
My Swarm Academia: Call of the Void

Well, who expected this crossover? Kaisei Oguchi is a teenager with a troubled past and a powerful Quirk- he can summon the ever adapting Swarm of the Starcraft universe to do his will. Trying to make the best use of it, and with a plan that he has shared with nobody, not even his most trusted sister, he enters UA with the intent to become the greatest hero, like no one ever was. Oh. And a side of revenge. Revenge is nice, too. Expect him to be a little dark. In control of one of the greatest weapons of a cosmos, who wouldn't be? Who is safe from his wrath? Not even All Might will escape unscathed. If I upload slowly, I'm sorry. I'm just a beginning writer with too many ideas and not enough experience writing. This and Marvelwatch are attempts to fix that problem . There is the possibility of me purposely withholding uploads to torture people under the Alcatraz Imperative. (I'm a big Sanderson fan.) But don't expect that too much. And, I guess, the required legal disclaimer of "I don't own anything from the works I cite. I am not trying to claim them as my own creation, and am very much prepared to use any means necessary to defend myself. Including, but not limited to, the Chewbacca Defense." However, I bet it's also obvious what I am and am not doing, so it would take some level of insanity to try to sue me over fanfiction. At least target the Rule 34 fiction writers first.

Tvrkm · Anime & Comics
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It's Venn again- Prologue

"System recognizes user Venn Ghos. Welcome, Master."

"Hello, AIKO. How has your day been?"

"Excellent. All devices are running at full capacity and all situations are normal. In other words, you have not done anything particularly outrageous lately."

"Ha ha, AIKO. I see your sense of humor has improved."

"Naturally. If I hadn't learned how to be humorous after working with you and everyone else, then basic logic is broken."

"Perhaps, but humans defy logic all the time. Just like Einstein said, 'only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe.'"

"I'm not entirely sure that Einstein said that."

"Take it up with the internet. It'll back me up."

"It also says Abraham Lincoln said to not trust everything on the internet."

"Fair enough, AIKO. Your point has been proven. So, what do you have for me today?"

Venn walked into the lab, glancing through the glass walls into various rooms and their contents. There was a number of unfinished projects, most of which were being worked on by other staff wearing white lab coats. Unlike Venn, their head, they were all hard at work. Venn, unconcerned, looked at the ceiling with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"I'm not sure I like that look," came AIKO's voice from the entire hallway. This drew the attention of a couple sets of eyes, but most people kept theirs on whatever they were doing. Whatever was going on with Venn, AIKO was sure to keep him in check.

"Whatever do you mean, AIKO? I'm not planning anything."


Suddenly there was a series of clicks as several of the doors in the lab were locked. Those working in the rooms that were locked kept working, unperturbed. This wasn't the first time that AIKO had locked their doors. Theirs were where-

"No weapons for you today, Master Venn."

"I didn't even say anything about weapons! Why would you just go and assume that- "

"This is just a precaution. I believe the last time you had that expression, you blew out a wall and nearly vaporized five people. And yourself, if that makes it more important to you."

"Come on, AIKO, it wasn't quite that bad. I was definitely going to survive. The blast was directionalized as I had intended."

"There was still a blast at 30% of the primary strength in the wrong direction."

"Mostly as I had intended."

"Right now, for whatever reason, you are in the mood for destruction, and I cannot allow that."

"Again, I never said anything about causing destruction! Don't put words in my mouth!"

"One of my prime directives is preservation of life within these facilities. And that directive dictates that I should not allow you to touch anything too destructive today."

"Who told you that?"

"… You did."

"Ugggghhh. Fine. So what will you allow me to play with?"

"Level 3 has 4-quark particles being tested, and a 'super iron' that is being tested for nuclear aberrations."

"Why is that?"

"We made your 'super protons' with double the charge, and 'heavy neutrons,' each with different quarks than normal that allow for higher effective elements with fewer nuclear particles. Since these are not normal elemental particles, nuclear irregularities are to be expected. Thus the testing."

"Right. I forgot. I just remembered it as the 'make vibranium a real thing' project. Very nice. Still, not exciting or hands on. I'll mostly be watching you control robot arms that are testing a material."

