was related to the sword, which made him lose interest in it.

But he decided to closely look at everything Ling Han left behind. Ling Han had left behind a sword which was at the peak of the silver rank, along with some techniques Ling Han had personally created for himself during the time he was a sect disciple.

the strongest technique was the lightning sword, a technique in which one uses the Dao of lightning shocking speed, combined with the Dao of the sword to create an attack so faster, that a target will not be able to see a thing.

there was the raindrop sword art, with a wave of the sword, a person will send countless raindrops at a person. these raindrops will all be formed from one sword intent, and with just the number of these drops, they destroy those powerful defenses to take out a whole army. one could even combine these raindrops to form a huge water sword that will shoot your target

there were some movement techniques, and other stuff, Sora was shocked by the pure complexity of these techniques. he couldn't help but wonder just who Ling Han was, these techniques were all reaching the level of a gold rank technique. but they were all techniques Ling Han made, so these techniques would grow with Ling Han's strength.

they were similar to a lifeblood item, a technique you create will grow alongside you. If Sora created the 9 dragons' mighty fist, then the power that the fist technique gave will grow alongside you. so, unlike for the current Sora, if his strength reaches mid silver rank, that's when the technique will be at its peak of being useful, but above that, they will only hold him back.

Sora frowned as Ling Han had left the sect when he was at level 4 iron rank, how the hell did Ling Han have the capability to make something this complex? it only meant that Ling Han could somewhat rival a gold rank expert while in the iron rank.

Sora was not confident that will be able to still fight those a rank above his own cultivation when he reaches the iron rank. as the level increases, so does the defense in strength between each level, of course with the items he has he was sure he could do it, but that was not his true combat capability.

the fact Ling Han could do it meant he must have something special about him, Sora might be able to do it with the techniques which the system will give him. but that was huge if, the only way Sora saw himself reach such a shocking level of combat while at level 4 iron rank would be to transform into an ape or to gain another spin at the system.

So far his combat strength had reached the peak of the 7th level iron, yes he had broken through to level 8 copper rank, and when he was at level 7 copper rank he had strength at early level 7 iron rank, how did his strength improve by so little you ask.

that was because skipping levels was hard, now he could skill 9 levels, but that will drop as his cultivation improves. if he wished to remain able to skip 10 levels, he needed to continue improving his strength. find new ways to improve his power through techniques and many more.

plus, he was only at early level 8, once he each mid his combat strength will reach level 8 iron rank.

anyways, for the remaining years, Sora spent his time cultivating everything, from the martial arts, Dao, and cultivation art, the only thing he didn't cultivate was the Monkey King cultivation art. by the time it was a week away from the annual sect ranking, Sora was at the peak of level 8 copper rank and had gained mastery in all his master arts.

Sora stood in a huge line where a bunch of sect disciples was lined up to sign up to take place in the sect ranking. Sora was way back in the line, by the way, this line was moving it could take Sora a few days to reach the front.

there was more than one line here, 3 in total. about thousands of people within each line, with new people coming in by the second... if someone were top skip, couldn't they be enraged?

thinking this, Sora stepped out of line and walked in front of everyone. his actions caused people to be annoyed with him as they began complaining, Sora just smiling only made them more annoyed. Sora quickly went to the front of the line where he saw a level 3 iron rank cultivator.

"Hey, buddy, 10 mid-grade spirit stones if we switch," Sora said with a smile as he took out a mid-grade spirit stone. the middle-aged man was stunned seeing the spirit stone, he, of course, accepted Sora's offer, there was no way he was going to come in the top 1,000s, so there would be no reward, but he could just go in the back and wait again, no biggie.

they were cultivators, waiting in line for a month was nothing to them. as one lifespan increases, so will their concept of time. for a mortal a year might seem long, but a cultivator had to be careful as if they are not forced a year could just go by just like that.

this was how Sora could cultivate for so long without caring about the time, to Sora a few years was nothing. and thanks to the solar energy cultivation art, Sora's lifespan was almost double the age of those of the same cultivation. he aged much slower compared to others.

Sora gave the man 10 mid-grade spirit stones and took his place, Sora smiled as he noticed he had gained over 900 rage points from this small action, worth it.

