
My Succubus System

From man to succubus after death!? Isekai adventuring at it's finest. Adventia, world of fantasy, where adventurers live and thrive. Our intrepid hero acquires the Succubus class, transforming her into a carnal loving she-demon with a desire for all things erotic! In fact, to level he (I mean, she) must lewd! ***Warning 18+ Only*** Major Themes : Sexual Exploration - Character Growth - Fantasy - Game-like World- Magic - Succubus Check out my work at https://linktr.ee/DreamOfRen **

DreamOfRen · Fantasie
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219 Chs

Familiar Choker

Chapter 95 : Familiar Choker

After producing a spare cloak for Shula and calming himself down, Ergthen continued with his original line of interest.

"A humanoid familiar is rare. So rare in fact that only three are known to have existed." Ergthen remarked. The group returned to the black book and he'd begun filtering through its pages as everyone else watched patiently -- everyone except Shula that is. Agni couldn't help but notice that the imp was taking in the sights and scents of her environment with rapid curiosity.

"So what does that mean?" Agni asked.

"It means...I have absolutely no idea what your familiar can be used for. Most familiars assist their masters in some way." Ergthen said. The "core" was a living object that could be considered Shula's body for all intents and purposes. By using Agni's mana as "fuel" Shula could materialize herself upon command. Only when the charge or supply of mana ran out would she need to return to the core to recover.

"Eh. I'm nobody's servant. " Shula chimed in. Her face seemed permanently unimpressed--with pretty much anything, that is unless she was hassling Agni or teasing Ergthen.

"R-Right. Nevertheless, I'm afraid I can't really tell you what abilities your familiar may have. But, there is a way to find out. You should be able to focus on the core and you will gradually become aware of some capability."

Agni glanced down at the almost tennis ball sized sphere in her hand and began to flow some of her mana into it.

"Aht aht aht." Vivian said, stepping forward suddenly as she placed her hand on Agni's wrist.

"It's not nice to ask a lady to reveal her secrets." She then said, nodding to Agni. Ergthen and Ogthin both sighed, exasperated that Vivian moved to block their curiosity. Ergthen particularly seemed very annoyed.

"Fine." He said as he tapped his hand against the stone pedestal."

"Very well." He relented as he then moved onto explaining to Agni any other questions she may have had, as well as how to use her Black Coin. The Black Coin functioned as a key item that would allow her entry into the Demonic Chapel at any time. For non members it could also be used as a means to acquire assistance from the Demonic Chapel. Without one it would be impossible for non members to enter.

"You wouldn't….be interested in joining the Demonic Chapel by any chance would you?" Ergthen asked. Agni felt his curiosity lay more with Shula and her abilities rather than genuine interest, still she asked.

"Maybe. What's different about this chapel from any other?" Agni asked.

"Ha. My girl, there is a world of difference." Ergthen smiled as he addressed the question with enthusiasm.

"You're a demonkin. Like other types of adventurers you have specific needs that are best met when you dwell amongst your own kind. For example, here you could indulge in your desires as you see fit without being made to feel untoward."

Agni's mind flashed back to the Incubus and the sex spectacle in the lobby.

"What about the rank requirement? I heard there was one." Agni asked.

"Well, yes… that. But perhaps we could make an exception for a promising young Leviathan such as yourself." Ergthen glanced over at his brother Ogthin, who remained neutral in his demeanor.

"Is...is that it?" Agni asked. She couldn't help but think about all the blessings she received the moment she joined Vivian's Chapel, Mystic Tower.

"What about blessings?" She added, making her inquiry more understandable.

"Secret." Ergthen replied, almost immediately. "But also, worth it."

"Hmm. What do you think, Shula?" Agni asked.

"Nope. Not interested." Shula responded, leaving little room for doubt.

Ergthen reacted as if he'd been struck by an invisible dagger to his ulterior motives, he grimaced slightly before quickly recovering.

"I see. That's regrettable. Well then. You have the Black Coin, so you can return here at any time in the future. Don't forget about us if you encounter any difficulties in your journey." Ergthen replied.