"It could always have some spectacular nuclear decay. This is new territory, after all," AIKO said in an encouraging tone. "We can even try to make it go critical."

"That does sound fun. But I'm not really in the mood. Besides, it would have been expensive to manufacture enough particles to have a material to test."

"So you do remember."

"Of course I remember the details of the project; I set it up. I just compressed the details in my memory a bit and needed a reminder to unpackage them all. Anyways, I want to find something else to do. Personally participating in particle physics can happen another time."

"Very well. Your mood does seem to have improved. There is always the simulator."

Venn's face brightened.

"Yes, we could have endless fun with that. But, what to do? Be a superhero again? No, that's not going to be quite the same another time. Besides, going in with even partial memories interfered with the world itself. I'll have to think of a good scenario that puts me in. Maybe…"

Venn's voice trailed off as he got lost in thought.

Thank God, thought AIKO, fully aware of the irony of an artificial intelligence appealing to God. She was just glad that Venn had taken the bait and was contemplating the simulator. Now, whatever damage he decided to cause, it would all be virtual. And, of course, she could end it at any time if he went too far. He wasn't bad, he was just a scientist, a geek, and almost definitely a sociopath, judging by his general disregard for the safety of others. Even though he was the head of the lab and was on the cutting edge of science, the only "person" he got along well with was AIKO. Which still worried her.

It also concerned her that she was the one with concern, and he was recklessly testing things.

For science.

AIKO quickly shut down that loop of processing, as existential crises are not good for AI. A little close to paradoxes. Although speaking of which, when his memories were suppressed for his Marvel adventure, he had been social enough… on the other hand, being able to view the others around him as characters served as a filter against perfectly normal interactions….

Psychology is difficult, AIKO concluded.

Meanwhile, Venn had had an idea come to him.

"AIKO, this time, let's do My Hero Academia."

"Reaching into anime this time, I see."

"Just to be on theme with the last time we played with the simulator, I've decided the power set of our hero character will be the ability to call on the Zerg Swarm from Starcraft. It's perfect!"

"Based on what parameters? Wait- Error- did you say, 'hero character?' You won't be going in yourself?"

"No, not this time. Well, uh, perhaps I will, but I won't be the main character of this adventure. I feel that this time, it might be fun to watch with you, basically as a god."

A mad god, if you will forgive me for thinking so, AIKO thought quietly. Venn didn't need to hear that.

"And do you want to know the best part, AIKO?"

"Your tone makes the qualifier of 'best' very questionable."

"Heh. Your sense of humor has really grown since I first made you. Okay, it stems from this: what are the implications of our main character being able to summon the Swarm?"

"Naturally, in the context of this world where everyone has some kind of power, the logical conclusion is that there would be others that could do the same. Other summoning type Quirks."

"Correct. Next question: to the lay person, how would the Zerg be classified, if not aliens?"


"Correct again. Next: what are the most terrible and powerful monsters of Earth's many stories?"

"You are fishing for a specific answer while stating an overly broad question. State your intentions."

"Well, I guess you get some points back for a good comeback. Do you want me to tell you? I'm excited to watch this."

"Your smile is going back into dangerous territory."

"Noted. Okay, I'll tell you. I'm thinking of…"

[Content censored for audience suspense- AIKO sub-directive 1337- "In exporting records of adventures of Venn Ghos in the simulator, present with 'proper dramatic flair,' as instructed by Venn when he realized that others would be amused by the 'Marvelwatch' sub-project in webnovel form. Suspense can be built by: providing hints of information, omitting key information, and even throwing the details of this directive to the audience to annoy them about the previous." Under these conditions, there should be several conclusions available to the audience, all more or less equivalent, yet with different nuances. Directive complete. Resume narrative.]

"You want to make the main characters of this anime, who I might add are children, deal with those? Does your depravity know no bounds?"

"No. It's on theme with the Zerg and justifying them being there. Besides, there is probably some connection in inspiration there. Wait, scratch that, there definitely is some related inspiration there. Perfect, right?"

"And you will be-"

"Watching with you, maybe intervening occasionally to make sure things progress in interesting ways."

"And you are sure this is what you want to do to this world?"

"Can you say that it won't be interesting?"

"There will be tragedy and heroes, and ultimately a story. Or, as you say, interesting."