Sora only had to wait a few more minutes before it was his time to sign up for the sect ranking, he had to give them his name, age, and cultivation. Sora was stunned seeing he was already 22 years old, time truly flew by when,

7 years ago he was not even a cultivator, and look at him now, already at the peak of level 9 copper rank. Sora smiled, he spent so many years within close door cultivation, and now he was something great.

"So, you're Sora. our boss has been waiting for you to come out of close door cultivation." An inner sect disciple said calmly as he walked up to Sora. Sora frowned as he looked at them in confusion

"were are storm emperor guild, we were waiting for you to invent you to join our guild." He said calmly, Sora rubbed his hair as he looked at him. the sword emperor guild leader came personally to invent him, yet the storm emperor guild could careless to do so... it seems like rage points were just walking to him

"Naw, your guild sounds weak. if I wanted to waste my time, I have other ways of doing so." Sora said with a smile, as he turned and walked off. the inner sect disciple froze at Sora's words before his eyes narrowed.

"out guild is..." the inner sect disciple stopped talking when he saw Sora didn't care to listen, his rage exploded as he wanted to go beat Sora up. but he froze when he saw a handsome young man calling out to Sora,

"Han Yan, it's been a while," Sora said with a smile as he walked towards Han Yan, Han Yan smiled as he looked at the inner sect disciple who tried to recurrent Ling Han, before ignoring him. but he froze when he saw Sora had broken through to level 8 copper rank. he frowned slightly at Sora's slow cultivation art, it had been more than 3 years, and he could only break through a small level within this time. this was average level, talents could do this within 1 year, and those even more talented cultivators could do it within months

But he knew Sora was not normal, he was just curious at why Sora was so slow. So, he offered to spar with Sora, which Sora happily agreed to. with the improvement he had in these few years, he was hungry to test his pull capability

So, they went to the arena and went on to spar. Sora shot toward Han Yan who held a wooden sword in his hands, with his strength, he might kill Sora if he used a real sword. Sora punched forward, while Han Yan blocked with the sword, but he was knocked back as he was caught off guard by the power behind Sora's fist, which had no Qi behind it.

'peak Level 5 iron rank strength with his just physical body?' He thought in shock as he put blocked Sora's other attacks before Sora suddenly began using senjutsu, but Han Yan was ready for this as he blocked his attack. but even so, he was sent sliding backward,

'With Qi, he has level 8 combat power?' Han Yah's eyes almost popped out, Sora's strength went up by 3 levels with just Qi, what the fuck was this? although it was just early level 8 iron rank, this was just too shocking. Sora was not even using techniques, or his items yet.

7 dragons suddenly formed behind Sora's back, these dragons were all blue in color, the middle-aged man's eyes widened even more, as he saw Sora punch forward, even with Sora being a few meters away. a powerful force came flying towards Han Yan with the full power of Sora's fist,

this was one of the techniques within the 9 dragons' mighty fist, within some a limited rage, one could punch forward sending a powerful force that was equal to their full strength. but when this rage is left, the power being that punch will start to disappear at a shocking speed. if mastered, the power behind the attack will not disappear as fast and could even travel miles away.

Han Yah swung the sword as he cut through the attack launched toward him, the sword intent rushed towards Sora, with a flash of lightning, Sora disappeared as he went all out and rushed towards Han Yah with the golden Staff.

Sora attacked Han Yah with a stab of the staff which came in waves, Han Yah easily blocked but soon came the second wave, then the 3rd, 4th, and last 8thth wave which was Sora's current limit. this wave matched a level 10 iron rank expert, but Sora could keep it up for too long as his names felt as if they could explode.

Sora jumped back as he looked at Han Yah was able to handle all that with ease, he rubbed his head in amazement, he knew he was at the level 10 of the iron rank, but he thought he could at least push him to use some of his power

"You are quite skilled. level 8 and could temporarily match those 12 levels above your own cultivation. you seem to have been forced on your martial arts. the sect ranking stars next month, if we meet, I will not hold back." He said with a smile, Sora nodded with a smile as he watched him leave.

Sora watched him leave before leaving to go find someone at level 9 iron rank to fight, and it didn't take long to find someone who could at least match a level 10 iron rank expert to a battle. after enraging him, they went to the stage where they fought,

Sora was given a good beating, as his opponent was stronger than him. but this allowed his monkey king cultivation art to quickly move, they two fought for some hours until his opponent was to tired to keep up the level 10 combat power.

