
My sweet Lillith be mine

"Hi. I'm Shera Rose. My life wasn't perfect before his arrival but it turned into a mess after his arrival." "Hey, I'm Ace. (whispering) My life was hell before her arrival but she turned it to heaven." "Hey..... What are you whispering?" Shera asked. "Nothing my sweet Lilith" Ace said. "First of all, I'm not the queen of hell. So stop calling me in that name. Secondly, his name isn't Ace. It's......."Ace cut off her. "Hey. wait. You can't say it to anyone."Ace said. "Oh! Baby, are you embarrassed?"Shera asked in a mocking tone. "You, just wait there. I will show you who will embarrass you in the end" Ace said while smiling mischievously. "Wa..it....wa...wait....Ac...Ac...e.I don't mean to make you angry. I....just want to have fun," Shera said. An electric shock went through her body when Ace came toward her. "Oh! Is that so? So....let me also have fun."Ace said while tracing her nape from his nose. "Wait..Ah...I'm...sorry...sorry...I..ma.de..a..mis..take..forgive...me..Ah..plea..see.." Shera pleaded while shivering under his touches. "OK then. Do you admit your mistake?"Ace asked her. His hot breath was fanning her bare neck. "Yes..yes...I admit."Shera said in a hurry. "Then obey the punishment."Ace said. He went in front of Shera and glanced at her eyes directly. 'Oh! man. Is she an enchantress? Why on the earth do I lose my self-control wherever I look into her eyes. Anyway I must teach some manners to this kitten' Shera was staring at Ace innocently. "Honey, please....."Shera pleaded while staring at him with puppy eyes. Ace smirked at her. "My sweet Lillith, it's too late to apologises and also don't you want to touch my abs?"Ace asked with a foxy look. Shera blushed from his words. "You...You... pervert.... shameless..." Shera said with an angry voice. "Oh! Pervert!? Shameless? Is that so? Then I will show you how shameless I can be..."Ace said. He bent toward Shera. He put his hands under her thighs & back, lifting her in bride style. Shera was shocked. His cold hands went under her dress, touching her bare thigh. A chill went through her spine. "What....tt....ar..e...y..ou...do....in...g?????"Shera asked while trembling. "OH!! My Lillith, Don't tell me you're already excited or do you think it's better to do it on the sofa than on the bed? Whatever the place, I'll be at your service" Ace said while grinning. Shera turned into a brighter shade of red. "Don't worry my Lillith, I will carry you to ''our bedroom'' and I'll make sure you are comfortable. Just wait a little longer, sweetheart." He said emphasising 'our bedroom' while carrying her through the stairs. 'I'm sorry' Shera thought. *************** 'When others couples equal them to Romeo Juliet, Jake Rose, Shah Jahan Mumtaz Mahal I have to become Lillith(queen of the hell) while the person who thinks he is my lover become Asmodeus (king of the hell). The simple meaning of that is we are the rulers of hell. Can you imagine the mentality of this person? He is annoying. I also can't understand what is the relationship between us but somehow I'm addicted to him. I'll follow him blindly. Sometimes his love is too much to the point it makes my blood boil hotter than a fiery sea but somehow, in the end, I'm the one who laughs till my stomach hurts. It's because of his craziness. Calmness is a sign before a storm, just like that storms are bound to come to our peaceful world. Will we be shattered from these storms? or will we show the strength of our bond? But what's the bond between us? What is the purpose of these wars? Why should we fight? Time is the best solution to all of these questions. I will let time to solve them.' ~Shera Rose~ ''I don't mean to disrespect any belief or religion. I just need to let u understand the story. I got all this information from the internet. Luv u. Stay safe, stay healthy.'' -Shelley Richard-

ShelleyRichard · Urban
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6 Chs

At King's Club

Who's Ace?

''Hey there, I'm your narrator. Let's see who's Ace.Ace is the CEO of ACE corporation. 24 years old. He has a dashing look, an uncomparable figure and a unique personality. He is the ruler of most women's hearts in the world's biggest country, X country but this topic doesn't own even a pinch of his attention. He is popular just like a celebrity. He is just like an angel, who was born on earth by a mistake but he is cold as an iceberg or is he? His one glance is enough to make a shiver in anyone spine. Most of the women are dying to get his attention but he doesn't even spare a glance at them. He is a devil when it comes to business. There is nothing he can't do as so far. He owned 3/4th of X country and he has the ownership of many companies in foreign countries also. So let's know more about Ace from the story.''

Ace's POV

'I was in my BMW on the way to my company, while reading my schedule from the tablet. As the CEO of ACE corporation, I got a meeting after meeting. I got a meeting at night also, what!!!!!!! at a club. Why on the earth do they choose a club out of all the places in this world? But, anyway I have to go because this client is very important to us. Suddenly my driver stopped the car in a rush. Because of the sudden stop car was horizontal on the road it was making traffic. I looked outside through the window and saw a girl who bent on her knees, holding some books tightly to her chest as her life depends on them. She was wearing a black oversized hoodie, black colour pant with a pair of white sneakers. The hood of the hoodie was on her head. Half of her face was covered by silk-like curls of her hair. The combination of her dark black hair with her fair complexion was mysteriously attractive and quite charming. I could only see her red lips, they were trembling. Her face was covered by her hair. In the meantime, my driver horned loudly. That girl quivered from the sudden loud noise. I couldn't catch a glimpse at her face. She got up slowly, still trembling and walked away. I stared at her for some time and retreat my glance. Then as usual we went to the company like we never crossed paths with a mysterious girl.

