
A New Job

My name is Lucifer

I was a typical country side boy and had come to the city In a search of job. I failed multiple interviews and was on the verge of despair when I recieved a Mail from a well known company Known for selling Excorcist items .

I was skeptical at first but was convinced when I saw the advanced payment package of 1 million dollars .

' It's obvious they sell fake Hallowen props '

I was giddy with joy and ignored any suspicious points .Man can do anything for the right price !

And That s, how I found myself in front of my 'office 'dressed fully in formal shirt and pant for first day at work .

" It's the right address right ? " I was confused and scratching my head

In Front of me was lonely mansion ,It and overgrown shrubs , the walls were collapsing , it looked dilapidated and abandoned .

I looked down at the letter in my hand .

It directed me to enter the mansion property .

' Well here goes nothing !' I reminded myself of the million dollars that was waiting for me and took a deep breathe .

I took one step into the mansion property ....