Sora wrapped the blood from his mouth while looking at him in disappointment, before going on to find someone else. like that, for days, he fought against many people at level 9 iron rank, until his monkey king cultivation art broke through to level 8, and lastly level 9 copper rank.

one could know that because of his breakthrough through a level, so does his absorption of energy. so, he could just force on one cultivation art and the other will all be cultivated much faster, although there will be some side effects. those side effects will not appear in the copper rank

for the remaining month before the sect's rank, Sora's name spread across the whole sect, as the battle mad man went around engaging people so they could fight him. many people came to watch Sora's battles, and some even recorded them. in the end, Sora was known as the man who lusts for battle more than a woman

Sora cultivation improved to the peak of the 9th level within the remaining month, he along with everyone went to a special forest on top of a flying ship, there were over 10,000 people who signed up, that was a bit too many, so they needed to lower than number down at least 500.

So, the sect raised demonic beasts ranging from level 1 iron rank, all the way to level 1 of the silver rank within a special pocket space they created. upon entering this space, they were given a special watch that keep track of the monster they killed, and the time before this trial is done. the pocket watch will also send them out if they push a button, allowing them to escape death if needed.

this pocket space of large, it took many experts at the peak of the silver rank to create it. it has been around for thousands of years and has been improved upon over the years. there were not thousands, but millions of demonic beasts within that pocket space,

this pocket space was not located within the sect, if the pocket space were to suddenly break down and release all the monsters, then wouldn't the sect be facing a wave of a million demonic beasts.

so. the pocket space was located in a forest far from any human land, of course, if anything happened an expert from the sect will be able to arrive here in seconds. Sora and everyone else from the sect went on to land outside this forest, and they were handed their watches as they left the sect.

part of the trail was to find the pocket space before it closes, that whose cultivation was not too stable will have weaker senses than others. of course, people could work together, but who in the cultivation world would be so easy to trust.

As Sora was about to leave the ship, Sora noticed someone who had dark hair. as if sensing someone was looking at her, the dark-haired woman turned and was surprised to see Sora,

"you're a part of the sect as well? I thought you were a mortal." Sora said with a smile, this was none other than Ling Yu. Sora couldn't see her cultivation, he, of course, didn't think she was a mortal, she gave off this aura that no mortal could give off.

Ling Yu was about to say something until something in her mind clicked, Sora's cultivation, and his trouble-seeking personality, along with his low cultivation. Sora had to be that famous man who lusts for battles.

"you're the famous pervert who lusts for battle?" She asked with an innocent smile, Sora was speechless in the way she put it. if he knew just who was going around giving him his title, he would kill them on the spot.

"shell we team up? you're not going to let me, a mortal go in there all by myself." She asked with a smile, Sora's smile slight. with a hand behind his back, he bent slightly

"It will be my pleasure to protect fairy," Sora said with a smile, as he reached out to take her hand. Ling Yu was speechless, not expecting Sora to do this. She couldn't read Sora, was he lusting after her? no, Sora's eyes were not like everyone else. So, what was his goal?

Ling Yu smiled as she took Sora up on his offer, everyone who saw her shake Sora's hand almost exploded from jealousy., Sora got a wave of rage points from everyone. making his smile as he knew this girl shook his hand to do this... this girl was trouble.

they both looked at each other, trying to see through each other, but in the end, they gave up and headed into the forest.

"Stop right there." Fu Bo suddenly appeared as he coldly walked toward Sora, killing intent filled his eye as lightning flashed on his body from time to time.

"you are?" Sora asked with a frown, random people were now walking up to him with killing intent, this girl truly was a treasure, just taking her hand had this effect. what if he married her...

Sora suddenly got rage points and saw who it was from someone named Fu Bo, realization hit him as he quickly understood who was standing before him.

"you bastard." Fu Bo's rage exploded as he shot toward Sora with a punch, he had reached level 2 iron rank. he had strength matching those at the peak of level 3 iron rank, a whole level above his own. He was sure he could defeat Sora now


Fu Bo's fist landed hard on Sora's chest, creating a small shock wave that caused people's clothing to fly crazily in the wind. yet Sora was not injured, even by a little. in effect, Fu Bo was injured as he was screaming in pain while holding his arm, which had a broken finger. this stunned everyone as Sora didn't even use energy to enhance his defense, just his normal body was still strong

"Some people don't learn. I was nice enough to only destroy your cultivation and not outright cripple you. I gave you a chance, and you did what?" Sora asked as he kicked Fu Bo to the ground before stepping on him his chest.