"Thank you so much Keeper Ergthen." Vivian chimed in as she drew closer to Agni signaling an end to Ergthen's attempts to coerce even more information from Agni or make more offers.

"Yes. Thank you." Agni said as Vivian began to lead her away from the stone pedestal and towards the exit of the room.

"How many times must I say this?" Vivian whispered as she drew away from Ergthen.

"Say what?" Agni asked, genuinely confused.

"You can't go around showing people all the cards you have at your disposal. You never know who might be tomorrow's enemy or how it will affect your future." Vivian replied as she ushered the Succubus into the hallway and awaited Ogthin to escort them out.

"You felt as if you could activate some kind of skill or ability, right?" Vivian then asked.

"Well…..yes." Agni replied.

"And you were talking to a demonkin practically obsessed with new knowledge. He would have definitely tried to keep you and chronicle every facet of your power if you'd let him." Agni couldn't really argue with Vivian's words.

*Why did you flat out reject him by the way?* Agni asked Shula via telepathy.

*Eh. Teasing him was fun, but this place is kind of depressing. Dark, serious, moody. Besides, I just got free--why would I want to tie myself down again!?* Shula responded as she stood next to Agni and Vivian. Soon the trio were escorted out of the Demonic Chapel and found themselves in the front yard of the building.

"Today was interesting to say the least. It's not everyday we meet a Leviathan, or provide new knowledge for my brother. I'll be looking forward to your impact on the world, young demonkin." Ogthin said, as he browed graciously towards Agni. For some reason she felt this was out of place so she tried to stop him.

"No. I should be thanking you. I mean, without you I never would have been able to awaken Shula."

After saying their goodbyes to Ogthin Agni was surprised to hear Vivian suggest a shopping trip.

"Your familiar core could be considered a world item. As such, it could be impossible for you to store it in your inventory. Have you tried?" Vivian asked as the trio walked along, well two of them walked -- Shula hovered along behind them.

"No. I didn't." Agni replied, taking the initiative to do so.

"You're right. I can't. Why is that? I've never heard of an item that can't be stored."

"You probably wouldn't have. World items are exceedingly rare. No one really knows the reason why, but I could speculate. The most logical reason I could think of is so that the item doesn't get destroyed. If for example, an adventurer falls to Second Death, all of the items they stored are destroyed. World Items can't be stored and will remain behind in instances like that." Vivian explained.

"What other reason could it possibly be?" Shula asked, suddenly curious after hearing Vivian's explanation.

"That whoever made these incredibly powerful items wants adventurers to fight and compete over them. If you think about it logically, it would be pointless for a powerful item to end up in the hands of some newb who barely knows how to use it. It makes sense for someone stronger to claim the item and use it to its fullest potential."

Shula seemed satisfied with that answer and continued taking in the sights. Agni was surprised at Shula's lack of commentary, actually. Agni had grown quite used to ignoring random insults and chides throughout any given day. She already felt it was much ...quieter in her head now.

"So what are we shopping for?" Agni asked, realizing that their legs had carried them quite far from the gates of the Demonic Chapel.

"Well. As you know of my secret, I'm pretty great at hiding things in plain sight. I'm going to do you a solid and help you hold onto that World item." Vivian replied.

"Is it really that easy to have something like that stolen?" Shula asked as she floated ahead, casting her gaze upon various stalls. The scent of food was now in the air and Agni found herself growing more hungry by the moment.

"Of course. Barring normal pick pocketing, there are adventurer classes that can steal directly from others under certain circumstances. This doesn't even take into count if you become stunned or incapacitated..there are literally hundreds of ways to take something like that." Vivian replied.

Agni's mind immediately wandered back to that night in the forest where she'd been fucked four ways from sunday and then robbed blind.

*Freaking Abeni.* Agni's temple throbbed as she subconsciously clenched her fist.

"So what did you have in mind?" Agni asked as the trio of women finally came to a stop.

"Well. We'll have one of my good friends make you something nice." Vivian said as the women came to stand in front of a particular store.