When I entered the main entrance everyone greets me as usual. In my private elevator that can only be used by me and CFO in the company, I met our company's CFO and my childhood friend, James Cooper. He's a good man with a remarkable attractive aura. According to rumours, I'm the sun, that will blind you even by a glance, burn you by a single touch and hot to the point that will melt anyone within seconds while James is the moon, that's pleasant to see, soft to touch and cool to the point that anyone will be his slave by his or her self within seconds because of his charismatic smile.

I'm the only one who knows the wolf behind sheep clothes. He is kind to everyone and smiles like an angel to everyone regardless of his or her importance. Impressive right? but that is one of his most successful traps to achieve what he wants. He is indeed and will treat you like royalty as long as you stay within your limits. When you cross your limits, may God has mercy on your unfortunate soul, then you will see the devil behind that charming smile. He is a good looking young man of the same age as me. He has blonde hair with a pair of almond shape hazel eyes. His fair complex is matching well with his red lips. His well-built body and 6'5 inches height add a unique look to his attractiveness. We know almost everything about each other. We are different from appearance but the way we think and act is the same.

As both my friend and CFO of my companies he does a magnificent job. He has many connections with the underworld. He is a leader of a famous mafia after all. I can't even imagine what will happen if one day people especially girls who love him to eternity get to know that their angle is a devil like this. The mere thought about it is enough to amuse me.

''Hey, good morning.''James greeted.

''Good morning,'' I said.

''Do you come to the meeting?''James asked.

''Which one?''I asked while looking at him.

''To the nightclub one. I know you how much you hate night cl...''I cut off him.

''He is a very important client to us,'' I said coldly.

''But....'' I cut off him again and furrowed my brows at him.

''I think I don't have to repeat myself'' I said while putting a deadly glance at him. He lowered his glance.

''But I....''I cut him off again.

''I think you should stop from here'' I said.

''OK. See you in the club at 9.00 p.m Sharp'' he said while stepping out of the elevator to go to his office. I nodded.

I went to my office after the elevator arrived on the 36th floor, the top floor. When I finished all meetings and other works it was already 8.30 p.m. I directly went to the King's club. My driver stopped the car in front of the club and I went inside the club.

Right then the loud music hit my ears like a bomb and the alcoholic air entered from my nostrils was like a strong type of venom. I hate this kind of place. When I look around, I saw a DJ surrounded by girls. He was wearing a black large jacket with black denim jeans. Half of his face was covered with a cloth that has a devil's mouth on it.

'Why on the earth DJ's always looks like this kind of bullshit?' I thought.

I returned my glance from him and looked around to find Lucas. Some someone drinking, someones that dancing while glued to each other and someones who flirting, trying to catch their day's prey. Then I noticed Lucus who was talking to a woman that was in her early 20s. Lucus waved his hand at me and I went toward them.

I stand next to Lucus and she smiled at me knowingly. I also smiled lightly and it faded as fast as it came.

She was wearing a red long sleeves sheath dress to her knees with red high heels and her accessories was a pair of diamond earrings, a round diamond pendant necklace, a gold bracelet and a red drawn leather shoulder bag. I think it's Chanel because I had seen it in the fashion show held by them. She got a bronze-brown colour straight hair that flows to her waist and a fair complex. She was nearly 5'8 inches tall even without her heels. Her heels were supporting her to stand a few inches shorter than us. She was radiating the aura of riches. I was sure she was fascinated by Lucus's charming smile and noble demeanour.

''Let me introduce both of you. This is Ace, the CEO of ACE corporation.''Lucus said with glittering eyes.

He was wearing his attractive and alluring facade. He has many facades like this one, that change according to the situation. This is the one he used to hypnotize someone, specially females.No one has managed to elope from it so far.

''Ace this is Miss. Sherasha Richwell.The one and only daughter of Mr Richwell.He isn't feeling well. So, he has sent his daughter for the meeting.''Lucus said.

I knew all his facades. One of his specialities is he can let anyone feel like he also belongs to their kind. So, he can win anyone's heart easily.

''Pleasure to meet you Ace'' Sherasha said while handshaking with me.

''Pleasure is all mine. How is your father? I hope he is fine asked.

''Yeah, he just got a headache because of overwork. Thank you for your concern'' Sherasha said while smiling. I nodded.

''So let us go to the VIP room and begin the meeting,'' Lucus said.

We all went to the VIP room and sat around a round glass table. The white marble floor gave a unique look to the room. We all began the meeting as we sat on a sofa that centred a round glass table and Sherasha was in front of me. Then I noticed that her eyes are sea green colour, the lightest shade of green. I didn't get a clear view of them on the down floor cause of the dazzling lights. Her plumpy lips were coated with apple red colour lipstick. Sherasha was good when it comes to business. She wasn't a fragile girl like I guessed. She talked directly about the point without the crap. I was impressed even though I didn't show it. When the meeting was over it was already 11.30 P.M. I said bid farewell to both of them and went home.

Shera's POV

I was in King's Club when I noticed a man staring at me immensely. His gaze could pierce through anyone. But for some reason, I didn't feel to budge it. He had a well-defined jaw, protruding cheekbones, eyes that seem cold but deep down in them, there was the sadness of the whole world. He was 6'5 inches tall, I guess so. He had broad shoulders and a relatively narrow waist. His torso was V-shaped. Even in his formal attire, his perfection couldn't be able to hide. I was studying him with narrow eyes.

'YEH. Stay focus. Don't you love your job anymore?' my psyche started to threaten me. I was annoyed by it. Then the reality hit me.

'By the way why on the earth he is staring at me. Is he gay? None of my business. I have more important things to do than mind about gay fans.' I focused my attention on what I was doing.

Hi! everyone, I'm your author. Let me know your ideas about this book. I'll try my best to update more chapters soon. Please let me know about the mistakes I have done in this chapter. Thank you very much for choosing my book. Stay safe.

ShelleyRichardcreators' thoughts