"... I'm sorry. I will never cross you again." Fu Bo said in horror, Sora smiled slightly as he stumped down, crippling him. Fu Bo's eyes shrank as he felt his cultivation disappearing once more, and this time he will never cultivate again.

Fu Bo looked at Sora with hatred as he began cursing nonstop at him, Sora ignored him as he looked towards Fu Bo who was looking at him closely. Sora didn't know what she was thinking, but he knew whatever it was it was no good.

"let's go." She said with a smile, as she left along with Sora, evert the gaze of many people. they entered the forest and went on to search for the pocket space, Sora senses were much sharper than others. he could sense the slight rips the pocket space gave off, although he couldn't pinpoint where it was, when he was close enough, he will be able to tell.

"their way..." Sora said as he smelled the air slightly before walking off, followed by a speechless Ling Yu who was wondering if Sora was the reincarnation of some beast. they could tell Sora was heading the right way, but he was smelling his way to it... that made no sense.

"It should be down there," Sora said calmly as he stood on the edge of a cliff, which went so far down that he couldn't see the bottom. it was completely dark, but the ripples in space came from there. Sora's eyes could even see it, which was something normal cultivators couldn't do.

Sora's senses were enchased greatly by the solar energy cultivation art greatly boosted his 5 senses, and they only improved as his cultivation improved. the monkey king cultivation art also gave this ability, although not as good as the Solar energy cultivation art.

"How do we get down there." Ling Yu said softly as she threw a rock down, but it was swallowed by the darkness, Sora smiled as he stood on the edge of the cliff, with his back facing it.

"I think we should fall down," Sora said with a smile as he fell backward, Ling Yu's eyes widened as she watched Sora falling down into the darkness, before she suddenly froze and nodded together and fall down as well. She quickly caught up to Sora, who was falling head fist while looking at her,

when they entered the darkness, they felt as if they went through a bubble, before they found themselves in a new world. Sora calmly looked at Ling Yu who was on the ground in an embarrassing potion, with legs straight up in the sky. Sora of course had to enjoy the view, Ling Yu quickly stood up, before looking angrily at Sora.

this bastard knew that space flipped within here and told her nothing. He fell headfirst, and he turned out alright, while she was in such an embarrassing potion. although Sora tried to hide it, she knew he was enjoying the sight. this pervert, this scumbag.

Just as she wanted to rage, slim suddenly shot at them. Ling Yu flashed as she dodge, Sora just punched forward, sending out a shock wave which made the slim all around him. looking towards where the slam came from, Sora saw a huge slug looking at them.

"a level 8 iron demonic beast right off the bat," Sora said with a smile, but he quickly noticed Ling Yu seriously look while looking at this slug. Sora's nose twitched, he looked at the slim and saw it was metaling through the ground, it was also releasing a poisonous air, and also seemed to be super sticky. understanding quickly hit Sora, this slug was not normal.

the slug's mouth grew before it shot a jet of slim at the sky, the slim began raining down on them as they began flashing around to dodge the slam, a drop of slim landed on Sora's shoulder and quickly began burning his skim.

"This slug is too powerful for you. you can step back; I will handle it." She said seeing Sora's shoulder burning from the slim. Sora frowned as he sensed the slim poison effect was making him weaker. he nodded as he stepped back and watched her do her thing, while he began to destroy the poison.

'This is only a drop of slim...' Sora thought as he watched the battle between Ling Yu and the slim take place. the slim could even burn through Qi, forcing Ling Yu to pull out a special item which was a blue sword, which easily but through the slim. but when it came to the slug's body, Ling Yu found that her sword skill wasn't enough to kill the slug

cutting the slim only dived the slug, making two powerful slugs which forced her back.

"Your level of the sword Dao isn't enough to kill it. we need to destroy it, not cut it." Sora said calmly, making Ling Yu frown hearing something she already knew. but when she turned to look at Sora, he had already recovered from the poison,

Sora took out the golden staff which he skillfully spun around before shooting to the sky. the slug shot a jet of slim at him, but Sora waved his staff, sending countless raindrops formed from the Dao of the staff.