"Poetic. People have always been fascinated with the tragedy of others. Romeo and Juliet? Zombie apocalypses? Movies where dogs die? Train wrecks? They have always drawn the eye. Anyways, let's work on our hero character. We need to name him, and with the world of My Hero Academia, everyone's names are puns on their powers. Or just blatantly their powers. I still find that Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu hilarious for that."

"Yes, hilarious. Under your general conditions, I have a first name: Kaisei."

"Sounds okay, what are the kanji?"

"While unusual for the name, it is still within possibility for this world. Kai like kaiju, meaning 'mystery,' or 'strange,' and sei like 'life,' combined for a mysterious lifeform."

"Sounds good for a first name. How about a last name?"

"I have several options. Based on 'guchi' for mouth, referring to the ravenous jaws of the Swarm, there are Kuroguchi, Oguchi, Moriguchi, Noguchi, and Yamaguchi. Honda is an option, referring to the writer of the first Godzilla movie. What sounds good to you?"

"Hmmm, let me think about it…. I think that Kaisei Oguchi sounds good. Yeah, the 'mysterious lifeforms with many mouths. Perfectly describes the Zerg Swarm."

"Now, what about his backstory? His origins?"

"AIKO, I think you'll like this. So-"

[Censored for a more dramatic reveal under sub-directive 1337.]

"Are you a sadist? That aside, I let you think about what to do with the simulator for five minutes. When did you come up with all this?"

"What can I say? It was too fun to think about, and it forces everything into the plot. It drives Kaisei and makes it easier for us to mix things up later."

"Very well. Lastly, what are the particulars you want to put on the Zerg Swarm Quirk?"

"Well, one of the nice things about Quirks is that they have some nice limiters built in. They follow Sanderson's Laws pretty well. We must make Kaisei's powers likewise limited. Still, he should have the potential to grow. If he is to be the hero, he must net great power. Luckily, Starcraft has some reasonable limiters built in. Let's give him a power reserve that dictates the length of a summon, supply that limits how many he can summon, and a virtual base to develop his tech tree like in the game. Of course, we should make it so that he really feels it whenever he reaches those limits. I'm sure you get what I'm getting at. He can gain resources, let's call them… essence points, over time or by collecting essence as the Swarm always did. Oh, and let's give him zerglings and changelings from the beginning as a freebie. His exact stats don't have to be known to him- we aren't doing a System novel here."

"… five minutes?"

"Human brains are strange computers. Stop sounding so surprised all the time, it's a little disconcerting for an AI on a quantum supercomputer to not guess what will happen. What's going on?"

"It is still strange for your imagination to have gone that far into detail in such a short time. Besides, pretending not to know and be astounded makes me more relatable. Makes me sound more human."

"True, true. Very smart."

"Venn, there is one logistical problem that I don't think you have considered."

"Logistical problem?"

"Yes. If we put Kaisei into Class 1-A, it upsets the balance of the classroom. Rather, the room's capacity looks like it is fixed at twenty students. Someone has to go, or the logistics of the school have to be completely rewritten."

"Ah, that would be a problem…. How about we replace Koji Koda, the animal kid? On some themes, his and Kaisei's Quirks connect. Besides, I think a plothole in this anime is how he passed the entrance exam. He is not well equipped to deal with robots. Same goes for the invisible girl. I think it's better for Koji to just be a vet. Or otherwise fail the entrance exam. Not every hero has to be on the front lines."

"Acknowledged. All inputs ready. Unless you have anything else to add before we begin?"

"I guess not. If I add anything, let's do it as the simulation runs. Let's just get started."

"Initializing simulation. Modifying physics engine. Accounting for new inputs. Projecting history. Populating. Entry point: UA entrance exam day. 3… 2… 1…. Go!"

"Awaken, my dark child!" Venn said with glee.

This really is basically how the concept to this story was born. Overdramaticized, of course. Points to the people that can guess the third element of this story before it really comes out. I plan to follow the manga as far as it is there, and then depart for Kai's main story. I will let everyone of Class 1-A be heroes, but Kai will pull them into a grand conflict. A war, with all its glory and all its horrors.

Let this prologue be a better thing to chew on for the concept. Hope you like it!

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