Ling Yu's eyes almost popped seeing Sora using that technique. was it not the raindrop sword art? yet it has been changed to something like the raindrop staff art?

the raindrops over warmed the slim and shot towards the slim, raining down on them. but the slugs were covered in slime which made these attacks almost seem to side right off, making the effectiveness of it weaken greatly

"Impact type damage and cutting don't work," Sora said softly as he landed next to Ling Yu. they both frowned as their skill set had nothing to face these slim. this slim was a perfect counter to them, but would Sora back down?

Sora placed his hands together as lightning gathered into his hands, Ling Yu who was about to do something stopped as she punched Sora shot the ball of lightning at the slugs, and had it explode, swallowing the two slugs.

"... that was pure energy, no Dao," Ling Yu said in confusion, with Qi one is able to transform Qi into another form, fire, water, and so on. but this is just energy and will disappear over time, of course, fire will remain if it causes something like a forest fire. water on the other hand will disappear.

but if one comprehends Dao and were to transform their Qi into something like water, then it will be true water that can be drunk by others. creating some on the level of Sora with the help of Dao will use up a lot of energy, you're forcefully have lightning take on another form, then condensing that lightning into a ball before shooting it forward, and having it explode with enough power to kill demonic beast at level 8. that will take up a lot of energy.

"I haven't comprehended the Dao of lightning," Sora said calmly that attack used up a lot of energy, but he only used Qi. although a lot, nothing compared to his overall storage of energy. Ling Yu's eyes narrowed seeing how Sora was not affected by using so much energy. he was only at the copper rank, the effect he could pull something like this was shocking alone, it was like Sora could make more of these attacks if he wished.

She shook her head before looking at the watch, she gained no points from Sora killing the monster. but she didn't care and was looking at the timer, they will be in here for a month, she will be held back if she remained with Sora, so she said her goodbye and left. but she frowned soon when she remembered that Sora saw her panties, she turned towards where Sora was but Sora had already disappeared. She snorted as she promised herself to make him pay.

a few days later, a bloody Sora was laughing happily as he fought against a wolf which was at level 1 of the silver rank. claw marks were all over his body. the wolf's eyes were cold as it looked at Sora who had broken through to level 9 copper rank, this human body was powerful as its claws before could cut him in half. those items on this human body were just too powerful

"Now then, I should have peak half step silver rank combat power. shall the fun continue?" Sora asked with a smile, as the wolf rushed towards him. they began another battle, the wolf sent Sora flying backward before it opened its mouth.

Qi gathered, before a beam shot at Sora. Sora quickly crossed his arms to block, but the attack broke through all his defense, leaving a huge hole in his chest. Sora fell to the ground heavily, but as he wanted to stand, the wolf placed its paw on his back forcing him down.

the wolf opened its mouth as it bit down towards Sora's neck, but staff appeared out of nowhere as it went on to extend into the mouth of the wolf at a shocking speed. the wolf was sent high into the sky, by the staff.

the staff continue to extend before everyone within this pocket space could clearly see what was happening. Sora slowly stood up while looking at the sky, he held his chest which was slowly healing thanks to the solar energy cultivation art. Sora rested against the staff as he breathed heavily, while also feeling his cultivation slowly entering the iron rank.

"This is going to be troublesome. my other cultivation art is behind by 2 levels." Sora said softly as he felt pain from him but, as his tail wanted to spread itself. Sora sighed as he wanted himself to break through before having the staff widen to break the wolf's mouth, before having it shrink almost instantly

the wolf came falling down, and as soon as it did it angrily looked at Sora before attacking, but Sora sent a rocketing fist at its neck. killing it and sending it flying into the forest. it was already weakened broken its mouth breaking, and falling from so high up, Sora smiled at this newfound power before walking off as he could hear people were close.

Sora disappeared into the forest, and soon after a middle-aged man at half step silver rank appeared where the wolf was killed. he looked around to find traces of who killed this beast, but he couldn't sense the traces left behind by senjutsu, not anyone, and sense senjutsu energy, so he was left in the dark.

meanwhile, Sora found a nice waterfall and went on to take a bath in. as he did, he relaxed as he went on to look at his gains from breaking through to level 1 iron rank in the monkey king cultivation art.

'Ape transformation. upon your tail fully developing, you will gain the ability to transform into a huge ape upon seeing a full moon, where your strength will be increased greatly. this state is hard to control, and you will lose control of yourself and destroy everything. you must learn to control yourself; this is the technique to control and master this power.' Sora thought as he went over the technique

Wrathful. to cultivate this technique, one must have cultivated the Monkey King cultivation art to the iron rank. this technique strengthens one's mind, allowing one to be able to control the ape form. upon controlling the ape form, one will be able to create a fake moon which will allow them to transform into the ape form whenever they wish. but this is all just the first level

the second level is to be able to gain the strength of the ape form without transforming, allowing one to keep their speed. by doing this, you will be able to better master the power, allowing you to draw out 3 times as much power.

Sora took a deep breath at this. although his capability to speed levels has dropped once more. he had strength at level 1 silver rank expert with his equipment on. but with this transformation, he could fight those at level 3 silver rank and level 4 if his masters it completely

Sora looked at the last thing he got from reaching the iron rank. it was a technique called World Lord Fist. this technique was not a fist technique, but a support technique. this technique allows one to increase their strength by 2 times all the way to 20 times.

but the sudden increase this ability brings could cause Sora's body to explode if he is not strong enough. So, Sora had to strengthen his body to be able to handle all of this, meaning he had to put his body through hell to withstand these power-ups

Sora noticed that the two abilities can be used together, the ape transformation, and the World Lord Fist. this meant the increase of power from the ape transformation, and then another 20 times increase to that transformation. that was a scary thing to think about

Sora took a deep breath if he could master both abilities. then he had the chance to skip 2 ranks, but he knew by the time he mastered these abilities, he will not be able to skip 2 ranks anymore.

Sora had to now force on the solar energy and the sage of six paths cultivation art, he will not cultivate the Monkey King anymore and try and avoid battle which will make it improve.

Sora went on to try within that waterfall, he found there was a whole underground which led to another place filled with demonic beasts. Sora didn't need to breathe so long as he had solar energy, so he went on to begin a slaughter for some time, for some days. after a few days, Sora appeared in the waterfall once more.

but as soon as he did, he froze when he saw Ling Yu was naked in the water looking right at him in shock. time seemed to freeze as the two looked at each out, Ling Yu was stunned as she looked at Sora, Sora looks had improved in a few days. wild immortal... Ling Yun quickly snapped out of it as her eyes turned cold. this pervert, she will not let him get away with it this time.

but she was naked and if she got out Sora will see more, and this pervert was still looking at him. how hateful...

"you pervert. you're just going to keep watching me?" Sora asked with a frown, Ling Yu almost fainted at Sora's words. never in her life did anyone ever make her feel this way,

{successfully enraged Ling Yu, you have received 87 rage points.}

{successfully enraged Ling Yu, you have received 87 rage points.}

{successfully enraged Ling Yu, you have received 87 rage points.}

{successfully enraged Ling Yu, you have received 87 rage points.}

"I know I'm good-looking and all, but must you keep looking at me with those eyes as if you're going to eat me or something," Sora asked calmly as he fixed his wet hair, Ling Yu couldn't control herself as he rushed towards Sora.

a battle within the water broke out as Ling Yu pulled her sword out, trying to cut Sora down. but she quickly found out that Sora was stronger than her Ling Yu who was caught off guard by Sora's raise in strength and was quickly suppressed.

at the bottom of the water, Ling Yu looked at Sora who was standing opposite her. her sword was knocked out of her hands, leaving her shocked. they both looked at each other, but Sora slowly frowned as he sensed something dark coming off Ling Yu

Ling Yu suddenly disappeared as he grabbed Sora by his neck, and slammed Sora into a wall. Sora's eyes widened as he looked at Ling Yu who was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

'She is at level 4 iron rank... this is level 3 silver rank power.' Sora thought with narrowed eyes, Ling Yu was shocking power almost a rank above her own. Sora was shocked as she hid well.

They both looked at each other for some time, before Sora suddenly held her chin and kissed her, Ling Yu was stunned at Sora's actions, yet she didn't stop him but instead fell deeper into this kiss. Sora's kiss was magical, she was metaled into Sora's kiss, as a warm feeling spread all over her body.

A few minutes, Sora broke the kiss as he looked deep into her eyes, this woman. he had to make her his own. this woman will be his wife, and that's final